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  • Instructor Newsletter 23 July 2015


    At the IDEA conference last weekend there was a lot of sessions
    on predicting the future of health and fitness.


    I was also invited to an Apple presentation on how Apple Watch, Apps
    & the internet going forward will impact the industry as we
    know it.

    It was all fascinating.

    It feels like we are on the verge of technology, fitness, tracking & data  all coming together to provide new products & services which will impact
    all of us.

    Expect to see more integration between technology, workout tracking and analysis as wearable tech (like Apple Watch) will be come more popular.

    The explosion of Health & fitness apps is evident  as more and more people use apps like My Fitness Pal, Runkeeper, Strava etc, to monitor how many steps they take in a day, food consumed, runs & cycles they do.

    These apps are creating useful data so the user can track improvements and monitor progress.

    Many forward thinking US Health Club operators are seeing the benefits are putting beginner workouts online so newcomers can try new workouts and classes at home before committing to a membership or signing up for a class.

    Aside from tech, Globally, fitness education and basic training has changed hugely and appears to be lacking in fundamentals.

    With the rise of the one day certification in a particular branded product or class we are seeing less “all round” Group exercise Instructors entering the market & health clubs across the globe are struggling to recruit Instructors who can teach a wide variety of modalities that do not include a branded class –  Our beloved Step, HiLo and even basic body conditioning classes as we know pre HIIT are not attracting new Instructors to teach them. This is pretty evident in the UK as well & overseas its the same.
    Timetables and Schedules across the world are all very samey.

    Operators are only now realising they need to create their own classes and bring training back in house to get the competitive edge.

    Having said that, Mind Body classes including all forms of Yoga & Pilates are booming.  Training courses are in high demand, again, our own Fitness Pilates courses are constantly fully booked, with local classes reporting waiting lists and  consistently booked all year round.

    “Recovery” classes are also on the rise. 45 minutes Foam Rolling classes, myofascia release and fusion classes continue to grow in popularity & I took part in some beautifully restorative & meditation sessions that really were fabulous.

    It goes without saying but Indoor cycling is still HUGE. There are full classes all over LA. Training courses everywhere in all styles.

    It was a fabulous convention and I highly recommend it. Its a truly
    fabulous experience although the jet lag has hit me hard today!

    Heres my LA VLOGS

    New Rachel Holmes VLOG_001 New Workouts, Spiralizer & Periscope?


    Greg Sellars Workshop This Saturday in Derby 9 – 530pm

    Be Your Best YOU.

    I’m really looking forward to Gregs workshop this Saturday
    and you can still bag a place and really get in on the ground floor
    with this style of coaching.

    Greg will be sharing comprehensive systems and strategies for you to implement on yourself and with clients.

    & the whole day will contain tons of useful & practicable  information.





    Do you feel guilty for taking time off? – By Kelly Reed-Banks
    With schools breaking up this week, we are well into summer holidays and I am jetting off to Turkey for 2 weeks on Monday and part of me can not wait as this is my only holiday this year, I’ve worked hard all year right up to the wire and now I am really ready to lay by a pool, soak up the rays, read a couple of good books and actually spend some time with my hubby!!!
    But the other half of me feels a little guilty for taking a holiday!!!! WHY?????

    I feel guilty for leaving my brilliant class participants who come to my community classes as I have cancelled all classes for 2 weeks including KSFL online and live fitness camps and I know they are gutted there are no classes or support groups for 2 weeks. I also feel guilty for leaving my online learners for 2 weeks as I know that during the holidays lots of learners like to get work complete while they are having a bit of down time too – am I alone here or do you feel guilty to for taking time off?

    In the past I use to get my community classes covered as I didn’t want to let my community business stop, I was scared that they might go down the road to someone else and then not come back!!! Maybe I’m a little more laid back now or a little more comfortable in my own ability but experience showed me that actually class numbers dropped anyway and a lot of people didn’t come just because it wasn’t me!
    So rather than possibly loosing money from paying a replacement instructors as well as hall hire while I’m away, it’s just easier to stop all classes for the time I’m off, but then does that put excess pressure on us as self employed instructors to not take time off?

    Those of you that are self employed will always struggle to take time off as while you are taking time out, you are not getting paid – this is the same in every profession so what do we put in place to counter act this?
    For me I work part time at college so during the holidays I am still getting paid 3 days a week – thank goodness!! This was one of the reasons why I went back to work at Cambridge Regional College but for other instructors who are solely self employed – what do you do?

    I strongly believe in the importance of keeping your work/ life balance but sometimes it’s a struggle! With smart phones, IPADS, etc it’s hard enough to ‘turn off’ work when you are at home but what about on holiday?
    Do you make a pack with yourself or the people your with for no social media/ emails/ work etc? Or do you stay online everyday while your away so you are not met with a mammoth inbox when you return?

    I would love to say I will turn off all devices and have a complete break but I doubt this will be true!!! – So am I actually taking a holiday??? I hope the answer is YES!!

    So am I on my own here?
    Does anyone else feel guilty for not teaching?
    Do you stop your business while you are away?
    Do you get cover for your community business or do you cancel classes like me?
    and finally do you turn off your ‘work’ while you are away or do you still check emails/ twitter/ face book etc?

    As always, I love your feedback so message me – kelly@choreographytogo.com
    Tweet me – @kellyreedfitness
    Facebook – Kelly Reed-Banks

    Have a great couple of weeks and I’ll see you when I get back (hopefully a little more tanned!!!)

    Much Love Kelly xx


    “Good Girls Kiss..Bad Girls Zlogg !!”

    By Andrew Crawford

    It’s the kid’s Summer holidays…..!!!  Yeeeeaaahhhh…!!!

    What does this mean?

    Travelling on Empty roads, long holidays, screaming kids, empty roads, sleep overs, children’s TV, empty roads, Holiday Clubs (Not long enough..!!)….empty roads..!!

    Six weeks will fly by so quickly……….then it’s ……………school uniform…..School shoes £80 – £100, PE Kit, School Jacket, Skirt, Bag, Sandwich box, iphones, ipads and on and on till the break of dawn…!!!

    Watch out for summer activities when travelling abroad….I just heard on the radio whilst driving back from London that a young lady died whilst bungee jumping…..So be careful when you are travelling…!!!

    So Andrew…………

    What has travelling got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Travelling Abroad
    In this world of globalisation it is not uncommon for you to have to take a train, boat or plane overseas for the purpose of your business.

    On occasions you may find yourself having to travel abroad to participate in meetings, attend masterclasses or research venues for future projects.

    As long as you can demonstrate that these expenses, flight costs etc were incurred properly for your business, these expenses are  claimable.

    I would resist using the word holiday..!! erm erm

    In a past case the HMRC disallowed all the plane flights…(just like in the case above) the reason was as follows.

    They saw that there were 2 names on the flight ticket, and asked who the other person was. It transpired that it was the partner of the taxpayer.

    It was also discovered that the second named person was not paid for their time abroad, therefore the HMRC took it that although evidenced by some documentation, that the passenger was the partner of the taxpayer and was not paid for their time abroad, therefore disallowed all the foreign expenditure and travel costs.

    Sounds familiar?

    Tax tip: If you have to go abroad on business…learn this….
    If a partner is going with you, either pay them or put them on a separate ticket (technically, you cannot claim for them, however, ensure that the expenditure was incurred for the purpose of your business so pay them and claim the full costs…let them invoice if necessary).

    If you are attending a seminar/masterclass, have a copy of the brochure or timetable to show which classes you attended.

    If you were invited abroad and you were not paid for your time… have a flier which clearly shows your name and picture as one of the speakers, then claim your travel and hotel costs.

    If you are on a research trip….. have a diary and brochures of where and who you visited.


    Last Saturday I launched my long awaited Project….Zlogg…
    (Online & Mobile Accounts Software).

    This is a project I had on ice for a little while…whilst I dealt with the launch of other projects.

    I would love for you to try it out for free and let me know your feedback.

    Yes…there will be some blips, tweaks and errors as lots of people use and abuse it and fully test out its features…Your feedback would be invaluable to me.

    I have mentioned to Rachel that members of C2Go and KSFL will get a special rate for the software. Please check it out at –  www.zlogg.co.uk
    Good Girls Kiss……Bad Girls………….Zlogg…!!

    Andrew James Crawford



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