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  • Instructor Newsletter 24th September 2015











    HEY How are you?
    It;s been a crazy busy week and
    I hope your classes are all
    busy and


    Macmillan Coffee Morning

    So many Fitpros are running Macmillan coffee mornings
    it’s been great to see them all on Facebook and such a great cause
    so GOOD LUCK
    if you are putting one on.

    I’m having an afternoon baking session today getting ready for
    our Clean Cakes, Coffee & Classes morning at the new
    Kick Start Pop UP Studio inNottingham.

    if you would like more details on the POPUP
    go to KickStartFatLoss.net/PopUP

    Have a fab coffee morning


    Kick Start Launches

    This month has been one of the most memorable weeks
    of my life.

    I’ve launched Kick Start Fat Loss clubs in High Wycombe,
    Glasgow, Gibraltar,
    Wigan, High Wycombe .

    I’ve met hundreds of people and worked with
    my Kick Start franchisees on making a big impact in the
    local community as they launch their classes & clubs.

    It’s been surreal & I’m buzzing with excitement & running
    on adrenaline.

    In Gibraltar we had to do 2 sittings as so many people came
    to the talks.

    So a HUGE WELL done to Paula Thompson, Louise Grafton-Mitchell,
    Francesca Flin,  Josie Tait, Natalie Hill, Sindy Mathews
    Jane Cole, & Sarah Jane Walls,

    Next week it’s Derbyshire, Essex & North London launches.


    Kelly Reed-Banks Power Conditioning

    Have you booked on for Kellys latest Workshop Tour ?
    Tons of new ideas for your HIIT classes coming to a venue near you
    Click here for all the information & booking


    Are YOU in Edinburgh or Aberdeen

    We launched Kick Star Fat Loss Scotland in Glasgow last week
    and have started working with Instructors and we will be doing
    further launches in Edinburgh & Aberdeen on 24th October
    so if you are interested in getting involved can you message me
    for your invitation on 24th October.

    Bestival was amazing by ZOE McNULTY

    Camping was horrible…. but Bestival was amazing!  And looking back now it seems like it was over in the blink of an eye, but it was 4 days and 4 nights!

    I’ve never been to a ‘proper’ music festival before other than one day events in London like South West Four and Lovebox.  I think the camping thing (and the cost) has been a turn off but when I was asked to be a part this new thing they were trialling I was honoured and excited and didn’t focus on the fact that I would need to sleep in a tent for the first time ever (especially as I had looked at the line-up of DJs and acts…erm, hello Missy Elliot, Duran Duran, Chemical Brothers, Underworld, Annie Mac, Jaguar Skills, Jamie XX, Mark Ronson, The Jacksons, Rudimental, Gorgon City and soooooooooooo many more!).

    Let me explain why I was asked to be involved and what was going down…

    First let me tell you about Bestival: It started in 2004 by DJ Rob Da Bank after ten years of pioneering music events and record releases from his Sunday Best record label.  The BBC Radio 1 DJ wanted to create his vision of how the modern day festival should be and although I’ve never been to a proper festival, I’ve seen photos of them all and I really think that Bestival presents itself in the most flamboyant, eccentric, colourful, crazy and beautiful way.  It really was quite mind blowing.

    And this year they introduced a whole new area called Slow Motion.  The idea came from Rob and his wife getting older and slowing down somewhat and also noticed the way younger people seem to be looking after themselves better – at least a lot of the ones who were going to Bestival! Rob said that when he was a teenager, no one would have done yoga, spinning or meditation, but now it’s part of a lot of people’s lives. He wanted there to be an area you could escape to and just zone out for a few hours – or a day or two…. a whole festival within a festival!  “Slow Motion does what it says on the tin – there’s nothing wrong with raving, late nights and partying but now there’s a way of refuelling your mind and body before the next Bestival adventure!” says Rob.

    Examples of what else was happening in Slow Motion before I go on to tell you all about what I was doing….  First of all, I should say that the area was laid out on the side of a very steep hill which looked out across the whole of the Bestival site, which was HUGE, literally as far as the eye could see was arenas, people (approx 60,000) and then tents… so many tents!!  Slow Motion offered the chance to breathe and step into a more horizontal escape:  There were all sorts of yoga classes (hip hop yoga, flying yoga, acro yoga, ashtanga…) heart space meditation workshops, gong baths, healthy whole foods, a Pip & Nut Toast bar, cold pressed juices, awesome coffee camper vans, therapists and treatments, glitter face painting which almost seemed to be compulsory, a beautiful kaleidoscope stage, an observatory cocktail bar, debates and spoken word, outdoor games and general nonsense.…
    Each morning we would be greeted by the wonderful sight and sound of Spandy Andy in his spandex, running, leaping, dancing and generally cavorting about with the most infectious smile, sprinkling positive vibes all over us whilst being chased about by someone pushing a huge sound system on a luggage trolley, pumping out uplifting house tunes in his wake.  I wish I could put Spandy Andy in my pocket and take him everywhere!  Everyone needs a Spandy Andy!  The Lost & Found area had their team of “Fitties” dressed in lycra (there’s definitely a spandex theme going on) and for want of a better explanation “chatted rubbish” continuously, for the full 4 days, in American accents, large wigs and moustaches, yeah!  They were hilarious and engaged fantastically with the crowd whilst ‘breaking records’ (quite literally, cracking old vinyl records) and then getting people to se how many clothes pegs they could get on their face or something equally as silly but highly entertaining. They also had a huge soap water slide which went a good distance down the hill.  I wish I had made time for the Hot Tub Bus- yes an open top bus with hot tubs on the top deck where you could sup champers and take in the view of the whole of Bestival… all the best bits of contemporary wellbeing.

    And then right at the very top of the steepest part of the hill was a disused shed.  Rob had asked Tim Weeks (former Creative Director of Psycle in London, a boutique spin studio which has been likened to the US’s Soul Cycle) if he could come up with a way of utilising this space… and Revolution Rides was born.  Tim said “Revolution Rides is a ‘never been done before’ concept created especially for Bestival’s brand new area Slow Motion. Euphoric spinning, on bikes, yes like that kind of spinning.” Tim wanted to see if he could unite the Bestival community through the power of music and exercise – whereby, like at a music gig, the audience is taken on a musical journey – a trip – an experience where you leave having been emotionally blown away. Music has a simple but powerful ability to bring people together – Tim just wanted to add another dimension to that experience. When Rob da Bank approached him, they chatted over tea and both agreed that if they did it right, this really could break boundaries.
    “This isn’t about just taking a fitness class to a festival. This is about integrating a basic concept into the DNA of Bestival and creating something that has never been done before. Just like all the other stages and tents, Revolution Rides will have a music line-up of different artists, bands and DJs… the major difference being you are in an intimate venue (the old Cinema)…on a bike. This isn’t about burning calories. This is about making exercise part of modern culture and society – not just something for the ‘fitness nuts’. It will be like going to a party in Ibiza or a gig in London – but healthier – with a similar endorphin rush and psychological high. We want everyone to leave grinning so hard your smile meets your ears – you even feel powerful like you can change the world – and you’re scattering rainbows and glitter as you walk… Hold on to your seats folks… this will be a little bit special.” said Creative Director of Revolution Rides, Tim Weeks.

    And I have to say, he totally delivered.  When I went for the first rehearsal I left with my mind having been completely blown!  I was so psyched about the vision he had just imparted onto us (myself, the other instructors and the rest of the team who would be helping).  I was asked to be involved by Lulu Le Vay, who is Gymbox’s Blog writer and DJ, who I’ve known for a few years now and out of all the indoor cyclists at Gymbox she knew that I would ‘get it’!  Lulu is Revolution Rides’ resident DJ and she and Tim had curated several playlists of awesome music with a carefully planned pattern to take the riders on a musical journey.  She knew I would understand the vibe that Tim was aiming for… not a sweaty spin class (the revellers had no showers, unlike us: the ‘artists’) but an experience, a light hearted, uplifting, euphoric disco on a bike!!

    Having just briefly mentioned the rest of the team, I must highlight what an amazing bunch of people they all were.  In total there were about 15 of us, with 4 main instructors and lots of helpers who assisted putting drunk revellers on bikes, restocking water, keeping the vibe alive at all times, and every single one of them were absolute stars! We kept remarking how wonderful it was (and very rare) that every one got on like a house on fire.  There were no egos, no bust ups, no awkwardness, just complete harmony.  It really made the whole experience super special and we’ve made friends for life.
    But what was it like, in the Revolution Rides wooden shed?  Well, we had people stationed outside enticing people to come in, most notably Simon, who just so happened to be the Creative Brand Director of Dorothy Perkins, the most outrageously, hilariously camp super star with a heart of gold and a filthy mouth.  He soon discovered that the best way to get bums on seats was to just tell people to go and have a look and it sold itself!

    As people were ushered through a curtain into a long corridor they could see a large screen with animations playing on it, the decks with a DJ spinning choonz and a load of bikes with people spinning!  Their reaction was great.  Always complete shock.  They never expected it!  Some would rush to get on, others would need a little more encouragement but every single person came out saying “that was the best thing ever”, “that was mental” and many came back the next day or the day after.

    The guy who is in charge of booking the DJs for the festival, Keith, turned up on the Thursday and you could see he was apprehensive so we gave him an impromptu demo and seeing his face as the penny dropped was priceless.  At that point he said “I get it now” and began finding us really cool party DJs to come and do ‘headline’ sessions, which created huge hype.  We had Rob da Bank who opened the live sessions and it WENT OFF BIG TIME!  All 40 bikes were full with people dancing down the corridor.  He was playing to the crowd so each track got bigger and bigger in his set, banger after banger.  We also had the Cuban brothers twice and Flying White Dots, who utterly nailed the type of music which fit perfectly with what we were doing.  DJ Yoda came to play but he only had vinyl sadly, that was noted for next year, learning curve: have both types of decks available.

    We had to adapt in many ways and I think this is why it was so successful because if we noticed something wasn’t working or could be done better we changed it, trialled it and implemented it.  For example, the sessions were supposed to be 40 mins but we noticed quickly that whilst some were staying for 40 mins, some even longer, many were giving it a go for 10 mins before heading off, mind too blown to be able to cope and staggered out to explore the rest of the site.  But this then meant that the first day we pretty much rode all day, with Tim doing most of it until we found our feet, then took it in turns to keep the energy alive.  The next day we decided to close down between 12pm and 2pm and then go continuous 2-4pm, then have the live sessions scheduled on the hour from 4-8pm with Simon announcing in his Liverpudlian accent which DJs were on and when.

    It was really interesting to see the vibe in the shed change over the course of the weekend.  Thursday and Friday everyone was super bouncy, with Friday being a little ‘messier’.  Saturday, you could tell people hadn’t been to sleep and quite a few were high as a kite.  Thankfully we didn’t have any injuries or incidents, which amazed me, but we did have helpers adjusting seat heights and strapping everyone’s feet in, whether shod in wellies or flip flops.  By Sunday there was a slight shift in atmosphere to moody and lairy (apparently not a real word but you catch my drift) with large groups of lads being quite boisterous but nothing we couldn’t handle and to be honest they got bored quite quickly so left soon after arriving.

    People’s costumes and outfits were amazing.  The theme was Summer of Love so there were a lot of hippies and hearts.  I thoroughly embraced the whole festival chic thing and adorned myself with floral garlands, feather head-dresses and epaulettes, spandex and bright colours.  Everyone had gone to so much trouble.  Highlights for me were 10 Care bears taking up the front row, the guy who was wearing a plastic laundry tub almost getting stuck on the bike, his mate who was dressed as a frog on a toadstool who was ridiculously smiley, the guy who stripped to his underpants and pulled them up the crack of his bum (all seats were wiped down with disinfectant after each rider) and too many more to mention.

    It wasn’t all ride, ride, ride (thankfully because by Saturday my bum was raw and my coccyx felt like it had ben kicked by a mule).  I got to see most of the DJs I mentioned earlier.  Underworld’s Born Slippy was incredible.  Missy and her dancers were phenomenal.  Duran Duran still got it.. it never left ‘em!  Jaguar Skills’s skills were off the hook, insane, never heard anything like it- he played one track that was just base with a drum and base beat over the top, but mainly just one big long base note-  which reverberated so hard through me I thought my head was going to implode! I loved it!  Annie Mac played all the tracks you want to hear, notably the weekend’s anthem “House Every Weekend”. Lulu DJ’d in a wishing tree! And I have now been able to tick The Chemical Brothers off my bucket list- blimey what a show!!!!!!

    Things outside of Slow Motion which blew me away: Gospeloke… karaoke but you’re backed by a gospel choir, songs like “One Day Like This” by Elbow or ‘Happy’ by Pharrell – very uplifting and an awesome atmosphere; The world’s largest Disco Ball; An inflatable church with people getting married and the cheesiest tunes spun by Disco Dave and his Wheels of Steel (not his actual name but you know what I mean- brilliant!); an all singing all dancing, brass band wandering through the throngs, very talented; The Commune, a full on hippy village complete with teepees and fire displays at night…. so much more I couldn’t even begin to do it justice.  I basically cannot wait until next year… (Keith mentioned the main stage next year, just saying!!!)

    As soon as I’ve written this I will be compiling a short video montage of all my fave bits, although I was very busy enjoying myself that I didn’t film that much and what I did film wasn’t thought out too well so no doubt it won’t do it justice at all. It’s also 1am now so I might be being ambitious but head over to my blog for photos and if the video is not there check again later on in the day…


    Also put your email in the pop up box to sign up for my #ToneTuesdays and other stuff and soon to be added #StrutSaturdays!!

    Rob da Bank says: “Thanks a million for making our Summer of Love so spectacular… It was a crazy colourful explosive ball of fun and love and music and mad things happening. With truly memorable moments and amazing new things like Slow Motion, Missy, the Carnival Parade, the Port, the Blind Tiger, the Chemical Brothers, Revolution Ride, the Love-Bot and a thousand other things I could list, I think we’ve taken it up another level this year and having such a lovely crowd was no small part of that. I’ve already got some amazing things lined up for next year, so watch this space!”

    Please note that Revolution Rides were sandwiched between The Chemical Brothers and the Love-Bot…. that must mean SUCCESS!!

    The Three P’s
    by Jo De Rosa

    I felt an urge to explain a little further how I got to the decision to stop teaching yoga; and it’s all down to The Three P’s….

    Because I regularly go into retreat I gain:

    …and it’s only when we remove ourselves from our ‘normal’ environment that we can achieve this first ‘P’.
    You see your life differently, and with that physical ‘outer’ space away from your normality quite often it’s like looking in with new eyes.
    There’s no coincidence that I own a retreat centre and facilitate the offering of this physical space to hundreds of people every year!

    And as we realise our PERSPECTIVE of experiences in our outer world, we must also look inward: why do we believe certain aspects of ourselves are fixed, when all phenomena is constantly changing.
    Can we adapt to this change?
    Why do we do, say, and think what we do? It is all down to our:

    …of where we fit in the world.
    Meditation allows us to stop ‘doing’ and just sit with what is. We watch our thoughts, judgments and desires as they continually pass through our mind. In the beginning we get seduced by the juicy thoughts that demand our attention, but slowly we learn to accept and allow the space that sits in between us and our thoughts: because we are NOT our thoughts.
    And when we meditate we are creating ‘inner’ space and this connects us to our PERCEPTION of things and gives us an awareness of who we really are.

    Then an inner confidence grows. As we connect more and more to our soft spot/source/essence, we realise who we really are and the external façade that we show to the world starts to blend more and more: external experience becoming in tune with internal truth.
    This is then when we must honour our deep authentic voice by living our whole lives congruently and:

    …our truth in our relationships, work, family life etc…
    This then becomes urgent: how can we feel one way and speak/act in an opposing manner?
    As I find more work/life balance I realise that I must PRIORITISE my time like never before. What is important to me? What MUST I do and what can fall away? Time is so precious; for play; for work; for practice; for family. There is SO MUCH to do everyday!
    My 2015 meditation practice has given me so much clarity; I’ve never sat for so long on my cushion as I have over the last 12 months, and it has transformed me.

    Meditation changes your brain, and with so many hours on my cushion I couldn’t stay the same. And if you start a meditation practice TODAY then you begin this transformation too….

    With this heightened PERSPECTIVE has come a new PERCEPTION which has led me to new PRIORITIES. And teaching a 90 minute yoga class just isn’t the best use of my time any longer. Anyone who has attended my classes will tell you that I spend just as much time talking life philosophy as I do muscles, tendons and alignment, and to be completely honest with you it’s the philosophy that I WANT to talk to you about!
    It feeds me and in turn feeds you, and this is why I must step back from the traditional yoga class to focus my time and energy on where I am headed and where my heart is.

    It’s funny the first email I got after my last blog (Bye Bye Old Life) was from a past Inner Guidance guest who is about to become a yoga teacher. And in that instant I saw that by me stepping away, space was instantly created for someone else to take that platform.
    At Inner Guidance I am handing my classes over to other yoga teachers and I still love to practice it myself; in my personal time though, not to teach it.
    And as soon as I have made this decision a new class format is forming in my mind!! Watch this space!!

    The Old Three P’s:
    15 years ago when I lived in Thailand a friend used to give me regular tarot card readings, and it was she that first used the phrase ‘The Three P’s’.
    But the three P’s that she was referring to were not the ones I have talked about here; life was very different for me back then with my life dogged by my old Three P’s:


    And as I write these 3 words they take me back to that time, and I feel so sad for the old Jo who was struggling so much. I knew I wanted to be sober, in love, happy, abundant and healthy but I didn’t know how to gift myself these qualities. And the tarot sessions with Sharon were so frustrating because I wanted to shout at her,
    “They are the wrong cards! It’s not fair! I don’t want all this struggle!”
    But deep down I absolutely knew that they were correct, that it was not yet my time, I had so much more to work out and inner work to complete (plus I had to stop taking so many drugs!).

    So much has changed, I have evolved, and as my sweet little business that I set up in Thailand is set to celebrate it’s 15th birthday in a few months, I really KNOW that now is my time; every single cell in my body is ready; all resistance gone; fears evaporated; doubt non-existent; and the circle is complete.
    Guess which card I keep pulling out of the deck that I use daily??…..


    And there is no word that better describes how I feel.
    I have arrived
    I am enough
    NOthing is missing (I typed that out wrong, went to change it, and decided it looked cool misspelt!)


    And it is this energy of wholeness that I share with you now.
    It is this wholeness that gives me the confidence to walk away from all that I’ve been the last 15 years.
    Wholeness lives in my head, my heart, my soul.
    And I invite you to discover how you too can get whole, clear, confident, healthy and happier than you’ve ever been before.

    I am going into retreat tomorrow.
    Ten days to write my book on HOW I got whole.
    I’m writing it for YOU.
    ….so that we can all be free xx

    Let me know what you think, but I’ll be responding to emails on my return week commencing 5th October. Have a great 10 days everyone, and see you on the other side!!
    And how cool would it be to give YOUrself the gift of a reTREAT? Why not check out the upcoming retreats at Inner Guidance below, and maybe just maybe see you very very soon xx

    Web:  www.innerguidance.co.uk/inner-guidance-retreats
    Email:  jo@innerguidance.co.uk
    Facebook:  InnerGuidance
    Twitter:  @Inner_Guidance
    Copyright: Jo De Rosa 2015

    Leisure Industry Week….What a Zlogg..!!

    By Andrew Crawford

    So another Leisure Industry Week (LIW) has come and gone. Not sure why it’s called a week because this year, it was only 2 days..!!!

    I had a great time and met and talked with some fantastic people. Under new ownership this ‘week’ should see drastic changes and a new lease of life because the dynamic owners are also the owners of Body Power, the global brand.

    Although  it was only a 2 slog I am tired as a mo .  My back is aching, legs weakened and as for my feet……!!???££% …..I am literally falling asleep over my keyboard trying to write this article. My body is screaming to go to bed.

    This was my induction into the life of an exhibitor. Right now I am sitting in my paisley dressing gown, sipping on brandy. (psst…..the bottle that wasn’t finished over the last 2 days…!!).

    I bought a secret weapon to LIW in the form of Chico……..he had a great time spreading his positive attitude and doing photo call after photo call from his adoring fans.

    Watch out for the launch of his brand new programme ‘Chico’s Block Fit’.

    So….this was the official sighting of Zlogg, my new online & mobile application.

    Catch up and keep up to date with what’s going on at the ‘Zlogg’ facebook page.

    Alternatively look at: www.zlogg.co.uk

    So where did this idea come from?

    I realised that some self-employed and business owners were struggling with their business accounts and I needed a way to still service my clients whilst the business continued.

    Oh….not forgetting the additional, boxes, packages the plastic bag filled with receipts that went with it.

    So I decided to do something about it.
    Incorporating every aspect of accounting that any self-employed or business owner would need, I teamed up with a top software development company – and over the course of 2 years research and development created ‘Zlogg – Cloud Accounting Technology’.
    This incredible piece of software has every feature you’ll ever need to simplify your accounts quickly and easily and even has the ability to submit your tax return at the click of a button each year!

    I wanted it ‘Click Easy’.

    Zlogg works on any device whether it’s a computer, tablet or smartphone – as long as you have an internet connection you can easily log into your Zlogg Account and use all of the amazing features, which include:

- Create Invoice and quotes and instantly email them to clients from your Zlogg Account.
    – Set your own payment terms for invoices and have Zlogg automatically email your clients reminding them of payment dates.
    – Capture receipts by taking a picture on your smartphone and have them store into your Zlogg account for 6 years.
    – Track and log your mileage and automatically have Zlogg create an invoice for the amount.
    – Start and stop your very own clocking system to time how many hours you spend on certain projects.
    – Link your bank account to your Zlogg account to ensure your finances are up to date.
    – Fill in and submit your tax return within your simple Zlogg account, never have to go on the complicated HMRC website ever again!
    Every effort has been implemented within this amazing software to ensure all self-employed and business owners can simplify their accounts – saving you time and money to ensure you can get on with the work you should be doing and stop worrying about your accounts.

    So Andrew………….What has Zlogg got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Have you heard of ‘Research & Development’ relief?

    It relates to expenditure on software and consumable items, relevant payments to subjects of clinical trials, staff costs, sub-contracted R & D costs including externally provided workers

    SMEs with losses can surrender them to HMRC and receive a tax credit or repayment

    For a company to be regarded as an (Small & Medium Enterprise) SME it must have a headcount of below 500 staff and meet at least one of the following; a turnover of below €100 million or gross assets of less than €86 million.

    Who is eligible for these reliefs?

    A common misconception is that R&D tax credits are limited to a company developing something completely new and from scratch, however R&D also includes:

    Developing a process or product that already exists in the industry, but where the information to resolve the technological uncertainty is not readily available to them; and

    Making an improvement to an existing product or process, or duplicating an existing product in an appreciably improved way.

    SME companies can claim an enhanced deduction of 125 per cent of a qualifying spend and continue to have the option to surrender an R&D loss for a repayable tax credit.

    Large companies can claim a 30 per cent enhanced deduction or, from 1 April 2013, a 10 per cent above the line credit, which is repayable if certain conditions are met.

    I must reiterate that the project does NOT have to successful or finished. You can abandon it if you wanted to. In addition, I  do mention companies, for any type of project you may have, I would suggest opening a separate limited company.

    The R & D tax credit cannot be claimed by a sole trader, partnership or other body that does not pay corporation tax.

    Oh….and the company must be a going concern…continuing to trade.

    How to claim

    A claim must be made within two years of the end of the accounting period in which the expenditure was incurred.

    The claim is made by:

    putting an X in Box 99 of the corporation tax return (to claim the R&D allowance)

    completing boxes 87, 89 and 143 on the return (to convert the allowance into a tax credit)

    It is also necessary to put an X in the box for repayment claim on page 1.

    It is not, strictly a legal requirement, but HMRC suggests that companies send a covering letter saying why the company considers its research and development is eligible for tax relief, and how the figures in the return have been calculated.


    Oh….can someone tell me where Cameron is ‘finding’ this £100 million from??

    Then I looked further at the wording……’pledge’…..that doesn’t mean diddley squat….!! Anyone can ‘pledge’ which differs from ‘commit’

    Therefore this appears to me as a publicity stunt.

    I would love to Zlogg you at some point.

    There is a difference between Talented & God Gifted – AJC

    Andrew James Crawford


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