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  • Instructor Newsletter 26th January 2012


    Note for Rachel

    Again a HUGE “THANKS” to everyone who. made the trip to Manchester for Fitness Pilates The Next Level. It was another great day and so fab to see so many regular faces and friends. Kelly also kicked off the much requested Super Seniors Workshop Tour to record numbers in Cambridge and London. Next stop on the FP Tour is London and Derby and looking forward to seeing everyone there.

    Kick Start Fat Loss 2012 Updates

    Last Sunday was results day for the Fitpros on my KSFL2012 and WOW what fantastic results we got. An average 10lbs was lost over the 14 days and judging by the before and after pictures radical shape changes have taken place. I filmed 14 very intense 10minute workouts for the group to do at home, in the gym or to include in classes, coupled with my KSFL Clean Eating Plan and Supplements and the results have been outstanding.

    For those that want to continue on with me I have designed a new 7 Days 2 a 6 Pack Program for Fitpros who complete the KSFL and want to tweak things and continue working out with me every day. The results for Group 2 who all started 7 days after the first group are equally as impressive: radical shape changes after 7 days and phenomenal inch loss as well.

    It’s a tough plan designed for motivated Fitpros and getting the right mindset is crucial, but with the support of the group, daily motivation and positive mental attitude we can all achieve amazing results.

    If you would like to get involved in my next Kick Start Fat Loss for Fitpros which starts Wednesday 1st February You can find all of the details here for the next course


    Boxercise appointed to create a dedicated Muhammad Ali boxing course: 

    Boxercise is proud to announce that they have acquired the rights from Muhammad Ali Enterprises to run a boxing related course bearing the name of the great man himself. Andy Wake, director of Boxercise said ‘We are delighted to be chosen by Muhammad Ali Enterprises to deliver this exciting project. Boxercise is recognised as the world leader in boxing related fitness with the result being a collaboration between the biggest name in boxing fitness and the biggest name in world boxing’.  

    The Muhammad Ali Boxing Trainer course launches in January to coincide with celebrations of Ali’s 70th birthday.

    Instructors who complete and pass the training course will be able to use the Muhammad Ali name to promote their classes, PT sessions or Bootcamp. The course focuses on a more ‘unorthodox’ method of boxing including skills Ali used such as looping overhand right’s, rotational footwork whilst crossing the feet and of course the Ali shuffle! The course will also feature specific combinations used in Ali’s fights.

    Boxercise now can bring you the only course to bear the great man’s name and upon completion of the Boxercise( Day 1) and Muhammad Ali Course ( Day 2) can use BOTH these massive names to promote your classes. Visit www.aliboxingtraining.com

    Create Killer Content – Do you really want to create an online Fitness Business by Rachel Holmes.

    I know many of you reading this newsletter all desperately want and are trying, to build an online Fitness business. It’s an email I get every day from Fitpros and a discussion we have in my coaching group all the time.

    Not teaching as many classes…..Only teaching the classes you really love….Waking up to find out you have sold 15 of the online fitness course you created on your website…….Not having to drive all the way over town in rush hour to make your 6pm classes every night…..Selling your ebook, Online coaching courses, Your super successful online fatloss etc etc

    Is this the kind of business you dream of creating???

    But do you REALLY, REALLY want to put the time in?

    It’s so much easier to think short term.

    “I’ll just take on 2 extra classes and that will bring me an extra ….£’s” so you are now down another 4 hours per week travelling to and from, plus prep time and for short term gain…Again! How many times over the course of your career will you go round and round in this hamster wheel?

    Taking the time to research, think about what your clients’ needs are, how you can help them solve their problems and creating an online product to sell to them, would be much better time spent in the long term.

    When you create an online course, a new product, Vlogs and Blogs can keep rolling it out, time and time again.

    Once written or filmed you can tweak it, and relaunch it over and over again.

    Start NOW and build up your portfolio of online products and programmes, so by this time next year your online income is equalling the amount you make offline ensuring you are not a prisoner to teaching the same classes week after week after week.

    But you have to start now…..not tomorrow. NOW!

    Write a daily Blog, Update your Twitter with interesting comment every 2 hours, Post pertinent, helpful comments on your Facebook, Make weekly Youtube videos.

    You must put the spade work in and build your brand.


    If you need help with creating your content read on…..

    1.Get a BLOG – Static websites are dying, you websites need to be a WordPress Blog. You need to be able to upload new videos, articles and Vlogs and Blog posts and merge it with your Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.

    2. Update it daily. You want your followers, readers and class members to want to check out what you are saying daily, your Blog should be interesting, exciting and informative. You can write or film content and upload quickly…. it doesn’t have to be a 5 star production. Consistency is the key to attracting a growing audience and loyal following.

    3.Create online products, programs, courses and info products that your audience needs and want. It could be a video course, an email course, workouts, articles, coaching whatever suits your niche. Create it, promote it, launch it then rinse and repeat…..Once the content is created you can keep relaunching it.

    You don’t have to be mega techy, you just need create great content consistently.

    So, instead of taking on another few classes think longer term, work on creating great content for your Blog, Build Your list, Attract a bigger audience and create an online product today.

    On Tuesday 31st January 2012 I am launching a Brand New 19 Day Fitness Business Make Over Course.

    If you would like me to change the face of your fitness business forever I will work with you for 19 Days. You will get daily emails, advice and instructions from me and we will work within a Facebook Group with other Fitpros sharing ideas, advice and the best information, to get you moving with your online fitness business.. It will be hard hitting, straight to the point and packed with priceless tips plus, I’ll be working to help move your business forward.

    The 19 Day Fitness Business Make Over Course with Rachel Holmes starts on Tuesday 31st January 2012. Interested? Checkout the details here You will be able to book from Tomorrow





    Where do you start if you want to create an Online Fitness Business

    Here’s my Super Strategies for Online Fitness Business Creation

    Now… you’re ready to take your first step and create an online fitness information product!

    But then overwhelming feelings flood your mind

    , ” How do I create these Mp3’s? How do I sell them? Where do I sell them? Can I sell them at all? Should I make CD’s? What about an eBook? How do you do that? And videos? What music can I use? Should I make a DVD or download? eeekk…….!”

    This is the process I’ve witnessed with lots of my coaching clients and fellow presenters. There are simple answers to all of the above and you can move forward relatively quickly.

    Here are just a few tips to get you started in the production of your own Fitness, Health, Weightloss and Wellness Information products to sell to your clients and on your Blog ( Get a wordpress Blog as your website – they are FREE!)

    1. Start out with something simple that you can grow bigger.

    I always teach my clients to start small and master it. Publish your first eBook, learn the process and then market it over and over again. Refine the eBook if you want. Send out a missing chapter to promote the book. When questions and comments come in? Release product number two. Now you’ve worked out some of the bugs, your clients are asking for what they need next, you are there to create the next product – A sequel if you like.

    2. Start creating a smaller online fitness course/product first so you can iron out any problems.

    Ideas could be a video workout course – 7 Days to Thinner Thighs or a 7 Day Fatburning Cookery Course. You record your 7 videos plus written content and away you go . Much easier than creating a 90 Day or 30 Day course where you have to create TONS of content. Start small First.

    3. Try an audio product before a video creation.

    You can use things like http://www.InstantTelseminar.com and record an audio product that can be sold over and over again. It’s easy to use, easy to set up and as you work on getting yourself accustomed to talking to yourself *which is what you’ll do with a video product too* you’ll work through some of the processes that will be needed to succeed with video.

    So What’s stopping you?

    Here’s a great software checklist to consult as you move ahead:

    1. Audios– We use http://www.InstantTelseminar.com

    2. Videos- All of my VLOG videos are done with the MacBookPro 15″ using iMovie. It comes out in HD, is amazing and easy to work. For downloads I use a Sony Camcorder with Mic Input and edit using imovie.

    3. Ebooks are best created in your own writing software, like Pages or Word. Then remember this- ALWAYS put it into .PDF format. When you’re done with your document, be sure to save it as a .PDF. Don’t forget to add some graphics and other effects to make it an enjoyable item to read.

    BIG TIP FOR BEGINNERS– get a move on… and get that first product done!


    If you would like me to change the face of your fitness business forever I will work with you for 19 Days. You will get daily emails, advice and instructions from me and we will work within a Facebook Group with other Fitpros sharing ideas, advice and the best information, to get you moving with your online fitness business.. It will be hard hitting, straight to the point and packed with priceless tips plus Ill be working to help move your business forward.

    The 19 Day Fitness Business Make Over Course with Rachel Holmes opens on Tuesday 31st January 2012. Interested? Click here for all the updates You will be able to book from Tomorrow



    Pounds vs Inches bty Sally Ghafoor

    I am back yay!!! I have missed writing in the newsletter, but work on my house meant no internet which meant no articles, so apologies.
    Having just completed the 3 week online fatloss challenge I do for clients, I was really interested in their mindset in the pounds vs inch loss. I made it clear from the very beginning of the plan, they needed to measure and weigh themselves to plot their fatloss. I took 10 ladies on the plan, do you want to know how many of them actually recorded their inches…….2! How many weighed themselves?…. 10.
    I had explained how muscle takes up less room than fat, put a picture up of 5lb muscle v 5lb fat, so why is everybody hung up on what those damn scales say.
    The girls results were outstanding, yes 14lbs, 11lbs etc were lost in the 3 weeks, however of the two that measured, one lost 5lbs and 16 inches the other 11lbs and 4 inches….. Who was the most satisfied with their results….. The one with the bigger pound loss.
    What’s to blame? Slimming clubs? They only weigh you, is it so engrained in our psyche that we just cannot strive for that special weight we so want on the scales, maybe the very useless BMI index, really that should be screwed up and thrown in the bin. Peer Pressure? The need to weigh less than your friends? I don’t know, and to be honest I do not understand it!
    Let’s look at woman A let’s call her Claire and woman B let’s call her Charlotte, they both are the same height, Claire weighs 9.11 stone and is a size 10 Charlotte weighs 10.4 stone and is also a size 10 and can get herself into an 8, does it matter that Charlotte weighs more than Claire they both fit into the same sized clothes?
    I am really interested on your take on it as fitness professionals, do you find it hard trying to convert peoples thinking? Is there a way we can change people perceptions, as pictures and even results don’t seem to sway people from stepping on those scales and wanting weight loss over inches. Let me know your thoughts I am really interested!
    I have learnt one lesson, people cannot take part in my next 21 day fatloss challenge without sending me their measurements first!!! (For more info on the challenge which starts Monday find me on facebook www.facebook.com/sallyghafoor or on twitter @sallyghafoor on email sallyghafoor@btinternet.com )
    Oh one other thing ….. it’s good to be back C2GO x
    Sally Ghafoor
    Get Health Savvy 


    #ThisMakesMeDifferent By Jayne Nicholls

    – its amazing to meet so many instructors pretty much every single week and now our industry is changing, I have the opportunity to get to know so much more about individuals, their lives and exactly what they do. I am always stunned that so many and it is 99% women, do not give themselves credit for what they do on an hourly basis. So many of us concentrate on what we are not doing and fail to realise and exploit our assets. I keep hearing these words – ” when i compare myself to ——- on Face Book, I feel that i am not achieving anything”. Facebook is brilliant as a source of communication and inspiration but it is not a tangible means by which to measure your success. Lets focus upon reality and what really matters is what you do and what your return for the man hours spent doing it. There is always room for improvement, without a doubt but there will be at least 3 assets that you have aNd are not making the most of while you chase the things that you perceive that you should be doing.

    Its time for a list!
    What do you spend most of your time on and what is the reward? Do your most time consuming projects reward you? Do they reward you enough? Create a day to day time line, titled PRIORITIES so that you can see in hard copy where you divide your time.

    What brings you the most income? What part of your work has the most potential for expansion? What do you want to delegate more time too? Create a list titled REAL TIME so that you can add some realistic perspective to your time management.

    Now compare the 2 lists and create a new TIME PLAN moving forward. Look at what you have at your fingertips, those small goldmines that you are not making the most of and develop them into your USP, the things that define you compared to the mass of competition out there.

    Someone told me that in a 3 mile radius of her class base there are over 90 Zumba classes. This market is flooded and the target market are crying out for another thing to do. This could be you!



    Your First Presentation Rachel Holmes

    A few months ago I wrote an article for the newsletter about how to set up presentation workshops and events in your local area. Events like these are great ways to fill your Classes, Bootcamps, Pilates courses or whatever it is your teach and want to fill up. I got loads of feedback and subsequently saw on Facebook many Choreographytoger’s advertising and promoting their workshops and presentations.

    Kelly Reed held a successful event in Cambridge to sell her new Dance Bootcamp, Katie Bulmer got 80 people to her evening talk on Fat Loss Strategies and Secret and sold out on her Little Black Dress Club Course.

    If you are launching a new class or course consider organising an event where you can present and then sell the course off the back of.

    Here are my Super Strategies in Organising your own Promotional Event.

    If you would like to test the water first and start of small to get your confidence up.

    You could even start with “a client appreciation night in your own home or where you teach” Invite 10 of your most loyal clients give a presentation or talk and sell a new VIP Course suitable for them. It could be an offline or online course. Organising a small event will give you oodles of confidence and you can go onto organising bigger and better events, but start small first.

    So wherever you are right now is the perfect place for you! Give yourself permission to be small when you start out and that means setting realistic targets.

    1. 12 Week Lead-inGive yourself a 12 week lead-in for marketing your seminar. This means your sales page and promotional emails need to be prepared in advance of these 12 weeks.

      TIP: A lot of people either book right at the beginning or right on the deadline so remember to angle your email copy to those people specifically. Offer earlybird bonuses for booking quickly and then angle your copy to the ‘fence sitters’ toward the end.

    2. Is Your Event A No-Brainer? Make it a no-brainer to attend your preview night or workshop. Offer good quality content that is pertinent to your target market, free bonuses, giveaways and make sure you deliver exceptional value – not a sales pitch. Make it such a feast that the only choice is to attend! TIP: Use testimonials from happy clients as social proof.


    3. Hire A Copywriter If you’re not a great copywriter, invest in someone to look over the copy for you. Write an interesting email to your list explaining the benefits to them and the problems you will be solving for them on the night.TIP: Don’t be too salesy in your emails. Coming from the heart will create a stronger connection in today’s email saturated market place.


    4. Is Your Niche Clear?This is really important and something I talk about a lot – make sure the event has a clear niche and that you have a very clear message to market match! Not nailing the niche is one of the biggest reasons events don’t fill or why you don’t get great conversions. You need to pin down who your client is to the T. Are you after Stay at Home Mums, Older Retired Females, Baby Boomers, Single, Female 20 – 30’s Who is your client and who is your event aimed at.TIP! If you don’t do anything else, just do this one!


    5. Seek JV Partners and Alliances .Network with local businesses who have the same target market as you. They can promote your event to their customers list and you can promote their services to yours. It’s a win win.TIP! Make sure you write the promotional emails for their list – basically you want to give them everything on the plate already done to make it as easy as possible for send out to their list.


    6. Keep Building Your List Keep focusing on building your list with new prospects! The more new prospects, the more people you can market to with news of your 1-day event. Social media is a great way to engage new people, or guest talk on other’s webinars, write blog posts and notes on Facebook building your profile and get known in your area.When you are building your list, the idea is to offer a free gift to draw people in and start a relationship with them. So you don’t want to be marketing your event to these new prospect straight away but at some point, you do want to let them know you’re putting on a live event to give them the opportunity to see you in person!


    7. Social MediaUse social media to its fullest! Set up an event for it on Facebook and then invite your friends and ask them to share the link with as many people as possible. You might want to film a short video and post this too. You could even put on a free 60minute webinar in addition or as an alternative to get people into your 1-day.TIP: If you are using social media, then remember to ‘seed’ your idea with status updates/tweets which are about your topic and invite interaction.
    8. Be Realistic! Remember what I said at the beginning – keep your expectations realistic. If you’ve never put on an event before aiming for 20 people is a good start. Go up incrementally from that point on. Quality is always better than quantity in the beginning.

    So, now you have some clear strategies for filling a room or getting people to attend your preview night. No-one ever said it was easy, but it doesn’t have to be that hard either!

    Suits You Sir…..! by Andrew Crawford

    Can you claim for clothing?

    This was a question I received this week….as their Accountant said NO..!!

    I gave a LONG drawn out explanation and gave my verdict…

    The man from FIA ……he say……YEAH…!!.

    I can just imagine their Accountant’s face…!!!

    (Shh….remember I was one of you once….tee hee…!!!)

    Without going into the case law behind this, I want you to keep this in the back of your mind…..The Wholly & Exclusively Rule’

    If you purchase something which was ‘wholly and exclusively for the purpose of your business’…then it is an allowable deduction.

    You assess it yourself, against this vast library of law and pay the amount you calculate to be due. We are long past the point when anyone else has the capacity to calculate your tax.

    From time to time the Inland Revenue will more than likely investigate your returns and at this point, an argument ensues over interpretation and subjective judgement comes into play.

    The Inland Revenue usually presenting you with a bill – their assessment called a ‘determination’ of what tax you owe but they are not obliged to substantiate it, YOU, the taxpayer have to prove it is untrue, which is close to impossible

    I suspect that if you were to give exactly the same scenarios to the Inland Revenue you would get different answers from different inspectors because a lot is very subjective. The clue here lies in the word ‘self assessment’.

    So we come back to the argument……

    But before I do…..let me tell you this story

    I discussed certain issues one day with a bunch of Inland Revenue Inspectors issues surrounding items which Members of Parliament put through their books……

    Remember the moat case???? And others?

    How the…can a moat help you with your job?

    When I questioned the Senior Officer of the Inland Revenue…..this is the reply I got….

    “…..We don’t investigate our own…..”

    Take from that what you will.

    Imagine these scenario…

    A gentleman with a three piece suit and tie comes into your circuit class and joins in? Is he in the appropriate clothes?

    What about this one…..a nice young lady with stockings and high heeled stilletoes and silk dress comes in to do your step class. Is she dressed appropriately?

    A big burly stocky man, turns up to a building site in full lycra, a head band and trainers..Oh…that will be me then…..lol….is he dressed appropriately?


    You wanted to earn some extra money, so you invested your own money and took a course, paid for licences, got insured, bought music, a music system, purchased DVDs, ipod…..and went out to buy appropriate clothes in order to do your work….which you then earned money from……

    Did you purchase the above, wholly and exclusively for your trade?


    It is less than a week for the deadline for the submission of the yearly Tax Returns…..but can you believe this.?……some people have not started to put their stuff together and send it to their Accountants or…haven’t done it yet…!!!

    Although very stressful……and I’m talking proper S.T.R.E.S.S…. it is also very challenging.

    If you or anyone you know has yet to put in their Tax Return don’t panic….


    …….because help is at hand………whilst sitting in my bubble bath, I came up with this idea….!

    I have put together a small workshop for you called ‘Last Minute Tax Return Workshop‘. You can find the details at the following link below.



    Andrew Crawford

    Visit our website at: www.fitnessindustryaccountants.com for more FREE resources and articles.

    ‘Like’ our page at: www.facebook.com/fitnessindustryaccountants

    Andrew Crawford can be contacted on twitter @tax4fitness or info@fitnessindustryaccountants.com



    *My top 5 tips on what works, what doesn’t and what’s essential when working with PREGNANT clients

    By Claire Mockridge – Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert

    So, you’re either thinking about running a pregnancy class, or, you’re already qualified to do so, and you’re looking at making your sessions that little bit better. Below, I’ve shared my top 5 tips for what does and doesn’t work when working with pregnant clients. I’ll be listing another 5 top tips next week, relating to POSTNATAL clients, so be sure to read this article too.

    I’ve worked with pre and postnatal women for over 5 years now, so, some of things I’ve mentioned are just common sense to me, but, when you’re just starting out, these

    1. Provide social interaction – This is key to working with pregnant clients. Introduce clients who are at a similar stage to each other. Organise a night out at a local pub/restaurant where they all go out together for a drink and/or a meal, so they can get to know each other a little bit better. My Pregnancy Pilates classes run for 6-weeks, and on week 3 and week 6 of each course, I nominate a client as “Social Secretary”, and ask her to book a table at the local restaurant on those two nights. Easy. If a pregnant client is the first in her own friendship group to get pregnant, she suddenly feels quite alone in what she’s feeling and experiencing. By exposing her to other pregnant women, she instantly feels more confident, calm and empowered. The only other opportunity a pregnant women has of making new friends with other pregnant women, is at her antenatal education class, which is well into her third trimester. Your classes expose her to pregnant women much earlier than this. And, by the way, some of my clients are still in contact with each other 4 years down the line, which is lovely.

    2. Don’t do pay as you go – This is my voice of experience here. You want your pregnant clients to do as much exercise as they can during their pregnancy, so by getting them to commit financially by paying upfront/block-booking onto your classes means they’re more likely to attend your session on a regular basis. Remember, working with ante/postnatal clients is a specialised field. Offering pay as you go options from the outset, de-values your service, in my opinion. Many clients will ask you if you offer a pay as you go option, and I simply answer “no” to this question, and follow it up by saying, “I have limited spaces available on my classes, so I’m afraid paying upfront is my only option.”.

    3. Perform a relaxation section – Now, I personally, am one of the WORST people at relaxing and winding down myself(!), BUT, you simply have to do some form of relaxation with your pregnant clients. They’re tired, fatigued, stressed, anxious and sometimes all they need is to take 5-10 minutes for themselves to just chill out. There’s always going to be a few clients who lie there with their eyes open and 100% alert whilst you’re guiding them through your relaxation session, but, the vast majority need it, and find it very beneficial. The comments you receive afterwards are amazing! If you feel self-conscious about what to say and what to do, just do a search on the internet for some relaxation scripts, or just download an app to your phone for some ideas, and just pick and choose some phrases you feel comfortable saying.

    4. Share your knowledge – In my experience, pregnant women are really hungry for knowledge and information. There’s so much conflicting information out there, and they need someone like you, to settle them straight and instil confidence in them. I send a weekly Newsletter out to my clients which gives answers lots of FAQs. If you’re stuck for ideas, sign up to my Blog: http://clairemockridge.wordpress.com/ which I update on a weekly basis. The more knowledge you share with your pregnant clients, the more rapport and confidence you’re building in them.

    5. Ask them regularly how they’re feeling – This is just a personal thing I do with my clients. I like to know when their next scan is, when their next Midwife’s appointment is, and how they’re feeling generally eg are they sleeping well, are they feeling uncomfortable, are they experiencing any back/pelvic pain, when do they go on maternity leave, have they booked their antenatal education classes yet? These sorts of questions opens your eyes, and opens up their conversation to you. They may have a query that you can answer, so there’s no harm in asking.

    And there you have it. I hope this list has given you some ideas for your classes if you currently teach pregnant women, and/or given you some confidence to qualify to teach them. They’re not as scary as you think, ok?

    If you have any questions about working with Ante/Postnatal clients, why not connect with me here:

    Private Facebook Group for FitPros who either a) want to get qualified to teach pre/postnatal or, b) are already qualified, but want hints and tips on making their business more successful:


    Facebook: www.facebook.com/clairemockridge1

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/clairemockridge

    Blog: http://clairemockridge.wordpress.com/

    Bye for now!

    Claire Mockridge


    Cori Withell – Mindful Health and Wellness

    Over the last few weeks as I have been addressing the issues surrounding mental health I have been astonished at the number of people who have contacted me and confided in me, in particular those on anti-depressants who are desperate to get off them but feel trapped and too scared to let go in case they go down hill again. A large proportion of these people are fitpros and it got me thinking to why?

    Why are so many of us struggling in an industry that we claim we love to work in, we love the work that we do. We get to meet so many wonderful (and not so wonderful!) people. The work is always varied, no two days are ever the same BUT is it all it is cracked up to be?

    What is it about the industry that gets us to the point where we have to go to our GP and ask for help? Do we create our own stress? Maybe I am sticking my neck out a bit here, but I have a theory.

    We work with a lot of people who are very unhappy in their own body, in their own lives maybe. They put their entire happiness onto losing that weight, being a certain body shape and size and YOU are the person they have picked to make their life perfect again. Just a bit of pressure then!

    Okay, you design them a programme, they are really happy as they are losing weight. They hit goal, BUT they are not happy because they put their entire store in being that dress size would fix every single element in their lives and it hasn’t. Some might see it that you have failed in your mission. You haven’t but your client may see it like that.

    If you have several of these kind of clients then that is going to drag you down isn’t it. It will weigh down heavy on you. It will become harder and harder to be the happy, motivated and enthusiastic person that you normally are. There is more.

    How many of us teach toxic classes? You know the ones. The one that you actually physically dread going to, numbers are low but you don’t want to let the ladies down. They never interact with you, god, if you can crack a smile from one of them it would be a miracle! I had one of these classes up to a couple of weeks ago and the difference in me in having ditched it is huge! If you keep going with these classes then those low feelings you have every time you think of that class will not go away.

    I also think that a lot of the stresses we suffer in this industry are created by ourselves. You may not agree and I am sure some of you will not like me saying it but we do make it hard for ourselves. The expectations we put on ourselves are massive. We have to be the life and soul in front of our clients no matter what we are feeling inside – that in itself is a massive stressor. Many of us struggle with the work and life balance and relationships suffer as a consequence. We rarely take time out for ourselves as we are constantly working on our businesses because we want them to be a success.

    Of course you do and I am not saying your shouldn’t. What I am saying is that nothing will be a long term success if we are relying on chemicals just to get us through the day, we need to take time to eat right for us and our mood and our stressors so that we are better placed to deal with them. We need to stop being so hard on ourselves and give ourselves the breaks when we need them. We need to support our clients but accept that we cannot fix every aspect of their lives, let them take the responsibility of their own lives instead of putting all the responsibility on you.

    We need to understand ourselves and our moods better so that we can take preventative measures to ensure we feel good all the time. Yes, there will always be times when medical intervention is needed but there is so much that we can do ourselves that we simply don’t do. Remember too that several studies have showed cases of worsening depression and increased suicides with patients taking anti-depressants, more on this next week.

    You can follow me on Facebook www.facebook.com/coriwithell and Twitter www.twitter.com/CWFitness

    Remember YOU are just as important too.

    To your health and happiness

    Cori x

    How to be Vegetarian and achieve Fat Loss by Alice Ramcharran

    I wrote previously about how many of my clients are vegetarian and want to know the best way to lose fat on a vegetarian diet. To me it’s probably easier, but on inspecting food diaries and talking to them it appears that being vegetarian doesn’t always mean a healthy diet – there are still a lot of processed foods available out there, and quick ready meals that are just as bad as those containing meat. It also surprises me how some just stick with the same old thing all the time and don’t get adventurous or buy anything that’s a little bit different.

    Being vegetarian you still need to get a good balance of the right foods and make sure you are eating the right things if you want to lose body fat. As a quick guide this should include a good mixture of:

    Vegetables – and lots of them, and in as many different colours as you can – the more colourful the better. Try things that you might not have tried before – broccoli, red, green and yellow peppers, spinach, courgettes, sugar snap peas, red and white cabbage, baby sweetcorn, sweet potatoes – the list is endless.

    Fruit – again, in abundance and go for things that again you may not have tried before blueberries, pomegranate, and mango. (I kid you not, some of my clients have never even tried these!)

    Carbohydrates -essential to provide you with energy, but change the carbs you eat and again try some things you have never had before such as quinoa (pronounced Key-Noir), wild rice, brown rice or wheat free pasta (some are just made with ground rice, spinach and tomato and really don’t taste much different!)

    Proteins – essential for growth and development. Good source of proteins for vegetarians are tofu, nuts, soya, beans and pulses.

    Due to demand I’ve created a vegetarian fat loss plan for my clients, and it’s also available to you as instructor too to pass on to your clients! It can be found at www.thebootcampcookbook.com under the Vegetarian Fat Loss plan. It’s on special offer until the 31st January 2012 at just £11, so grab yours NOW! Included in the plan are a Advice on what to eat and what not to eat, Shopping list, 29 recipes (please note that some of the recipes do contain eggs, but most do not), 28 day meal planner, Food diary sheet, Weight and measurements sheet.


    I LOVE to hear your feedback please Tweet me or Facebook me

    Have a fantastic Week

    Love Always

    Rachel xx






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