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  • Instructor Newsletter 26th June 2014

    It’s the C2GO Newsletter 26th June
    ~Contact.FirstName~ Sugar is the
    big news story this morning.Finally looks like the media is latching
    onto the whole sugar is an addictive
    substance…..This starts to make
    our job of educating our customers
    slightly easier…….

    Monday 30th June will be our
    Kick Start Fat Loss No Sugar Challenge
    Day – Kick The Addiction.

    Watch out for videos, articles, blogs
    & updates you can pass onto
    your class members.


    The Rachel Holmes Podcast Show
    Episode 3 with Jo de Rosa

    I have a cracking podcast for you today.

    It’s my interview with Jo de Rosa.
    Jo’s story is exceptionally inspiring
    & she discusses
    how she went from being a party girl in
    Thailand to owning the beautiful
    Inner Guidance Retreat Centre.

    She also spills tons of meditation tips
    & ways to get positive mindset
    groove on.

    It’s a fantastic podcast & you can listen
    on the go by clicking here.


    10 Tips Fitness Professionals Can Make
    More Revenue

    Do you need to increase your revenue?
    If you are not making enough from teaching
    classes & want to create a more robust
    fitness business.

    Add your email to get my new free video


    Top Tunes for Your Classes

    Here’s what I am playing in class this week.
    All of these mixes can be found on the
    Pure Energy Music Website


    1: HIIT VOLUME 4 is now out & it’s flying.

    Quite a different vibe from our last 3 mixes.


    My Active Seniors Class are really enjoying
    this compilation, a kind of radio 2 vibe.

    3: Chart Breakers 10

    The Chart Breakers series is one of the
    most popular Pure Energy have ever released.
    Hence we are on #10
    Cracking mix for your Aerobics / Step / Conditioning.


    Are You Using FIVERR.com?

    I use FIVERR every single day.

    Logos, graphics, posters, audios,

    In fact everything you need to get done
    someone on FIVERR can do it for you for $5.

    I cannot recommend this site
    highly enough.

    If you need something doing
    or you are never getting to the end of
    your mountain to do list, then outsource
    it some one on FIVERR.com

    Now, if only someone from FIVERR
    could pop round & do my ironing……..


    Make it Happen Business Day

    I will be launching another Make it Happen
    Business Day in London in August.

    Awaiting dates and venues.

    Tweet me if you are interested in attending.


    Today’s Affirmation

    I was thinking about my affirmation for the day &
    on my phone popped up:

    My gratitude gives me an awesome attitude.

    Fabby one for a sunny Thursday so
    type it onto your home screen.
    Write it big & bold where you can see it &
    use it ALL DAY!


    How do you get more confidence about your abilities

    Rachel’s Top Tip to gaining greater confidence
    & hitting your goals faster1:  Confidence comes from gaining more knowledge –

    keep reading, listening to audios, going to courses.
    2:  Create a daily/weekly/monthly to do list.
    Write it in your phone & on paper
    so you have a daily plan, this will stop you wasting
    time and not achieving your true potential.
3: Start behaving and acting as if you have
    already achieved your goals.

    Hang out with confident, successful people even
    if it’s online.
    We all know you become like the people
    you spend most of your time with.
4: If your confidence takes a knock or someone
    says something to you that hurts, remember
    it’s often not personal, it’s not about you,
    it’s about how they are feeling.
    Bounce it away from you & concentrate on
    being the best version of you.5: Dream BIG.

    Grab a big note book & PLAN!
    I love the big sketch pads & draw the journey
    of where you
    want your business & life to go.
    What do you want business to look like
    in 6 months time/ 12 months/5years?
    Think it out on paper.
    Remember – You chose this profession to
    help others achieve their fitness and health goals.
    You want to share your passion….. so you are doing yourself
    & others a disservice by not fulfilling your full potential
    & being confident & believing in yourself,
    because that my friends is the key to all of our success.
    I’d love to get your thoughts and feedback on this article. I have written it from the heart and hope it inspires you to check in on your own goals, ambitions, self-belief and confidence.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    Wimbledon or Glastonbury?
    By Andrew Crawford

    What is the most precious thing you have at the moment?

    My answer is at the end (no peeking…!!!)

    What is your 2nd?

    I raced back from London tonight after attending the funeral of my mum’s best mate. They used to chat for hours at a time, never a dull moment. Yesterday, after spending the whole day in Bristol, I dropped into my cousins who live in Swindon…………..oh my, what an evening of laughter and old stories….oh…and a little tipple (I was driving so no drinking).

    Winbledon started this week….strawberries and cream and a bit of tennis. Glastonbury also starts………. mud, music and tents…!!!

    I never ever fancied holing up on a field for a couple of days rolling in mud. That somehow didn’t appeal to me….I’m sure that ‘Glamping’ was born out of this dislike for the same. Much like camping out on the streets overnight to queue up for tickets to gain entry into that famous Sarf London landmark.

    So Andrew….what has Wimbledon & Glastonbury got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Well….these are annual events which attract a lot of people who then spend their hard earned cash on all the delightful things on offer.

    They both started small and gradually grew in to the monsters they now are.

    Just like your business.

    You no doubt started small and grew it into what it is now. As your clients wanted more, you added different products and services to extract the money from their Gucci purses or Mulberry wallets.

    The idea of ‘FUNNELING’ springs to mind.

    This is something you see more and more each day now when you take the time to pay attention to it. Does it work??? Like Gangbusters as our distant cousins in the States would say.

    Firstly, you offer your prospects something of value. This is FREE.

    Then you would offer them a product or service which would cost then an introductory price, say £47. It must be of value.

    Following that you funnel them onto the next level with another product or service at a little more expensive price, say £97.
    You ain’t finished yet.

    You would then offer them a more expensive items, say £197 and continue on this journey offering them a more expensive priced item or service adding to library of offerings as time went by.

    You will slowly but surely build your business,

    Another idea you see all the time is  when they offer ‘Packages’.

    You could package a few of your services and products up, give it a great title and flog it to the client…ooopppss…I meant offer it as an added value package as a compliment to your other items.

    Have you not seen this??

    Bronze package, Silver Package or Platinum Package?

    Each goes higher in price with additional items bundled together.

    For instance, check out this Wimbledon’s offering. It is one of their ‘Platinum’ ones………

    Champagne & Canapé Reception
Michelin Star Luncheon by Angela Hartnett 
Private Transport from Court to Hospitality Suite
Afternoon Tea

    Alternatively in place of the normal entry ticket, they offer this thing called Debentures.

    Centre Court Debentures
    Every five years, Centre Court debentures are issued. Holders are guaranteed one seat per debenture held for each day of The Championships during the five-year period.  The current issue of 2,500 debentures covering the 2011-2015 Championships were issued at £27,750, made up of £2,000 nominal value, £22,000 premium and £3,750 VAT on the premium.

    No.1 Court Debentures
    Every five years, No.1 Court debentures are issued. Holders are guaranteed one seat per debenture held for the first 10 days of The Championships during the five-year period.  The current issue of 1,000 debentures covering the 2012-2016 Championships were issued at £13,700, made up of £500 nominal value, £11,000 premium and £2,000 VAT on the premium.

    I’m not too familiar with the offerings at Glastonbury but they must have normal tickets and VIP tickets???

    How about areas where you can pitch up your single or double tents or bring your own caravan……you get the picture…!!!

    Put on your own event and have an array of ‘Stuff People Will Purchase’ whilst enjoying your present offerings. Then ‘Funnel Them’ whilst you have that captive audience. Disney World does this brilliantly….!!!

    Just follow and copy what the ’Big Boys’ are doing…!! In other words………..UPSELL….!!


    After a most reflective couple of days I came to the conclusion that OXYGEN was my most precious thing I have. Yes, that is strange but it trumps having excess of the paper and ink they call money…!!

    The second most precious thing was TIME.

    Notice how these 2 things are FREE but are the most PRECIOUS….?

    If you are attending either Wimbledon or Glastonbury have fun.

    Andrew James Crawford


    Have a wonderful day

    Love Rachel xxx

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