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  • Instructor Newsletter 26th March 2015













    After IFS or any conference
    you always feel creative & inspired.

    Motivated to try new moves, music &
    put fresh ideas into practice.

    The trick is to keep up the momentum
    & not just change everything in the first week,
    then go back to doing what you did before.

    I’m “trying” to drip feed little bits in
    rather than do a radical overnight
    change, tempting as it may be…..

    This week we have 2 great articles from
    Helen Lee of Pure Energy & the lovely
    Jo de Rosa who is back after her silent retreat.

    Become a Kick Start Fat Loss Franchisee Webinar

    Have been considering joining
    Kick Start as a business owner?

    Then listen to
    my free Webinar on Saturday Morning.

    I will outline the business plan, opportunities & give you some amazing case studies of franchisees who are doing brilliantly.

    The webinar is Saturday morning 9 – 10am and you will be able to ask my questions live as I go though the presentation.

    Register for the webinar below.



    Music trends at IFS 2015 By Helen Lee
    Pure Energy were in attendance once again at this year’s IFS, and wow – it blew us away! We definitely think the show was bigger and better than it ever has been, and you guys turned out in force to stock up on Pure Energy music!
    It’s always interesting to see what your buying trends are; obviously we try and predict what the big sellers will be by speaking to the presenters before the show to find out what they’ll be using, and looking at our current sales patterns, but some things still always take us by surprise!
    The most obvious trend for 2015 which we’ve seen building for a couple of years now is the amount of people buying into the ‘HiiT’ model of classes. Our HiiT range by Rachel Holmes and Ceri Hannan was more popular than ever and Katie Bulmer-Cooke’s ‘Conditioning & Intervals’ and ‘The Perfect Workout’ which are a combination of 32 count workouts and timed intervals were also immensely popular this year.
    Dance Overdrive by Ceri Hannan and Steve Watson was the official release for IFS 2015 so naturally was the biggest seller of the event – but with a storming tracklist of upfront and old school dance favourites, it was always going to be a hit!
    When we created ‘Uptown Funked’ with Rachel Holmes were responding to your requests on our recent survey for a down-tempo album that wasn’t ‘oldies’ but we were unsure of how well this would be taken up. However you showed your love for this album in droves! The mix of old and new tracks set to a steady 120 BPM is a winner it seems!
    The biggest surprise of the weekend for us has been your uptake of our PPL-Free range, Promix. Rachel used Promix 18 in her Pilates Intervals session on Sunday morning, and within an hour of the class finishing, we’d sold out! We think that hearing the quality of our cover versions played out in a class environment reassured everyone that sound-a-likes aren’t so bad as everyone thinks, as we sold out of several albums from this range, not just the CD that Rachel showcased. We’ve just released Promix 20 and we’ve got plans in the coming months for ‘Pilates Instrumentals’ as many of you have requested non-vocals, a Kids album, more HiiT and Pilates HiiT and a 60s Promix release.
    One of the main reasons that we love attending IFS is because we get to speak face to face with so many of the people who use our music on a regular basis. We can discuss ideas, explain the way we work, plan future projects and generally just have a catch up! We love to hear what albums you use for which classes, which in turn gives us inspiration for future products! We’re amazed at some of the ways you incorporate our music into your sessions, and inspired by this, we’re going to set up a series of blog posts sharing these ideas with our wider audience! Watch out for that coming soon!

    So all that remains to be said is thank you to everyone who visited our stand this weekend, to talk, to update their music and to share ideas; also thank you to those of you who couldn’t make it to IFS but who regularly buy our music and contribute to our service! We look forward to catching up with you in the near future!

    Check out Pure Energy Music


    Create Your Online Fitness Business Jumpstart Course.

    More Fitness peeps are getting into the digital fitness/health/nutrition arena. You don’t have to teach millions of classes to earn a living in fitness, by taking your products & service online is the way of the future. Creating a sustainable, successful & of course profitable online arm to your fitness business is key to moving with the times.

    If it’s something you have been thinking about then my Jumpstart course is just for you. It’s the first step into creating your digital home & platform.

    It’s on offer for only £49 + Vat Click here for all the information


    Life Outside The Bubble
    By Jo De Rosa

    We often don’t realise how far we’ve come until we take ourselves out of our usual environment, to some unfamiliar place.
    I live in the middle of nowhere on top of a hill, and do quite literally live in a bubble of loveliness.
    I’ve created the world I choose to live in and that includes healthy food, healthy relationships and a healthy working atmosphere. We don’t do stress, the news, microwave dinners, arguments or struggle.
    We live deep within the law of attraction and trust that the universe provides us with exactly what we need, when we need it.

    Every guest that arrives at the retreat centre is there because they are supposed to be, and our job is to show them how to live a harmonious life physically, mentally and emotionally. We’ve been doing this for 20 months now: living; breathing; eating; speaking; and thinking the practice. And of course it has had a profound effect but you don’t realise this until you are somewhere different….

    Like Euston station on a Monday morning with trains delayed because of ‘an incident’. Suddenly I was surrounded by anger and it was a shock to me! I hadn’t realized how much my meditation practice has softened me, and just how far down the ‘design-your-own-life’ rabbit hole I’d strayed.

    The couple standing next to me on the concourse whined and moaned about the delay, whilst I relished the extra time to skype my sister, brother-in-law and newborn niece whom I will miss whilst I’m away for a few days. The tall man with the glasses huffed, puffed and complained to the staff, whilst I felt bad for the person who felt so unhappy in their lives that they jumped in front of a train.
    I realise that I see things differently.
    The struggle with life has gone completely.
    I’m happy.
    I am provided for.
    I get out of my own way.
    And I allow life to unfold beautifully before me.

    Who do you think is happier and healthier?
    The person who lives life like me, or the one who fights against the delayed train and staff at the station?
    I missed my connecting train up to Scotland so I caught the next one. I CHOOSE whether that fact is going to hurt me or bounce off me. Why do we treat ourselves so unforgivingly? Is time more important than sanity????

    My bubble is full, easy, happy, peaceful ,connected and content.
    What’s yours like?
    How do you react when presented with a stressful situation? Do you crack? Shout? Stamp your feet?

    Or do you see the silver lining? The reason you are having that experience…..
    Perhaps you need the rest if you’re struck down with an illness.
    Perhaps the train that you missed broke down and would have caused you an even longer delay.
    Perhaps the reason your lover walked away is because there is even greater love around the corner for you:

    Do you fight life? Or welcome it?

    And would you like to learn how to give up the struggle? How to take life on the chin and smile?
    Let me know! Cos I’ve got the answers!
    I am living it.
    And it is all down to MEDITATION.

    This recent trip has shown me without doubt how much meditation has softened me. My sharp edges have now smoothed, allowing stress to literally bounce off me with no way to attach itself on. I’m calm, focused, and everything easily falls into place. And all this ON THE WAY to my 10 day meditation retreat!! What on earth am I going to be like afterwards!!

    For that you are going to have to wait until next time…..
    Have a wonderful week and I’d love to know how meditation has already changed YOUR life, or if you are planning on beginning a practice and ready to change your life xx

    Web: www.inner
    Email: jo@innerguidance.co.uk
    Facebook: InnerGuidance
    Twitter: @Inner_Guidance
    Copyright: Jo De Rosa 2015


    Another One Down…150 to 1…!!!
    By Andrew Crawford
    What The… is happening to these planes?

    150 down.

    I’m not even going to tell you how that touched me today. Undoubtedly there’ll be more speculation, rumours and accusations coming out from this disaster.

    What The.. is happening to these boy bands?

    1 down.

    Basically, who gives a fuss………….about No Direction……oops..I meant One Direction’s one man down situation.

    More importantly……..

    Another One Down……….

    Yes……..IFS in Blackpool last week. One word……….Wicked…!!!

    I spent most of Saturday chatting, shaking hands and kissing Babies……..or was it Babes…!!!??

    I always meet so many wonderful people there….again I saw my early days in Fitness inspiration, Martyn Chidgey, great humble guy, still doing ‘his thing’..I sat, chatted, laughed and shared some fizz with Jane Tress, very interesting conversation…innit??…Danced and giggled with ‘My Girlies’ Leighann Morgan and cute Danni Evans…took pictures and had deep spiritual conversations with Chico.. a very nice guy….Hi Fived and touched knukles with my brothers Richard Callender and Delvin Clarke ….made a toast to celebrate the life of Phil Inglis with Chris Donavon & Jax Campbell creator & CEO of ‘Grapevine’ …You Heard It Here…(Check it out, you can upload all your fitness events there)….shared some magical moments with Gary Daniels…when he breaks his cards out you know you’re in trouble girls…..discussed some interesting points with that clever talented man Lincoln Bryden …it had a Metabolic Effect on me..!!…and much much more…this was all before I had to drive from Balckpool down to Brighton…..until……….


    Another One Down….

    This time some geyser passing out on the stage…He’s better now….!!

    So Andrew……that sounded like a full weekend of activities..!!

    What has this got to do with Accountancy and tax??

    If you are considering making that annual trip to Blackpool for the IFS in March why not let the taxman pay for it?

    Remember, this is a training weekend therefore… for all you self-employed Fitness Professionals…this is tax deductible…..whoop whoop…!
    If you are not self-employed yet but are still thinking about it, save your receipts and claim for the weekend in a few years’ time. You can put the whole cost of the event towards your pre-trading expenses.
    Don’t forget that even if you are employed and work within the health & fitness industry, you can also make a claim. The claim can be set against your
    employed income…the result….a small tax refund…good eh?
    I know it’s quite a distance for some of you but…..it’s fantastic once you get there. If you think your car won’t make it…hire one. Yes, this can be claimed as well so there’s no excuse not to be there.
    Another thing…..if you get reimbursed for your mileage and it is not the full 45p per mile, you can claim the difference plus any parking or toll fees. Thanks taxman.
    It’s worth mentioning that director’s of their companies can get an advance of £1,000 for their expenses. Make sure you account for it and spend it within 6 months. No problems…!!
    It’s not a case of if you can afford it….can you afford to miss it……. Let the Tax Man pay…

    The 10 Commandements of Tax Tips

    Keep every single receipt you spend on the weekend.
    Log your mileage or keep your petrol receipts to and from IFS 2 claim the full £0.45 per mile.

    If employed, claim expenses against your employment income.
    If buying equipment on the weekend, you can claim up to £500,000 in full against your profits. It will be only £25,000 by next year.
    If you are the director of your business, get your company to reimburse all of your expenditure.
    If you haven’t started to trade yet, the expenses incurred on the weekend can be claimed within 7 years before starting to trade.
    If you’re buying items as a gift, you can claim up to £50 a year to each person, against your profits, as long as the gift advertises your business.
    Drinks and meals away from home on the IFS training weekend are allowable deductions. Eat and drink heartily my friends…!!!
    If self -employed ensure expenditure is wholly and exclusively incurred for your sole trader business.
    If you have a limited company, ensure expenditure is incurred wholly, exclusively and necessarily.


    I now know what ‘Relay’ means…!!!

    On the way back from Worthing on Tuesday evening heading home (East Midlands now) my car felt funny…so I pulled over on the A24. It was 5.30pm.
    I had to call for assistance. Long story short.

    First pickup truck collected me and my car and dropped me 5 miles further up the road to the nearest service station in Buck Barn in West Grinstead. The second truck picked up from West Grinstead, dropped me at Birchanger service station on the M11. Third truck picked up from Birchanger dropped me in Peterborough service station. Forth truck picked up from Peterborough to home …now that’s a proper Relay using me and my car as the baton………..oh….BTW…time 4.30am….cost…very high….!!!

    Moral of the story.

    Check EXACTLY what your car breakdown service does NOT cover because that is the extra bit you will be paying for.

    Andrew James Crawford


    Have a wonderful day
    Love Rachel xxx

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