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  • Instructor Newsletter 27th June 2013

    As we are heading into the holiday season it’s a great idea to fine tune your timetable, amalgamate some classes, offer summer specials, and remember it’s usually families that go away in peak holiday times because of the schools. Your older adults, seniors and retired clients will be here in the summer as they tend to go away when the children are back at school, so potentially tweak your marketing as necessary.
    Music – Pure Energy and myself have finalised the latest HIIT Workout CD, which I road tested this morning. It’s another fast and furious mix filled with club tunes, dance anthems and trance classics. We are looking to releasing it in the next month and I’ll be stocking them on C2GO along.

    Kick Start Fat Loss Roadshow
    Ill be heading out all over the UK in September with my Kick Start Fat Loss Roadshow doing tasters sessions and talking about the diet, nutrition, working out and doing masterclasses. The roadshows are free and the masterclasses will only be £10. If you are interesting in getting involved in Kick Start you are more than welcome to come along. Ill be in:
    1st September West Whickham, South London
    14th September Nottingham & Ilkeston in Derbyshire
    19th October High Wycombe
    11th January Lowestoft & Norwich
    18th January Cornwall
    Ill be adding more dates over the next few weeks and booking details to follow.
    Kick Start Fat Loss is also sponsoring the Big One North & Big One South and Ill be hosting sessions all day at these events.http://www.chrysalispromotions.com/shop/

    Outsource Delegation and Time Management
    You know this is my favorite topics as it’s the one thing ALL busy Fitpros teaching classes, training clients, family time, friend time, house time all struggle with, and I’m ALWAYS looking for simple practical steps to get more done in less time.
    The first thing to do is make an inventory of everything you do business wise and personally you need to be able to see exactly what you can outsource or delegate.
    A lot of fitness people don’t want to delegate because they believe they’re the only person who can do it and that it will take so long to train someone to do what they do and that person won’t be able to do it as well as themselves.  So they just keep going and going and going. Well, if you want to work harder, you can keep doing everything yourself. However, if you want to work SMARTER, feel less stressed, enjoy life, make huge strides in your business, and create the life you really want, it’s time to start outsourcing…NOW
    Brainstorm a list of all the things you do on a weekly basis – This is my weekly list. Yours may be similar
    Reading and returning emails, managing email list on choreographytogo & KSFL
    Schedule calls, appointments & meetings.
    Research and creating new projects, classes, DVDS ideas
    Filming workouts for KSFL & C2GO
    Writing the C2Go newsletter/blogs
    Creating content and updating all social media accounts
    Interacting on social media, following leads, answering questions
    Training my KSFL Franchisee team
    Creating website, updating website, etc
    Teach 2 classes daily Mon – Friday.
    Choreographing and Class planning.

    To be honest this list just scratches the surface. So how can I outsource the more mundane stuff and focus on the creative and productive parts that I love the most?
    Have you ever considered hiring someone to help you? You can delegate and outsource anything. You could use amazing talent from all over the world for just a few hours per week to really get your weekly to do list moving.
    Most Fitpros just don’t do this The most common excuse being, “I can’t afford the time or money.” So they don’t bother…..Stop this thinking right now!
    My golden rule is to start small and outsource a few tasks. Perhaps trial someone for 3 hours a week, you could then work an extra 3 hours on your business and bringing some of those great ideas you have to fruition. If you worked an extra 6 hours on your fitness business for 2 weeks just think what you could create and generate.
    It might not be the same person that helps you with everything, and yes, it can take some trial and error to find someone that’s a good fit. But in the meantime, you will still be getting way more done and feeling much less stressed and finally getting down to creating those projects and ideas that have been swimming around in your head for months and months and getting them out there.
    Where do you find Great Outsourcers?
    Are two of the world’s most popular sites to find great talent and I have used countless people from these sites, but my favorite site of all to find great talent is…
    I use this site ever single week for web design updates, social media scheduling, graphics, digital posters, creating magazines. It’s so easy to and free to post a job and get tons of responses in a few minutes.  You can browse each applicant and then choose the right candidate for the job. It really is that simple.
    Why not have a go today..Look at your list of things you have to do and then post a job on Peopleperhour and get some HELP. Once you have done this a few times you will see how much of your week you can outsource and free you up to do the more creative things you really love doing.
    Tweet me and let me know if you post a job and how it goes @RachelHolmes

    #Fitness Hashtags On Facebook, InstaGram & Twitter

    So what is a #hashtag and how do you use it?
    By putting the # in front of keywords on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram you are able to search for other people who are also using the same # and connect with them. What are your keywords in relation to your fitness business?
    For example my Top# in relation to my fitness business are #KSFL #C2GO #Fatloss #Choreography #GroupX #Nottingham #Derby and I always #step #aerobics #freestyle #aqua #HIIT etc
    Top Hashtag Do’:
    #1- – The hashtags you use on Facebook, InstaGram and Twitter should flow naturally and be words you want your fitness business to be connected to.
    #2- Use 2-4 #hashtags in posts but don’t use them every time and not excessively.
    #3- Use a variety of #hashtags, but focus on your top keywords and use them weekly.

    #Hashtag Don’ts:
    #1- Don’t use #tonsofwordsalljoinedtogether. This looks crazy and does NOTHING for your marketing.
    #2- Put #hashtags on photos, videos and posts. Now that Facebook is using clickable hashtags in posts, comments and feeds, use this to your advantage.
    #3 are BRILLIANT for Fitness class marketing as Facebook will now connect any #hashtag you use on their platform with other places online.
    NOTE THIS from Facebook’s rollout statement- “Any hashtags that you use on other platforms that are connected to your Facebook Page will be automatically clickable and searchable on Facebook.”
    That is fantastic News for all Fitness Social Media Marketing!!!
    Here are Facebook’s suggestions to take into consideration – Taken from Facebook:

    Any hashtags that you use on other platforms that are connected to your Facebook Page will be automatically clickable and searchable on Facebook.
    Like other Facebook marketing tools, hashtags allow you to join and drive the conversations happening about your business. We recommend you search for and view real-time public conversations and test strategies to drive those conversations using hashtags.
    Hashtags do not impact your distribution or engagement in News Feed on either desktop or mobile. We recommend you continue to focus on your existing campaigns to drive your most important business objectives.

    Action Plan for # Fitness Marketing on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram

    #1 Choose your #Keywords
    #2 Use them over all social media platforms
    #3 Regularly search for users using the same # and connect with them.
    #4 Maximise your social media promotion using # across your networks daily.

    Jayne Nicholls

    Most of the articles I write for both Rachel’s’ and my newsletters tend to focus on how we can remain buoyant and competitive in the current fitness industry. We are keeping on top of new trends and devising ways in which we can fine tune what we do to stay on top of our game and earn a decent income. Today is for everyone who wants to be ahead of the game and kick start the trend rather than follow it.

    I have recently launched a Hot Yoga Certification allowing instructors to capitalize upon the popular success of Bikram Yoga without having to adhere the strict set up costs and the conformity of the same postures in every class. Hot yoga classes have remained packed in their relatively short lifespan and they command a much higher fee for attendance than regular group classes putting them bang up date with inflation and other niche fitness businesses.

    We now have the opportunity to set up both portable heating and humidity systems to create the desired 37-42 degrees for hot training. This means that anyone with a room can road test Hot Yoga before they invest in a studio dedicated to the practice. We are looking for entrepreneurial instructors to give this a go under the guidance of myself and Tim the heating specialist.

    So if you want to create the trend this time rather than keep up with it, drop me a line and we can start discussions on whether this is the right step forward for you.

    Exciting times!


    Howdy C2Go’ers,

    This week I wanted to share with you an idea that I’ve implemented in the last week with my clients and members that is working really well in changing their attitudes and habits towards their weight…my Scales Amnesty.

    Now I’m not about to discredit weight as a measurement tool for assessing our client’s progress towards aesthetic and health improvements, I just simply want to put things into perspective and take a new approach, to help those women (and men) who’ve become transfixed on weight and are living their life by the number in the scale.

    My idea for holding the Scales Amnesty came from a conversation I had with a client a few months ago. She had come to the end of her 6 week small group training programme with me on a Thursday, and as I sat at home on a Friday night watching Geordie Shore (yes I love it!), she sent me a picture message of herself looking stunning in the black cocktail dress that had been her target to get into (it previously wouldn’t zip up the back). Along with the picture she thanked me for all my help and told me how totally fantastic she felt; fitter, slimmer, more confident, amazing skin…full of life and totally on her A game in every way. I was thrilled…she was thrilled…good job all round.

    The very next day she called me up…‘Katie, I know you said not to, but I’ve weighed myself…I’m gutted…I’ve only lost 4lbs!’ Everything she had text me just the night before had gone out of the window and instead was replaced with self doubt, low confidence and general negative feeling.

    So we had a chat…

    I explained that changes in body composition don’t show up on the scales and that the number on the scales means nothing…it’s all about feeling good in your clothes or even naked, buzzing with health and self confidence…weight isn’t always a true sign of how much you’ve changed visually. She felt better and instantly handed over her scales!

    She hasn’t weighed herself since and is now in the best shape physically and mentally that she’s ever been in.

    So, how does it work…

    I created a blog post, a video and a text picture to promote the Scales Amnesty and explain how it was to work.

    I set a date, time and place (at class is best) for anyone and everyone to bring me their scales.

    I keep them for 6 weeks and during that time I ask everyone to be more in tune with their bodies…listening to how they feel. How do their clothes fit? Do they feel bloated? How are their energy levels? How do they feel when they look in the mirror.

    At the end of the 6 weeks I give them back (if they want them)…by that time most aren’t bothered about them anymore. They are now much more in tune with how they FEEL and are measuring their success based on a tape measurement, their clothes, energy levels and health, and have a much greater understanding of the concept of weight.
    Doing this with my clients has really helped to shift their mindset and for many has broken lifelong habits and obsessions.

    So why not give it a go with your members/clients?

    It got great press exposure too. I was on BBC Radio Newcastle both in the news and a full interview as a feature. I also made it onto Capital FM too.

    I’d love to know your thoughts and how it works for your clients. If you’d like to ask me any questions please feel free to tweet me @KatieBulmer1 and also have a look at the blog I did with all the info over at www.katiebulmer.com.

    Have a lovely week,

    KBC x

    Vote For NOBODY………!!
    By Andrew Crawford

    Nobody will keep election Promises
    Nobody will listen to your concerns
    Nobody will help the poor and unemployed
    Nobody cares
    If Nobody is elected things will be better for everyone
    Nobody tells the truth

    The above came on my newsfeed during the week from ‘The Truth Behold’ and I couldn’t resist…tee hee

    It reminded me of that movie with Richard Pryor…where he inadvertently ran for election with his slogan….”Vote For Noone Above”….or sommink like that…!!! And WON…!!! #howamazingisthat.

    Who’s there when your car breaks down? …..….Nobody
    Who picks you up when you are down?………Nobody
    Who watches you on your one night stand?……..Nobody  (tee hee…we must talk some time…nudge nudge wink wink!!)
    Who pays your tax bill for you?…………Nobody
    Who do you cuddle up with in front of the roaring fire in the evenings, sipping on your hot milo with marshmellows, chocolate digestive biscuits ready to dunk, fluffy bunny slippers with an oversized cotton dressing gown wrapped snuggley around you, lights dimmed low as the shadows fall on the walls from the reflection of the flames, whilst stroking Fido the dog and Pursey the pussy ..??

    Nobody’s got a lot to answer for…!!!

    So Andrew…..
    What the blast has Nobody got to do with Accountancy and Tax and Pursey?
    Well…….I’m glad you asked….because Nobody can escape the dreaded National Insurance Contributions…!!
    The Low Income Tax Reform Group provides the following summary of NIC.
    The full version of this article will be available at my site (in a couple of days) if you are interested in this subject, with working examples, on this page ….

    What are National Insurance contributions (NIC)?
    National Insurance helps to pay for some state benefits including retirement pensions. Your National Insurance earns you the right to receive certain benefits.
    You pay National Insurance contributions (NIC) between the ages of 16 and state pension age on earnings (but not pensions). This is currently 65 for a man. The state pension age for a woman is increasing from 60 to 65.
    After state pension age even if you have a job you do not need to pay any more contributions.
    A National Insurance number is unique to you throughout your life but it is not a form of identity. It is made up of 2 letters, 6 numbers and a final letter for example ZY 98 76 54 A.
    Everyone who wants to work in the UK must have a National Insurance number. To obtain a National Insurance number you must be over 16 and resident in Great Britain or Northern Ireland.
    You can start work without one but you must then apply immediately. The law requires you to apply for a number if you do not already have one and you are working or are intending to work.

    I am employed and self-employed so do I need to pay NIC on both my jobs?
    If you are both employed and self-employed you need to pay both Class 1 NIC on your employed income and Class 2/4 NIC on your self-employed income.
    However you may defer your Class 2 NICs if you are likely to pay Class 1 NICs on earnings of at least £797 each week for the whole tax year.
    You may defer some of your Class 4 NICs if you can show that you are likely to pay too much in Class 1, Class 2 and Class 4 NICs. Form CA72B can be used to claim deferral for the current year. You can also download guidance notes on how to fill in the form from the HMRC website.

    Do I have to pay NIC?
    Whether you are working for an employer or are self-employed and working for yourself or for a partnership will affect the type of contribution you pay.
    If you are self-employed you pay two types of NIC – one is a weekly stamp (Class 2) and the other is based on the level of your profits (Class 4).
    You can also pay voluntary NIC (Class 3).
    If you are self-employed and you think your profits will be less than a set limit – £5,725 for 2013/14 you can elect not to pay any contributions during the year and then the position can be reviewed once you know what your profits were for that tax year.
    This is called a Small Earnings Exception. You can download the form you will need in order to claim the exception – form CF10 using the link.
    To see how the Small Earnings Exception works you can have a look at the example on Lars

    What is Class 2 NIC?
    These contributions are paid by the self-employed. The amount you pay (£2.70 a week for 2013/14) is the same no matter what level of your profits are. There are various methods of payment..
    As mentioned above if your profits are below £5,725 for 2013/14 – the Small Earnings Exception you will not need to make the payment.

    What is Class 4 NIC?
    Class 4 contributions are paid by the self-employed in addition to Class 2 but they do not count towards any benefits.
    You will be liable to these contributions which amount to 9% of your profits, if your profits are over a certain level (£7,755 for 2013/14). There is also an upper limit of £41,450 above which you pay further contributions of 2%.
    Class 4 contributions are collected together with any income tax payable on profits through self-assessment.
    What benefits do my contributions pay for?
    For some UK benefits you need to have paid NIC contributions – these are called contributory benefits. There are other benefits where provided the rules for claiming apply to you, it does not matter whether or not you have paid any NIC.
    Benefits which do not depend on NIC include:
    attendance allowance, disability living allowance and personal independence payments
    child benefit
    guardian’s allowance
    working tax credit and child tax credits
    income based employment and support allowance
    income based jobseeker’s allowance (JSA)
    industrial injuries benefits
    carer’s allowance (formerly invalid care allowance)
    severe disablement allowance
    statutory payments (e.g. statutory sick pay)
    war widow’s or Widower’s pension
    pension credit.
    You can find the latest NIC rates here…..

    Nobody can forget about the contribution Nelson Mandela has made to the world. I have him in my thoughts as he lays in hospital whilst they contemplate switching that switch off.

    Nobody will be turned away if you approach me or email me for answers to your questions. I have had my account ‘cleared’ by some 30,000 emails…no bounce backs so I should receive all my emails now.
    Nobody cares more about you than me……..taxwise that is…ha ha ha…

    So……Stick ‘em Up………..Nobody Move…!!
    Take care until next time…….I can be talking to Nobody here….!! #imaginethat..

    Andrew ‘Nobody like You’ Crawford


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