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  • Instructor Newsletter 3 July












    Another super duper action packed C2Go Newsletter
    with choreography, music, business & marketing ideas for
    the forward thinking fitness maverick.

    Fitness Business Academy – Coaching & Mentoring

    The first intake of Fitpros onto the #FBA  are now
    into the 2nd week & flying high. Creating the foundations
    for their online projects in a logical step by step

    Are you keen to develop an online business & create
    a sustainable & profitable business?
    Then check out my
    15minute video tutorial on the 5 Steps to generating
    more income.

    I am cultivating a new group of Fitness
    Entrepreneurs who are keen to develop beyond
    teaching & create passive income streams.

    Is this you?

    If you want more info, tips, systems & strategies
    for marketing, PR, Business development.

    Add your email

    Hot Tunes for Freestyle

    Always on the look out for motivating music so here
    are my Hot Picks for this week.

    All of the following titles are from PureEnergyMusic.com

    1: CARNIVAL – This is my current fav release. it has a real
    summery vibe & perfect for all tastes & ages. Perfect for
    Step, Hi/Lo & Conditioning.

    2: Essential Hits 2014 – Great clubby, up front mix with a
    harder edge. Im using it in HilO/Step/Conditioning.

    3:HIIT Volume 4 – The latest in mine & Ceri Hannons
    super popular HIIT Series.

    Free Choreography on My You Tube Channel

    Are you constantly in a rush?
    Let’s face it who isn’t & you need a
    quick blast of inspiration before you teach.
    I filmed lots of Quick Fix Choreography blocks
    ideal to slot it when you need them.

    Here are my Favorites

    Final KS EXTREME

    KS EXTREME has rocked. Kelly & I have presented this
    to big numbers of Instructors & our final date
    is London at the REEBOK Club.

    The Reebok club is an amazing venue & I can’t wait to
    present KS EXTREME in the city.

    Sunday 13th July & to book a place click here

    Are you going to Fitpro LIVE  18/19th July in London?

    It’s the first year The FitPro Live Conference is in the Capitol!
    Whoo Hoo
    And I cannot wait.
    It’s a unique & diverse line up of speakers
    & the weekend promises to be a brilliant experience of
    learning, education & networking.
    I’ll be presenting Fitness Pilates & Unite so if you are
    going along then I will see you there.
    To book a place go to

    Big One South

    I’ll also be presenting this year at the Big One South
    on Saturday 20th September at Lodden Valley Leisure Centre.


    Your Fitness Business Name, Your Domain Name and Your Brand Name –
    What Should YOU call them?  Your Own Name or A Brand Name?????…by Rachel
    I think you may have noticed a pattern in my recent articles. Ive been writing down and saving all of the emails and questions instructors ask me on a regular basis creating articles from them for the newsletter.
    This topic always comes up, either on Facebook, Twitter and email and always on every business talk I do.
    This is another one of those questions that so many Fitpros cant get past!!! They cant decide what to call their business, website or product, so what do they do…They let that stop them in their tracks and they don’t design the business they want to create. Simply, because they cannot decide on the right name!!!
    AHHHHH Is this YOU???
    Should you website be called your name or a brand name? Should your business be  a brand name or your own name?……
    Decision Decisions…
    Here is my take on this and some pointers to help you decide. When you are thinking about what to call your business you need to know what your long term game plan is and that means what is your vision for your fitness business. Where are you headed with it all?
    If YOU are your business, you do the teaching, you want to create DVDs, You star in your online fitness videos or be an author, speaker, coach, mentor or consultant then call you business by your name. You are the commodity and as you are no longer confided to your teaching hours or your local area because you can film your information, your workouts or talks and get them online reaching more and more people. In effect you can now “scale you” and create a personal fitness brand so call it Yourname.com.
    The benefits to launching a business or website with your own name is that you can launch different brands, classes, and variations under your own name and you are not stuck with a name that may date or you want to change at a later date.
    But on the other hand if you want to create a product or service that other Fitpros may want to teach or its something that could be sold one day then call it by a brand name. De-personalise it so to speak.
    So for example all of my fitness business coaching, personal teaching, mentoring etc is under name name RachelHolmes but underneath that that I have Choreographytogo.com for Training, Educations & Qualifications, Fitness Pilates & Kick Start Fat Loss & recently the Fitness Business Academy they are all brands I have created but are stand alone products and services that sit underneath my name and personal brand.
    The bottom line is you can be super successful whatever your call your business just think about your long term goals and objectives. Be clear about what you want and where you are going.
    I hope that helps you make a decision if this is something you have been procrastinating about for a while Tweet me @RachelHolmes

    How To Get Your Motivation Mojo Back by Rachel
    Are you struggling with your fitness business & teaching motivation?………..  Maybe you know you have to get involved more in Social Media and really market your classes and services much more, but you just can’t get going……? Perhaps you HAD some great ideas for new classes and now life and families and events have knocked the wind from your sails?
    The first thing to know is we ALL feel like this at some point, and I will put my hand up as well here. Being a solo Instructor and entrepreneur can be tough at times – It’s one of the reasons I created this weekly newsletter. So here are my steps to help you rediscover your motivation mojo and get back on track.
    1.Be honest with yourself.
The truth will set you free, so be honest with yourself and look at your work and your work life balance. If toxic classes and clients are draining you then you HAVE to ditch them. Yep, I know you’re holding onto them for the money but I can promise you a zillion percent, get rid, create some space in your life and new opportunities will knock.
    2.Are you doing Fitness as a Business or a Hobby
If you truly are doing fitness as a business then you have to act like it and get the job done on a daily basis. Look at everything you offer, make a plan, create your marketing and get cracking. I truly believe there is amazing untapped potential out there that people are not even touching yet. What’s your passion? Who do you want to serve and work with? I see amazing opportunities teaching health and fitness to disabled people. Helen Tite from the Core in Falmouth and one of my KSFL franchisees is specialising in teaching cancer patients. There are so many different groups of people who need our expertise….Have a brainstorm.
    3.MIX & Socialise
Don’t be a hermit, mixing with other Fitpros, attending networking events, joining local women’s groups / business / breakfast groups, going to workshops are all brilliant ways to get your motivation mojo back.
    4.Read and Listen
I know I say this every week, but  my number one tip for re-igniting my motivation mojo is to listen to podcasts, audio books and watch motivation videos on Youtube. Just 20minutes a day will have you doubling your productivity. Ideas will start coming to you in the shower, while you are driving, when you teach, at all random times. I do this daily and I cannot recommend it highly enough.
    5.Look after yourself
We are constantly telling everyone else how to live a healthy life but what about you? Are you eating, training and sleeping right……….Does your diet need an overhaul? You could take on a trainer, which is AMAZING for someone else to tell you what to do, or join me on one of my Online KSFL groups. Loads of C2GO members join me every week and do my workouts, listen to the audios and get involved every day.
    But sometimes you just can’t wait for the motivation to appear, you just have to get on with it. Think of all of the amazing reasons you love teaching, think of the passion you have when you teach, all the people you have helped. Personally, I train every day, listen to motivational audios in my car and keep learning and trying to grow.
    I’d love your feedback, as ever Tweet me @RachelHolmes or Facebook me

    Get More Done in Less Time – Hey Control Freak 
    You have got your mojo back, the fire in your belly is burning pretty HOT, so now you are ready to take on the fitness world, but you only have a few hours every day to do it all. No one in the universe can run the show themselves no matter how small their business is. Fitpros LOVE teaching but don’t like admin so much, so get help even if it’s a few hours a week.
    1.Firstly, make a list of everything you have to do in your business and I mean everything – e.g. Responding to emails/Social Media/Writing Newsletters/Running Facebook Ad’s/ and a list of everything you have to get done personally.
    2.Create Step by Step Instructions, a repeatable system that someone can follow. I use screen flow which videos my computer screen and my voice as I make a little training video showing my VA how I want something done. I have tons of little videos that I have on file demonstrating exactly how I want things done.
    3.Start slowly, train your VA and give them feedback. They won’t get everything right straight away, be patient and you will get there.
    4.Be clear with your instructions and exactly what you expect and always pay promptly.
    5.There are lots of professional VA’s around. Ask on Facebook/Twitter, Google VA’s or use amazing sites like People Per Hour, Elance and Odesk to find the right person for you.
    6.Expect to pay between £8 – £12 per hour (Cheaper if you use a VA from overseas)  depending on the VA’s expertise and the jobs you need doing.
When hiring, conduct a Skype interview, ask for references and proof of work.

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