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  • Instructor Newsletter 30th July 2015

    Screen Shot 2015-07-26 at 09.12.14





    C2GO Newsletter & Instructor Motivation
    t from Rachel x

    Its the first big week of the holidays &
    classes traditionally
    slow down.

    How are you finding it?

    Do you find you get an influx of teachers, lecturers and people
    who generally
    work term time
    & mix it up in the holidays and come to
    different classes?



    I am soooo loving this new app/social media

    groan groan groan

    I know you are thinking “NO RACHEL”

    “not another blinking social media platform”


    This is different you can do a LIVE broadcast
    so its totally real time.

    The potential is HUGE to do you own live
    fitness shows, Q and A sessions with your members,
    cooking…in fact anything….

    Yesterday we attempted a LIVE cook along
    creating a juice/smoothie/greens blend
    it was hilarious as everything that could
    go wrong,went wrong…

    It was funny.

    I can see huge potential here.

    I haven’t watched daytime TV or even
    Breakfast channels
    for such a long time now, but this week we have been
    researching exactly what is on in a morning…

    How dull & boring is breakfast telly?
    Same old tired format. Same old. Same Old.

    With Periscope you could create your
    own LIVE breakfast show filled with health,
    fun, motivation & positivity.

    How amazing is that..

    Watch this space we are on to it

    Add me on Periscope for more updates,
    messiness & fun!


    Women Crush Wednesday

    The uber cool Zoe McNulty interviewed me
    for her Women Crush Wednesday Blog and I talk
    politics, future goals, my team and loads of other
    snippets I’ve not really talked about before.

    Check it out here


    Yvonne Radley Podcast

    Yvonne interviewed me a while back for her
    new Podcast and you can check it out here.

    Its an indepth interview and I loved it.

    Click here to listen.


    Are you signed up to my nutrition
    & fatloss Kick Start email list?

    Click here to add your details


    Next HOT FITNESS PILATES training course
    is 26 / 27 the September
    @ Go TO HOT YOGA Nottingham

    I have 5 spaces left.

    HOT classes are growing in popularity
    with constant waiting lists all over the UK.

    Read all about it here!


    NEW HIIT Ideas

    I LOVE LOVE HIIT workouts & I love experimenting with
    different timings, music and styles.

    This week I’ve been teaching KS SPIKED
    which is Kelly’s brainchild.

    Its a real tough protocol
    but the time just steams by.

    This is the format I’ve been using this week

    7 – 10min Mobility & Warm Up

    30secs Cardio
    30secs Strength/Resistance

    Repeat x 4 / 4 minutes no break

    1min Rest

    Repeat x 6 for a a cool 30minute blast

    For each round I use a different
    piece of equipment so:

    Round 1no Equipment
    Round 2 Step
    Round 3 Weight
    Round 4 No Equipment
    Round 5 Step
    Round 6 Weight

    add a stretch / foam roll & cool down
    and you have a BRILL KS Spiked workout.

    Give it ago.
    Tweet me if you do @RachelHolmes

    For more HIIT ideas sign up for me HIIT
    online Workshop with tons of great ideas.

    Click here


    SELLING EXTRAS by Dean Hodgkin

    As Senior Manager of the prestigious Leicestershire spa, Ragdale Hall, you won’t be surprised to learn that I spend a good deal of my time in meetings discussing the topic of revenue. Clearly, the business is about heads-on-beds and our primary goal is to fill our 93 bedrooms, year round. However, almost as important as this is the extra revenue we generate from guests who stay with us, through purchase of extra beauty treatments, food and beverage sales, sports coaching and personal training bookings. I think it’s fair to say that increasing yield from each customer is the tenet for most business…….and is absolutely vital for fitness professionals who dream of a long career doing what they love.

    In addition to your class fees, some of you have already realised that with your captive market, you have a gilt-edged opportunity to generate extra income from your followers through product sales. Prime examples are nutritional supplements, with Herbalife being the leading brand and fitness apparel such as Zumba clothing. The problem, however, is that most fitness professionals don’t see themselves as sales people or feel uncomfortable playing that role. In order to help you to change this mindset, it’s important to recognise the knowledge, skills and power you possess. In his top 10 sales strategies, Tom Hopkins, author of business book Selling for Dummies that has sold over 2 million copies, suggests it’s important to be a product of the product you’re selling and comments, ‘If you believe in what you’re doing then you must personally be part of it’. Clearly, then, as vibrant, healthy, energetic group exercise instructor or personal trainer you are already a living embodiment of the principles you preach, so you can tick that box and talk from a confident position.

    In addition, when it comes to telling your clients you have products to sell to them it’s worth bearing in mind the thoughts of leading Fitness Expert and International Speaker, Bobby Cappuccio, who says, ‘Many fitness professionals are hesitant to ask for the sale because of the fear that people will say no. The fact is that what we are asking for in reality is merely a decision. If we neglect to lead our prospects through the process we risk losing the opportunity to deeply impact them. We risk losing them.’

    In my opinion, the sales process should simply be thought of as a natural extension to conversations you have with your clients before and after every session, as these are often about exercise and how they can get the most from it. When viewed this way, helping your customers to make a choice to purchase a product that will help them to achieve their goals, becomes a much more human interaction. To support this, I remember reading an article by Sean Greely, CEO of Net Profit Explosion, who states, ‘Closing a sale is not something you do to someone. It’s an opportunity you give them.’

    So, how can you get started and begin to leverage your position as a trusted fitness professional……..

    One route could be by selling a book, dedicated to women’s fitness. Better Body Workouts for Women was written by myself and former GB Athlete, Ex-Gladiator, now BT Sport presenter, Caroline Pearce and is the ideal tool to help your clients to be active when they’re not with you, ensuring they remain committed to a healthy lifestyle and therefore are more likely to keep returning to your classes or for PT sessions. The good news is, I’ve arranged a preferential trade discount for fitness professionals to enable you to optimise your profit margin.

    Just in case you’re still not sure about straying slightly outside your comfort zone, in her blog, 5 Ways to become a Fierce Fitness Entrepreneur , experienced fitness journalist and creator of Big Me Up Media, Yvonne Radley, declares, ‘We only really grow when we explore and often the fear is worse than the reality.’

    For details of how to take advantage of this unique opportunity, contact me on deanhodgkin@hotmail.com.


    Should They Stay or Should They Go?

    By Andrew Crawford


    Sentence………Humongous fine, imprisonment,
    Police Record, defiled, labelled a Druggie,…you Criminal in possession of an illegal substance.


    In 2 instances.

    The first. When the drug is PROCESSED in a laboratory and called ‘Prescribed DRUGS’….!!!

    Oh….those drugs are OK….they’re Prescribed…!!! (Man made in other words).

    Oh……….and Patented….!!! Aka Money Making.

    If I knew years ago what I know today I would NOT have let my mum and dad take
    15-17 pills each a day EVERY day…..!!!!!!!

    One word…………..Holistic  (Alternative Medicine…Natural) …lots of Doctors within the last couple of months in the USA have ‘Mysteriously’ died who practised this form of treatment. Things that make you go hmmmm…!!!

    Secondly…..If your title begins with Lord…and you were caught with
    ‘White Powder’ aka coke and a couple of Solicitors…..the fishnet & stocking type..!!

    Nothing to see here………..move on..!!!

    No doubt there’s more in the Big House…he just drew the short straw.

    Should he stay or should he go?

    Talking about Doctors….Let’s not talk about the other Doctor….!! Which one?? Palmer

    Poor old Cecil the proud lion that he was. …skinned and beheaded…for what?


    So…Doctor…Should he stay or should he go?

    Ok…this one really made my blood boil especially in the light of HMRC scrutinising expenses for the self employed and wanted explanations on why certain expenditure is necessarily incurred.

    It is  this…

    “…..Peer living within walking distance of House of Lords claims £74,400 in two years …”

    More than 100 peers are claiming £300 tax-free payment for each sitting day they attend Parliament whether they live within London or miles outside of it.

    “…..The total costs of Lords EXPENSES in 2014-15 was £20.1 million…”

    I wonder if all these expense claims were supported by  receipts…..??

    I’ll leave that with you………..Should they stay or should they go?

    So Andrew…….

    What has should they stay or should they go got to do with Accountancy & Tax? Apart from the Clash    who inspired the title of todays article.


    Should you go VAT registered or should you stay unregistered??

    This week the subject of becoming VAT registered filled a facebook post and I got pulled into the debate.

    It is VERY topical as you guys reach and exceed the VAT threshold.

    So I thought I would resurrect a past article I wrote regarding the subject.

    Basically…I advise you to AVOID registering for VAT….How do you do that?
    By splitting your business ….but  take heed….

    Make sure you do it BEFORE you are registered and FOLLOW these Tips.

    So…….Here’s How To Avoid VAT

    ??As you approach the VAT Threshold you are going to ‘SPLIT’ your business.
    ??I’m not going to go into the long winded checks and insights of the VAT Man and what they look for.
    ??The “Splitting” of the business is absolutely fine as long as you put these things in place…???

    When I say split, make sure one is a LIMITED COMPANY and the other a SOLE TRADER business.?

    By the way….there is no requirement to ask the VAT man for permission…!!!!

    ?1. Make sure you can fully justify to the VAT Man that these are totally separate businesses. One A Product (Studio + Classes) the other a Service (Consultancy, One on One)???2. Definitely get separate bank accounts for both.???3. Separate bills (telephone, water, electricity ). It’s best to have separate numbers for both businesses???4. Different trading names. I think that is already established. Don’t call them the same.???5. Make sure your stationery is different. So for instance your Consultancy business is registered to your home, the self- employed from your Studio address.???6. If you have to use any of the Studio equipment etc, make sure there is a commercial agreement between you and the Studio. e,g Rental Agreement. All transactions are to be treated as being done at ‘arms length’???It is essential that you put these in place in order for you to side step the VAT Man. They will be looking for any connections between the businesses.


    Should you Stay or should you go?

    Stay on the fence or go for a Zlogg…!!!

    I would love for you to try it out for free and let me know your feedback.

    Yes…there will be some blips, tweaks and errors as lots of people use and abuse it and fully test out its features…Your feedback would be invaluable to me.

    I have mentioned to Rachel that members of C2Go and KSFL will get a special rate for the software. Please check it out at –   www.zlogg.co.uk

    Thank you

    Andrew James Crawford




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