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  • Instructor Newsletter 17th December 2015


    OMGosh what a year it’s been!
    The ups.
    The downs.
    The highs.
    The lows.
    The drama.
    The fun…..
    New classes. New brands. New concepts. New people. New ideas.
    What a wicked industry we all work in. 😉
    THE GRAFTING ******** There’s been a ton of that!
    As we look back on 2015 I wanted to talk to up and coming
    fitness entrepreneurs and really get to the meat & veg of what
    has moved the needle in their fitness business.
    I love to hear from Fitpros who have  pushed & worked hard
    to create a strong business.

    It’s so inspiring! YEAH x

    Identifying what had the biggest impact
    in your business is a crucial step, so you can work out
    what you need to do more of ( and less of) in 2016.

    I’ve also added my own list and I’d love to hear from you…



    1: Take on Staff.
    This has been a game changer.
    Although I have had my PA Lesley for many many years and I outsource lots of projects to contractors around the world. Taking another member of staff on full time has been the best thing ever.

    I see this as a major investment and it’s enabled me to delegate and trust someone else to move projects forward and I can concentrate on building the business and doing the things I love!

    I should of done this much much sooner.

    Kelly has now come onboard part time as Business Development to handle Fitness Pilates & training for KSFL.


    2: Facebook Adverts
    I use them every day  and although tedious & takes up time with the tweaking and testing it is such an amazingly cost effective way of generating new clients, customers and growing an email list.

    3: Systems

    2015 was the year of getting systems in place. So a system & schedule for social media, a system for referrals, a system for questions, a step by step system for training new franchisees, a system for creating new choreography and programmes.
    Again I SHOULD of done this a long time ago!

    4: The POP UP Studio
    This has opened a ton of doors and was such an eye opener into running a studio for 3 weeks.


    5: Travel  & Networking.
    I attended more fitness  conferences, trade shows, networking  and travelling and this proved invaluable.

    Changing your environment has such a positive impact on creativity.
    I could easily sit at my desk for 12 hours straight working ( I did this yesterday) so getting out and about seeing whats going on in the fitness industry and  other industries is awesome.


    Join The Kick Start Fat Loss Franchisee Business
    Are you ready to join an international business
    now and really penetrate
    your local weight management and wellness market?

    KSFL is rapidly expanding now as we approach our 4th year.
    If you are interested and want more information and to set up a strategy call
    to have a chat about the options

    Add your email here
    New Business Coaching 2016
    I am opening a new Business Coaching  Experience in 2016 for Fitpros

    that really want to shake things up.

    If you have been sitting on the fence for a while thinking about coaching and where your business is headed, ensure sure you have signed up for my Freee Business Tips Videos and Information.


    click here
    Chris Tuck
    1) Believe in myself and my vision
    2) Be myself 100% – true, authentic warts & all
    3) Surrounded myself with other people who believe in my vision to help propel it forwards and be brave enough to ignore the naysayers & negative comments
    4)  Be brave to ask people if they could help me even if the answer has been no. We are all equal and we are all human; if you don’t ask you don’t get, but if the person in question says yes, it could change your business and your life.
    5)Said no to all the projects that are outside of my vision even if they were profitable because I need to concentrate on what I want to achieve. So no ‘shiny object syndrome’


    Hi I am Natalie Hill, a Fitness & Pilates Instructor and KSFL Leader for Gibraltar. I am 41 and a mum of 2 young kids. Time constraint is always going to be the BIGGEST challenge for me when trying to move my business to the next level but in 2015 I did just that! Here are my 5 top tips based on how I did it:
    Becoming a KSFL Franchisee: No matter how many classes I tweaked, changed and added my stamp on, numbers were always up/down especially nearing the usual (Easter, Summer and Christmas) However I became a Franchisee in July this year and the programme with the credibility, support and backing of Creator Rachel Holmes PLUS the awesome KSFL Team has helped expose my business. Since the KSFL Launch, my class numbers have increased and my online business is buzzing again.


    2. Social Media – Yup its not going away, in fact its getting BIGGER & BETTER! We know now that you can be THE BEST Instructor in the World, but if you don’t know how to market your business via social media, you’ll just stay were you were, worse still, business will slow down. Now, I’m no expert and still need to learn SO MUCH on Social Media, most of the time it drives me potty but ITS A MUST if you want to grow and take your business to next level. So regular Newsletters, Face Book Ads and how to update your website, learn these first YOURSELF, then you can outsource some part of your weekly jobs, but always try to LEARN as much as you can yourself.


    3. READ, RESEARCH, FOLLOW YOUR IDOL! Yes become a stalker 🙂 There is nothing wrong in following the experts! I read and research and follow my favourite people all the time, then I just put my own spins on things. Qualifications and attending 2 or 3 yearly conventions/seminars will keep you updated and at the Top of Your Game, better still it will give you reassurance.


    4. OUTSOURCE! Dont become “Jack of all trades and master of none!” Ok maybe if you are starting out and you need to do all yourself. But not forever and certainly don’t forget WHY you became a Fitness Instructor or PT or Coach, because you LOVE to teach and research and share knowledge and drive your passion to your limits! We don’t want to be stuck on Social Media, Accounts, enquiries and all sorts! OUTSOURCE, find some help or search for a VA (Virtual Assistant) Its may take while to find the right one but once you’ve got them, your life will be SO much more positive and peaceful.


    5. BE PRACTICAL! Not only in your work but in your personal life too! I online shop my food and get it delivered, I have a childminder to take care of kids for a couple of hours a week so my partner can also enjoy some time at the gym. Get a cleaner, get them to iron too! Its money I know BUT remember WHY you embarked on this Fitness Dream…………don’t let it become a NIGHTMARE!
    Hope the above has helped in some way.
    and if you are ever in Gibraltar or nearby Spain, please pop in and say Hello!

    Sallie-anne Sadler

    There are so many tops business tips.  But these are my top 5 !
    1. PMA  Positive Mental Attitude.
    No one wants to see negative Nora on their social media feed or in class. People want to associate you with having fun or a place to go to forget their own problems. Keep it real though.

    2. Build your social media and email list.
    This is a biggy so many people may like your social media pages BUT the ones who are truly interested in what you have to offer will be on your e-mail list! If you have not got one make this a priority.
    3. Don’t focus on selling.
    Focus on what you love and the sales will come. There is nothing worse than someone pitching to you all the time on their social media feed. So show your customers how much you love what you do with great content throw in an occasional pitch. Overkill on the sales and your customers will turn off.
    4. Focus on your business not your neighbours.
    While you are focusing on someone else’s business yours is being neglected. They are going to do what they do anyway. So ignore and do what works for you.


    5. Plan ahead.
    Plan your weeks months and year ahead. You can always re-direct your plans in another direction but you have a starting point and something to work to. I find a plan keeps me on track and focused.
    facebook: KICK START FAT LOSS Norwich with Sallie-Anne Sadler
    twitter: ksflnorwich
    Instagram: sastotalfitnessnorwich
    web: sastotalfitness.co.uk





    Danni Evans
    Hi everybody, I hope all is well and you are having fun this season.  I run a private gym with my husband in a small community in rural Shropshire.  We focus on group exercise having around 50 classes on our timetable and enjoy strength & conditioning training with clients.  I also run an Aerial Studio with friend and colleague, Laura. This is a small, class only facility used primarily by females doing Pole, Antigravity and Aerial Hoop.  We apply the same business principles to both facilities and find very little need to advertise as we create a community that speaks for us, we have built tribes.  So here are my 5 top tips that have been the ‘force’ (excuse the topical Star Wars pun!!!) behind us this year.
    1) Communicate regularly – email, Facebook, text… TALK! Help clients with guidance, motivation and be informative not just sales pitches
    2) Be human, be honest, be yourself – do what YOU love and believe in and it will translate positively to clients, BUT….
    3) Listen to your clients… Listen to what they need and want and if you need to make changes then adapt where you can.  Don’t always chase the next big thing, think about YOUR clientèle and what THEY need and enjoy.  Back to basics has worked for us, it is what we enjoy and believe in and we attract the same type of people.
    4) Create a community – give clients your time, reward them and look after them.  Give your clients challenges to achieve to keep motivation up and show your belief in them.  We have clients entering anything from 5k races to marathons. We have individuals and teams in Crossfit competitions, The Superhuman Games, Tough Mudder 10k’s, Rat Races and the Bear Grylls Ultimate Survivor! At High Aerial Studio we will put on a showcase for the girls to perform in and others are entering Hoop and Pole competitions.  Work them hard, be passionate, be strong, push forwards and believe in them and they will get results, stay loyal and talk positively about you.
    5) Keep educated. Fitness and nutrition are constantly evolving. Keep up to date, stay ahead of the competition and be the expert your clients will trust.


    And a sneaky number 6… Give yourself time out, look after YOU – there is no business with you.
    On that note… Happy Christmas!

    Danni Evans
    Insta: dannicevans


    Helen Tite – The Core
    Avoid being distracted by the shiny things. The next big thing! Stick with your plan and keep evolving it. Taking time out to try something new  that wont really get you to your end goal but will feel nice for a bit will simply delay you getting to where you want to be.

    Be authentic. Follow your true values and beliefs. Following someone else’s dream will show the cracks in your authenticity and devalue your business model.

    Have a role model and mentor outside of your line of business. This helps you to stay on track and realize that your business model can be adapted to other business streams in the future. This also acts as a reminder that you are ok and it is normal and that other businesses have similar expectations as you.

    Share your vision with your team. As the leader they need to feel your journey too. This allows your team to see the direction you are moving in and will assist in development team. Care for your team, remind them of their value to your vision. As a valued employee you will feel their motivation and drive.

    Grow a thick skin. It hurts when people want to chip away at your armour, but if are true to your vision you will remain strong and on track. Turn off time wasting on the book of face. If you don’t see it then it wont hurt you.

    Founded by award-winning Fitness Professional Helen Tite in 2004, The Core Health Consultancy is one of the most respected pioneering fitness companies in the UK.

    Helen has many firsts to her accolade but most noticeably is the determination to blur the lines between health and fitness.
    “Everyone deserves to move” is her mantra. Her ability to see the best out of situations and improve someones quality of life has caused an evolution of FitPros to step into the field of health and make a difference. A member of the KSFL Franchise since January 2013.

    SF28 Health and Wellbeing Innovation Centre
    Treliske – Truro – TR1 3FF
    Office 01872 300261
    Mobile: 07590927305

    Season To Be Cheerful….2 Words…Rita Ora…!!
    By Andrew Crawford



    What a wicked tune Louisa and Rita Ora pulled out the bag on Saturday night’s final of the X-Factor. Hairs stood to attention and I had to rewind a couple of times (Benefits of digital)
    That reminded me of the duet of Beyonce & Alexandra where hairs stood up on the back of my arms and back. The singing was that good..!!
    R n B….Reggis & Bollie had no chance.
    Little Mix were sensational…they had a completely different look.
    Rita Ora……..
    My good gracious me……..EVERY week she looks absolutely gawjus…..AND …she can sang……..Mash it up  Mash it up…!!
    I wonder what she will be doing on this last weekend of shopping before the mad week.??
    I personally think the whole essence of Xmas has been lost to commercial exploits.
    Buy, buy,buy……Bah Humbug….
    I’m no Scrouge … but
    This fictional character in red and white from the North Pole will miraculously deliver gifts by squeezing his big boned body down a chimney to each and everyone …ONLY …if you are good…!! Paleaze..!!
    And to rub salt in the wounds, once you’ve exhausted yourself walking the streets, tubing, busing or travelling to London, Paris , New York, Munich shopping for Mary, Mungo & Midge whilst you are still sucking on the turkey bone and sipping on the mulled wine the ads come on introducing the Boxing Day sale at the same shop you have just purchased some of your gifts from….!!
    Although we moan, get stressed admire Rita Ora we still go through the same routine each year.
    Besides…….It’s a love thing……It is the Season to be cheerful…!!
    So Andrew,
    What has ‘Season to be Cheerful’ got to do with Accountancy & Tax?
    Well these 12 days of Xmas will be filled with shoppers gifting their hard earned British pounds to famous high street outlets eager to take  your money to fill their coffers.
    Here’s my gift to you.
    Today I will list just 12 companies (representing 12 days) who just loves this season and they are very cheerful as most of these outlet pay little or no UK tax on the income they will receive from you over the next profitable 12 days.
    By having their HQ positioned overseas in places like Switzerland & Luxembourg, or using parent companies, or diverting sales to their parent company.
    One of these companies diverts their dividends to their spouse in Monaca David Cameron appointed him ‘Efficiency Advisor’ to the Government……..!!!!
    Topman/Top Shop
    Johnnie Wlker
    Café Nero
    Amazon UK
    Did you see one of the headlines this week?? “..Fill in your Tax Return 4 times a year ..”
    I did warn you about something like this in one of my articles, it was in the ‘small print’ in their budget. I’ll tell you more   when I am clear what they are up to. It’s time to get your tax affairs in order and simplify the process.
    That is why I created Zlogg..
    Take a look at the features here : http://zlogg.co.uk/features/
    Test it for FREE here :  http://zlogg.co.uk/sign-up/
    And as for Rita Ora, if I ever get to meet that stylish great singing beauty queen I’m going to give her a big Zlogg…!!
    Let your light shine brightly amongst the darkness of this world, so others can see your good deeds – AJC
    Andrew James Crawford

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