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  • Instructor Newsletter 7 May 2015










    How are you?
    Hope you are back with busy classes this week
    after the bank holiday.
    The sun is shining here in Nottingham this morning
    & I have some GREAT content for you today
    in the newsletter
    Kelly Reed-Banks talks about how to be come a
    tutor & getting ready to kick
    of her new Abdominal Evolution Tour this week
    in Bristol.

    And I’m of on Saturday to teach in Turkey for the
    Aerobic Week.
    I’m super duper excited that
    Kick Start Fat Loss launches in Jersey on
    Monday with Sam Quirk
    with Gibraltar coming on board shortly with
    Natalie Hill.
    We also launched new clubs
    this week in Ilkeston, Derbyshire
    with Gary & Louise Atkin,
    45 people attended the event on
    Tuesday evening, which was fantastic.

    Have You listened to my Rachel Holmes Podcast?
    YOU can subscribe on itunes or listen via the website.

    Have a listen to this weeks episode with Jo De Rosa
    its BRILLIANT.
    Firstly she comes OUT Live.. in the interview!
    & she discusses the silent retreat that she blogged about here
    in the newsletter a few weeks ago.

    That article raised SO Much feedback that I wanted
    her to it in the interview & she talks living your passion
    & a new TV she is starring in

    New Downloads on C2GO
    Kelly Reed-Banks Freestyle Step^
    So You Want To be A Tutor? – By Kelly Reed-Banks

    Hey C2GOers!!!

    I often get asked by many instructors whilst on course or delivering workshops about getting into Tutoring & Assessing so this week’s article from me is all about how to do it and the qualifications you need.

    For me tutoring was a natural progression after I had been an instructor for 10 years and I had just started to get into presenting but what I really loved was to teach others how to do what I do. I remember I had just started working for Action UK and Karl who ran the company wanted to offer one day update courses for instructors so he signed us all up to do our Professional Tutor award (as it was called then) with YMCA FIT in London and I spent a week at YFIT head office learning how to deliver the basics with the head guys there and I absolutely LOVED it!!!!
    I knew then that I needed to know more and that education was definately the way I wanted my career to go so I spoke to my local YMCA – Cambridge & Peterbourgh about what qualifications I needed. At the time my Professional Tutor Award enabled me to teach anything I was already qualified in but I also needed my Assessors qualification so I signed up with them to complete it. I rememer I had to do a weekends worth of training and then I had to complete my portfolio and shadow a series of assessments. I then had to do some team assessments and delivery before I was signed off to be able to teach and deliver on my own.
    I was really lucky as the YMCA in Cambridge were frequemtly running ETM & gym level 2 courses which I could sit in and use as part of my training & assessment portfolio. I think it took about 3 months before I was signed off but in that time I was busy helping write the 1 day courses for Action UK so that we could have these accredited through Skills Active & REPS ready to rock and rol,them out as soon as I was qualified.

    I was also really fortunate as my tutor was a lady called Deb Stuart who I known for a long time through instructing but Deb was an amazing tutor who totally inspired me. Debs is actually the head of Premier Training now funnily enough!

    There was not enough work though for me to make a living running 1 day courses so rather than slogging it out personal training every hour gods sends, I decided to apply for a lecturering role at our local college to teach BTEC Sport & Public Services. Through the qualifications I had, I was about to get some lecturing hours & some instructing but if I wanted to be considered for a part time or full time postition I needed to gain my PTLLS & DTLLS qualifications.

    Cambridge University were offering a pilot course at our college for a selected amount of trainee teaching staff to be taught their PTLLS & DTLLS where you would be taught by Cambridge University lecturers but at the Regional College where I worked & you would graduate with the University crest of your certificate and from Mandingly Hall where all the other guraduates do! So I definately wanted to sign up for this! I completed my PTLLS within 6 weeks (2 hours per week) however my DTLLS was a diploma so this was a year & half course which consisted of 4 hour lecturers a week for that time. I was given time off my lecturing hours at college to complete this and applied for a grant to cover the cost of the course. Since then as some of you know I have taught at college full time, then took volutary redudency and built my private business up for a year and now I just teach at the college 3 days a week which is perfect as I can do this along side all of the work I do for C2GO & my business. I have also completed my A1 & V1 qualifications which mean I can assess NVQ as well diploma qualifications and I am an interval verifier.

    So if you are thinking seriously about tutoring and you want to teach in a college like me – you will need your DTLLS qualification however they have just changed the name of this qualification to LEVEL 5 DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION & TRAINING.It’s the same qualification just new name! but you can study this either in a college or online. The PTLLS qualification is now called PTLLS level 4 or level 3 award in education & training. Again you can do this as a live course oronline with companies such as Group X Training or YMCA Fit. It is a lot of paperwork and I remember having to write essays every week to complete but diploma but it’s been worth every penny!

    The pay for tutoring and assessing is down to the company you work for, I have worked for some really big companies who cahrge their learners top end prices and been paid the same amount as I would if I was teaching a class!!! (Hence why I only worked for them a few times!). Then you find the really good companies that don’t over charge the learners and pay you a really descent wage for all the time and effort it takes to deliver and assess qualifications to a high level of service.

    I have a strong belief that tutors should still be current in industry, how can you teach an ETM course if you are not actually teaching in industry yourself? – That’s my thought anyway. Tutoring is such a rewarding job, yes it’s hard, it’s long hours, you may have to travel a lot and you have to give time and empathy to all learners but you are essentially helping to build the next generation of instructors or industry experts which is super exciting!!!
    If you have any questions on anything I have written or any feedback please feel free to contact me kelly@choreographytogo.com

    Are you looking for some new ideas & formats for your ABS classes or ABS sections of your sessions?
    Do your participants constantly ask you how to get slimmer abs or reduce their midriff? Well my new Abdominal Evolution workshop is here to help! I will be taking you through a 3 hour informative workshop, jam packed full of creative ideas & formats for your ABS sessions.

    The workshop is ideal for group exercise instructors, Personal Trainers, BOOT CAMP instructors & even fitness enthusiasts that want more ideas for their own training!
    The session includes –
    The Max Out Mid Section Masterclass. This is a full on extravaganza of hard core training utlising Tri sets, Giant Sets & Pyramid Training protocols. Always unique & user friendly this is an action packed class with tons of usable take aways for your class members.
    This session is designed to push your midriff to the max!

    The next section is ORGANIC Abdominals.
    Organic Abs shapes & sculpts the whole mid section, core, back and glutes in a functional capacity providing you with a multitude of training ideas and updates but catered for clientele that don’t want the explosive moves or might require modifications. I’ve put together some result driven sequences that will still challenge but in a suitable format for everyone to enjoy.

    I will then take you through probably the most important information of the irks hop which is – Shape, Shrink & Crunch – The Abdominal Detox

    They say “Abs are made in the Kitchen” and they really are…. We know that you can spend hours working out in the gym but if the nutrition isn’t right then it’s kind of redundant. The gut wall lining, inflammation, bloating & gut microbiom all play a huge part in gut health.

    By following the latest Nutritional information & research, huge benefits in gut health and the appearance of the abdominals can be experienced. I will be giving you Quick tips that can easily be for lasting health and vitality. Myself and Rachel have created KSFL 10 Nutritional Nuggets To Get a Flat Stomach Plan.
    So I Kick this workshop off in Bristol on 9th May, however this date is actually FULLY BOOKED, so if you’d like to join me for one of my other dates, you need to book fast! Please go to www.choreographytogo.com

    The Feeding Of The 5,000…….Your Future….Their Hands…!!

    By Andrew Crawford
    Have you been receiving unwanted calls from an 0843 number these last few months?
    I have now got it down to a tee……..without swearing.
    I literally throw the unsolicited mofos off their script and take over the questioning……..You will find that THEY put the phone down first..!!
    My future in my hands…..It’s about boxing clever..
    Talking about boxing….
    Did you stay up to watch the ‘The biggest fight in history? So far……
    Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao fought in Vegas (Rachel Holmes’ playground)….I was there last year when he fought Maidana. I’ve never seen so many stretched limos…there was ducking, weaving, bobbing, jabbing, upper cutting, sliding and sliding…..there could only be ONE winner……their future was in their hands.
    Hard work and dedication.

    So Andrew………..
    What has Your Future Their Hands and the Feeding of the 5,000 got to do with Accountancy & Tax?
    Well…Last week I received a book face message (spot the deliberate error) from ‘The Dancelady’, aka Caroline Newman..you can check out her funny vlogs on facebook…..She wrote..

    “…….could you do a bit in Choregraphy to go newsletter about the Conservatives small business thing today via telegraph ?? , so many of us Fitness instructors are exactly that ! , however I won’t understand head nor tale of it BUT I do understand what you write in the newsletters !! Thankyou Muchly xxxx………….”

    Well…most of you may have heard the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 strong crowd with only 5 fishes and 3 loaves….
    Last week in one of the daily misinformation broadsheets……commonly known as a Newspaper, there was an ‘.Exclusive letter to The Telegraph from 5,000 small business owners who back the Tories…..’

    Published, printed, spread over the internet and read by millions….yep…..that’s exclusive….Not..!!

    Let me state that I am not into Bollotics and express no opinion for any party

    So …with that I have found the said ‘exclusive’ letter for you to cast your eyes over. See below…

    “………..SIR – We run small businesses right across the country.
    We work hard, make sacrifices and invest our own money to help our businesses grow and succeed.
    It was tough during the recession, but we kept going.
    The Conservative-led Government has been genuinely committed to making sure Britain is open for business.
    They’ve managed to get the economy moving again by tackling the deficit, helping to keep interest rates low and inflation down.
    We’ve been helped by their steps to lower taxes, reduce red tape, simplify employment law and get the banks lending.
    The good news is that businesses like ours have helped to create 1,000 jobs a day since 2010.
    We would like to see David Cameron and George Osborne the chance to finish what they have started.
    A change now would be far too risky and would undo all the good work of the last five years…..”
    As far as tax goes for the small business I pulled out only a few things which impact on you and your small business.

    To be honest….the letter was really a publicity stunt as the election draws nearer.
    No income tax for people who work 30 hours per week on minimum wage
    The minimum wage as from 1 October 2015 are as:
    the adult rate will increase by 20 pence to £6.70 per hour
    the rate for 18 to 20 year olds will increase by 17 pence to £5.30 per hour
    the rate for 16 to 17 year olds will increase by 8 pence to £3.87 per hour
    the apprentice rate will increase by 57 pence to £3.30 per hour

    I’m sure none of you are on any of these rates now.
    “..Steps to lowering taxes…”
    The Personal Allowance is to be raised to £12,500 by 2020. Now stop and think about that for a moment…….. It is 2015 now….the personal allowance at the moment is £10,800…so in 5 year’s time it will go up by £1,700. That is £340 per year.

    In that time, petrol will be up, travelling will be up, alcohol will be up. Your utilities will increase…you’ll be 5 years older. Your tastes will change. No longer will you settle for ‘standard’…..you want ‘premium’….!!
    You following me?
    Next we have the 40% Tax Rate. This will kick in at £50,000 by 2020. Again, check the date out. That is 5 years away. However, this is a good thing as more of your income will be taxed at the 20% rate.
    The one that I really like is the Increase in the inheritance tax threshold on family homes to £1 million by 2017.
    This will be brilliant as most homes nowadays smash that low threshold thus forcing the estate to face the dreaded 40% inheritance tax.
    Understand this……you work all your life, put savings away (from your taxed income), you invest, you go without, you delay…..then one day…you die. Once your whole estate including savings, value of your possessions goes over the present low threshold then the family you leave behind will be faced with finding the money to pay the tax. Not a great position to be in. I’m looking forward to see whether this one materialises…or is it lip service???
    Other areas include the double free childcare allowance for three and four-year-olds to 30 hours per week. Important if you have children

    If you have a limited company then the 20% corporation rate is diamond. I think there was rumour that this rate will be reduced to 19%. For those of you with profits under £1m this obviously favours the BIG companies.

    My question therefore is are you gonna leave your future in their hands……??

    Turning my focus back to the 5,000…first came the realisation that there were many duplications. It turned out some businesses had not signed the letter at all

    Other databases showed that many of the companies named simply did not exist and many of the individuals in the list are not directors/shareholders of the companies named.

    This is pure propaganda,

    So….Ms ‘Regular’ Dancelady……I hope that helps..muchly…!!


    It’s either Red, Blue, Yellow and ALL the other various Political Parties Promising the Earth to secure YOUR vote. Use it wisely today please.

    Vote for “None of The Above” – Richard Pryor

    Your Future …Their Hands.

    Andrew James Crawford


    Have a wonderful THURSDAY

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