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  • Instructor Newsletter 9th April 2015












    I hope you had

    the very best Easter & now looking

    towards summer term.

    This week has been all about video.

    I did a Skype  interview with

    Jenny Burrell on Tuesday that we filmed

    & recorded.

    Jenny asked me the following questions:

    1: With many people ‘under-earning’ – what are the secrets of earning what you WANT AND NEED TO earn?

    2:  Why do you think people undercharge & fear raising their prices?

    3:  Let’s talk about the ‘hidden entrepreneur’ – people that want to do great things but are afraid to be seen……


    To see my answers check out the audio here:



    Have you checked out my new C2GO Fit Biz Tips Show?

    I record 3 episode a week:

    Motivational Monday, Tuesday Chat & Fit Tips Friday

    I’d LOVE to get your feedback & if you find the tips helpful.

    The videos are only 4/5minutes long & are designed to be quick

    & actionable.

    5 Ideas of What To Put In Your Newsletter

    5 Ways To Grow Your Email List

    5 Ways To Create Cheap (But Awesome Videos)


    Here is my brand new Mash Ups 4 CD from Pure Energy.

    Grab a copy direct from Pure Energy

    5 Top Tips to help you write better articles!

    We all know that to get your message across you need to write. You need to supply copy for your websites, blogs and, of course, Facebook and Twitter updates.

    But what if you are not a confident writer and writing doesn’t come naturally?

    Well, you need to not panic, there are lots of tricks that can help you write interesting articles that will help you get your message across.

    Writing will help you get attract followers, new business and new clients but it doesn’t have to be hard work.

    Here are some ideas for writing interesting articles that will help solve problems for your clients and position you as a voice of authority.

    1.Write a list – My Top Tip.

    Everyone can write a list! Lists are super easy to read and great for newsletters where readerds may only speed read and glance down. It’s quick info to digest.

    Give a short one or two paragraph intro, then launch right into your list. Keep each item to a few sentences max. People love numbers, so number your list and give your total number in the title. (You may have noticed that the article you’re reading right now is following the LIST format.)

    5 Top Ab Exercises…… 10 Ways to lose Fat this Summer……My 5 Best Cardio Workouts………5 Exercises to improve your posture……Get the idea?

    2. The Real Life Case Study

    How Jean lost 1 stone in 3 weeks after attending Zumba/Bootcamp/Fitness Pilates etc

    These type of articles are really inspiring and motivating to your audience, you can even get your featured clients to contribute to the article.

    3. Interview

    Choose an expert or client to interview for your article. Present it in either a traditional article format or do a Q&A.

    For example. Jean has now left her full time job in xxxxx and gone full time in the fitness industry – You can then interview Jean and write the answers to your questions in an article.

    4.Be a trend setter

    Trends aren’t just for fashion! Whenever a trend sweeps health and fitness ( and there are many on a daily basis), you’ll see Blogs and Facebook all commenting on the newest/the latest/the most hip and happening. From the latest class to the latest piece of gym equipment, people want to know all about these trends—their origins, benefits, and drawbacks. Easy to write about!

    5. Studies show…..

    Brilliant for fitness and weight loss as you can always find on the net studies that show  ………..xyz……..These articles report the results of a study or survey. If you do a bit of research, you can probably dig up a recent study on which you can base your article


    Great It’s Easter Holidays…Roadworks.. Delays…Cancellations..oh…& Elections…!!

    By Andrew Crawford

    Schools Out……….What? Again…!!!?   Yep..!!

    Good thing is that the roads are less busy…bad thing..you gotta find stuff for our young dharlings to occupy themselves with for 2 weeks.

    Add to that road works and delays especially the cancellations to flights if you are going to fly over French ‘Airspace’….

    Imagine that…

    Each country ‘Owns’ the airspace above it…….

    As predicted, the elections are hotting up. There’ll be more revelations, scandals and ‘leaks’ coming out the closer we get to the end.

    It is obvious the parties involved will be promising something to do with tax and how they will change aspects of it…..once elected…!!

    I am quite aware that you want to read and rush off to continue your Easter break, so I will keep this short.

    So Andrew…

    What’s Easter & Elections got to do with Accountancy & Tax?

    Well…..they both result in New Beginnings

    Let me explain.

    Remember a few articles ago I talked about a New Initiative the Government will be rolling out??


    Well it was called the ‘Digital Tax Account’.

    I wanted to learn more as this will have an affect on how you do your Tax Returns in the future. So I had a dig around and found some more information on this subject.

    I have grabbed the following from HMRC……

    View and manage their information online in one secure place

    Taxpayers will get a real-time view of their tax affairs and see how their tax is calculated. They’ll also be able to check how much tax they owe or need to be repaid and see their options for paying securely.

    Digital accounts will give small businesses greater certainty and control over their tax position. Those which pay more than one tax (such as corporation tax, VAT and Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE)) will be able to take a single view of their total liabilities across all taxes.

    Pay the tax they owe without having to give HMRC information it already holds

    HMRC will automatically use the information it holds, along with new data from third parties, to populate the digital accounts.

    Those who pay their tax through PAYE will have their income tax, National Insurance contributions and pension position shown in their digital tax accounts, including any interest from banks and building societies.

    Taxpayers will then simply be able to log-in to check and confirm that their details are complete and correct.

    For businesses, HMRC and Companies House will be streamlining the process to register a new company and sign up for a range of taxes by May 2017. This will remove the need for companies to provide the same information more than once.

    Link their business accounting software to their digital tax account

    By 2020, businesses will be able to manage their taxes together as part of their day-to-day running, rather than something to be done separately. Their accounting software will be able to feed data straight into their digital tax account, so most businesses will simply log-in to check their details with no need to send an annual return.

    Deal with their tax affairs quickly and easily

    The digital tax account will show PAYE taxpayers how much tax they will pay via their employer. Even those with complex tax affairs will be able to tell HMRC about additional income online and have it reflected in their digital tax account.

    Individuals and small businesses will have the option to ‘pay as you go’ to help manage their cash flow, so they won’t be faced with a one-off bill many months down the line. Instead of making a number of payments across different taxes, they will be able to make just one. It will feel like paying a single tax.

    Interesting isn’t it….?? (Tongue in cheek)

    Watch out on more on this subject and the changes it will have on completion of Tax Returns.


    The timing of the Digital Tax Account coincides with my little project and will go hand in hand quite nicely..!!!!

    Easter Holidays…….Chicks & Chocolates….and not necessarily in that order..!!

    Andrew James Crawford

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