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  • Instructor Newsletter 9th May 2013

    Firstly, thanks to everyone who mailed, tweeted and Facebooked me about last week’s inspirational newsletter.  I’m so glad you enjoyed all of the new contributors and articles. Please keep that coming, we all love to hear from you.

    I’m of to teaching in Turkey on Saturday for the Deluxe Fitness Holiday and this year I’ll be holding Kick Start Fat Loss seminars, talks and workouts plus lots of new masterclasses and trainings,  PLUS exciting breaking news Kick Start Fat Loss will be sponsoring a venue at The Big One North and Big One South events in September. The team will be presenting new sessions, programmes and workshops which I’m over the moon about. It’s a great opportunity and I’m looking forward to putting it all together.  Booking, timetables and further information will be coming out in the next few week regarding these events.

    Digital Fitness Marketing – Make Facebook work For YOU by Rachel
    Attract, Promote and Sell – Make a plan and stick to it
    You know I have been a huge advocate of Facebook and Social Media since my early days on MySpace and when Facebook first started. I would say that, without a shadow of a doubt, Facebook increased my business reach and profits over 65%, both for my local classes in Derbys/Nottm, my national courses and education events, online fitness initiatives and, of course, Kick Start Fat Loss.
    It also freed me up from having to buy costly mail outs, put adverts in magazines and newspapers and print endless, expensive flyers that would go out of date really quickly and I’d end up with boxes of useless flyers.
    Of course, I do still do lots of this style of marketing, but its minimum and a fraction of what I used to shell out. But to be honest Facebook really works for Fitness marketing, as long as you create a simple step by step plan.
    Digital marketing is here to stay in a huge way and it’s only going to get bigger.
    Yes, I hear Instructors who say to me “But Rachel, my clients aren’t on Facebook”
    “My clients don’t like Facebook”
    “ Rachel all my clients come by word of mouth not social media”
    Yep, I get that, but we are trying to attract NEW clients and NEW Leads and NEW Customers, who are looking for you and your classes, services and products.

    Here’s My Top Facebook Tips

    1.You really have got to keep posting through the day. It’s so easy now to schedule your Facebook posts. See the little clock in the corner of your posts? Schedule your daily posts at different intervals throughout the day. It will take you 10minutes and you don’t have to sit on Facebook for hours.
    2.Try not to only do promoting posts. Have fun, share bits of your life with your followers. You don’t have to post intimate details, just interesting and fun posts. Help your followers get to know the real you.
    3.Video and Pictures posts are KEY. If I make a funky graphic using my iphone app – Phonto or Instacollage it generates so many more likes, comments and interaction. Which equals fantastic engagement of your page. Be creative.
    4.Build relationships on Facebook. People follow and buy from people they like and trust and this takes time to build. Be consistent, be authentic and be YOU on Facebook. Write and post how you really speak, feel and think. This always shows though in time. Answer your comments and question and ensure you engage.
    5.I have to say 100% invest in an iphone or a smartphone. I was a Blackberry girl for years, but trust me, I can run all of my marketing, promotion, PR, blogging and videoblogging, my audios for Kick Start Fat Loss, send my newsletter & updates, create funky app graphics, create all the before and after pics, testimonials and new projects, all from my trusty iphone. I know you think I’m sat here all day everyday answering emails and thinking up ideas for Facebook,  but I’m honestly doing my daily social media tasks on the go and on the move through my iphone. I make a daily plan of what needs to go out and then work on it through the day while I’m out training, teaching, in meetings or whatever. It took me a while to figure it all out, learn all the programmes and iphone apps, but it saves me hours every day being stuck at a desk. I’m in touch with my business and my customers via social media all day .
    Make a daily plan. Using your iphone notes and write a list of what you want to talk about, post and promote. Plan your monthly projects and promotions, break that down into weekly themes then a daily plan and, of course, once you have a road map to follow you have a PLAN!

    Share your social media strategies with me via Facebook/Twitter @RachelHolmes : Instagtram RachelLholmes

    Kim Ingleby

    “Ability is what you’re capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.” (Lou Holtz).
    Wow, thank you so much for all your great feedback and questions from last week’s feature in Rachel’s newsletter.  Really great to hear it had some useful tips, and if you have any other questions please do just let me know.

    I hope you had a great Bank Holiday weekend? I wonder if you worked, played or both?  I did both. I think balance is key to keeping the passion in your business, and the fun in your life. I had a wonderful weekend with family and friends at Badminton horse trials with 2 very good friends and my cousin competing for the first time.  The sun shone, we must have walked miles and miles, and all three horses and riders completed, super exciting and inspiring.  If you don’t know horses, it’s kind of like getting yourself to the top of whatever sport or goal you have in your life.  It has been all of their dreams since childhood, and they committed to making it happen.
    How are your dreams coming along….?
    I then spent some time working on my business, reflecting on the last few months and refining the forthcoming months. Followed by a few hours working in my business, running special Bank Holiday Day training sessions and courses.  Both things work really well on a Bank Holiday Monday I find. You have the space to work on your business as not many people will be contacting you (and potentially people around to look after kids etc), and your regular clients will love a special training session, post their weekend fun!

    So think ahead, what could you do for the second Bank Holiday in May and the August Bank Holiday?  Get a good promotion together, and trust me, they will be fully booked and great fun.
    When I’m reflecting on my business it works in a similar way to when I’m reviewing a race with one of my top athletes, or refining a presenting performance for a media client. The system is still the same, and really works.  This is how; you have to write the answers down, rather than just think about it though, to really commit to action & success.
    My Quick Top Tips to Enhance your Business Performance:
    1.Write down the 3 things you have achieved this year, which you are most proud about, why and how they made you feel. Please do tweet Rachel and I, we love to celebrate success, and this is a positive thing! Be proud of your achievements, see it as an appraisal with yourself, and a reward acknowledge your success, even if it’s a bunch of flowers or a new training top!

    2.Write down 2 things that have not gone so well, what you have learned from this and how you would do it differently. When you do this, make sure you write down the learning’s in a positive way.  I went to a talk from a guy called Humphrey Walters (check his mini inspirational quotes book), and he said if you are not ‘failing’ you are not learning.  Take every ‘failing’ as an opportunity to become better, this empowers you to stay positive and present.
    3.Audit yourself right now…. Out of Ten, without thinking too much how do you feel & how happy are you in these areas…. Sleep & Well Being, Health & Nutrition, Fitness & Posture, Work, Wealth, Family Time, Friends, Fun, Relationship, Body Confidence & Holidays.   When you are working to move things forwards, it’s good to choose a max of 3 things to focus on as a priority.  So for the next three weeks, until the next bank holiday, I would like you to choose your top three areas to focus on. Write down your three top mini, clear specific goals you are going to achieve, how and why this is important, pin them up and go make it happen.  Make sure they are small enough to achieve, yet big enough to commit to. If you are really busy choose the easiest things do to, if you have more time, choose the most important things.

    From this choose another top 3 areas (they could be the same), and choose your goals to achieve from the 28th May to the August Bank Holiday. Again, make sure they are clear and specific, and more importantly, they matter to you. Ask yourself, do you believe this is possible? Are you willing to commit the time and energy to making it happen?  Do you fully intend to commit to making it happen?

    Buy a pin board and start to create a vision board (this can be done on Pinterest too or in a notebook but is best on a pin board,  something you see every day and have to actively cut things out to put onto it, this activates all parts of your brain). In the middle, write something like this, ‘My best business possible by August Bank Holiday’, edit the words to work for you.  Then put pictures, photos, words, quotes, anything that inspires and motivates you towards your success on the board. Every time you do this, you are firing neurological thought processes towards what you want, and reducing the fears and limitations. It sounds silly, but it really does work….. combined with this choose a word for the week that will focus you, Courage & Empower are two words I use regularly that really help to reduce any limiting thoughts.
    So there you have it!  My top Ninja Tips to bring you clarity, focus and success…. Fine tune in Andrew’s financial tips & Rachel’s knowledge and you can only be the best version of yourself, which will attract the people to develop the business you dream about.  Let me know how you get on, feedback is great!
    Have a brilliant, productive, balanced month of May?  If you have any questions or feedback
    I would love to hear from you, you can tweet me @kimingleby
    Websites: www.energisedperformance.com , www.kimingleby.co.uk & www.energisedbusiness.com

    “If you think you can, or if you think you cannot, you are right”

    Marvin Burton – Tip #2 They’re always watching

    As a personal trainer you are being watched and judged everywhere you go. If you are shopping, people check your basket, if you are training, people watch what you do, if you are drinking, people criticize you. So, remember that you’re constantly advertising your business. Standing with a client and not being involved and not looking interested shows other people that your service is not worth a penny. I would recommend training somewhere alternative from where you work for your own sanity and going out of town if you’re planning a manic night out.


    Freestyle…..Or not to Freestyle (Part 2) By Andrew Scott

    I write to you today following the most awesome intermediate freestyle step class today at Bannatynes Health Club, Worksop (a 9am class as well), we were shuffling round, all trying to fit our steps in, making sure everyone could see me (my bright green trainers helped) and of course hear me (never an issue), and we rocked it to the most amazing 90’s anthems.

    What a way to set up the day, 9am was always a risky slot, i.e. because of the school run, local traffic, not to mention if you’re off work would you get up for a 9am class?? (I have to be out for 10am for Les Mills to come an do his thing……anyway enough of that)
    I’ve been teaching at my local Bannatynes for just over a year now, its local to me, it’s my day off from the day job and fits in well. When I got approached about adding step to the timetable I was all game, I’d previously taught in Sheffield and Mansfield gyms all with long standing freestyle classes, however Bannatynes had not seen step for a few years and HiLo was non-existent. So I rock up to the first class bright and early ready to rock it.

    Factor in a new class, an ‘Old Fashioned Class’ (as some say) an early time slot, an unknown young lad, and something not Les Mills, I shouldn’t have been surprised that I had around 8 people turn up, as slightly disappointed as I was I psyched myself up ready to go. All had done step before, I had nothing too tricky planned, three fairly beginner(ish) combinations, warming up stretching off fine, single knees, basics, curls, kicks, all rocking. Next I add in a Mambo Cha Cha……”woah woah woah”, the class halted, too dancy, they didn’t want any of “that”. I was stunned, I didn’t know what to do, breaking it down didn’t help either, I saw some glancing at watches and the clock, and we had 35 mins to go, what to do….?
    I was thinking what the hell had they been doing before or what they thought they’d be doing, I carried on, scrapping any tangos or heaven forbid any rhythm changes. I need to promote this class I wanted people to come and I wanted it to be a success. The feedback was it was ‘fine’ but not how they “remember step” there was none of this choreography malarkey.

    I had to completely re plan my class content, I approached with a different angle, again taught three combinations, they were learning a routine without even knowing it, I kept all basic moves with nothing added other than power and speed elements.
    A year on some of these same people, along with many more have joined us since that very first class, are smashing it week after week, with ball changes, chasses, tangos and everything else I throw at them.

    My advice to you, get down to their level, make it athletic based and much easier on the brain (for example power knees, sumo squats, basics, jumps etc.), you can still teach in your own style (as I did – 32 count blocks) but with the moves that kept the participants in their comfort zone, gradually you can work routines into a style you can see work well with your group.

    Power step for example is fine, you can teach step like that or even a HiiT step, choreography is just one style you can deliver. My participants relish their Tuesday mornings, they look forward to the workout, the music they’ll be working to, the performance at the end (ultimately whatever Andy is going to chuck at them) Just as PT’s or gym instructors lets work with our members, this is their class as well as ours, Group X provides that buzz and allows passion and enthusiasm to flow both ways.

    If you ran a pre choreographed class and a member approached with feedback saying they didn’t like some of the moves, the music, and the structure. What could you do about it……..in short NOTHING.
    I changed my class I rethought it, I then re delivered it, I work hard and resulting in very successful classes, not only at Bannatynes but at my local Leisure centre where I get huge numbers, with Hilo and Step being the busiest classes on the timetable.

    My advice, don’t take things for granted, keep things fresh, keep things challenging, keep things fun. If you are enjoying it, your members will be enjoying it tenfold. Although I’m relatively new to this industry and there will be eyes reading this who have accomplished so much in their field and with experiences in its masses, I stand by this………….

    Freestyle fitness is a quality that can make each and every fitness professional their own person, it allows individuality, personal and professional development, together with passion, enthusiasm and sheers drive and determination to shine through (It is NOT an old fashioned exercise class)

    ‘The fitness industry is our oyster’
    (Many thanks for the lovely emails and tweets I received following last week’s article)
    Twitter: @AndrewScott1989
    Facebook: Andrew Scott
    Email: andrewcscott1989@hotmail.co.uk

    Let Your Light Shine…….!!
    By Andrew Crawford

    Do you let the weather dictate how you feel? Let you light shine.

    You will know that your light is shining because ‘Others’ will tell you…with statements like…”..You’re a breath of fresh air..!!…”

    It comes from deep within you and exposes itself in the things you say and do. The strange thing is……you personally can’t see it…!!

    Your ray of ‘light’ will touch someone in some way to invoke a positive reaction. Usually it will express itself in a smile, a kind gestre a touch a look an action.

    I was always taught that if you cannot do things in the light then it is done in darkness. Anything done in darkness and hidden suggests that thing must be sinister and not worthy of the light.

    So….Live in the light and let your light shine.

    Following on from last week….how did you do? Remember these 2?
    C2G0 Credit Card Weight Loss Challenge
    Cash For Christmas (from your ‘own’ Commercial Bank)
    Before the stroke of midnight tonight, you should have ‘banked’ your second lot of Cash For Christmas in your commercial bank. Go and have a look at it and count it…..feels good eh??

    For the Credit Card Challenge…..you now have only 53 days to go…is it tough not using that card?

    I had a thought that some of you might want to save every other week…..that’s ok once you are doing it consistently. Remember what we want to achieve here?

    At Christmas you would have previously worked out what you want to spend (food, drinks & presents) and made your own individual calculations to result in your weekly total. (If you can’t remember, look back on last week’s article ).

    Keep your focus and let you light shine.

    I didn’t want to mention this ….but…

    I couldn’t help noticing the headline of ALL the papers last week concerning the Jimmy SoVile saga………can you imagine the fees the Lawyers are raking in??  Big names being outed by the press. Lord have mercy. These people’s light, once bright, are now burning very dimly…!!

    So Andrew…..
    What the dickens has shining ones light got to do with Accountancy & Tax.

    Well……I am constantly asked what is the best bank to go with? So I wanted to shine the light of the various options available to you.
    Instead of me dithering on, I will let David Black who is a Banking specialist take you through the various options.

    In essence, there are four types of current account available.
    Basic Bank Accounts
    These do not offer overdrafts. If they have a debit card it tends to have limited facilities.
    They can be opened without undergoing any credit check and are offered by the providers as part of the government’s strategy for financial inclusion because they enable those who cannot get a full service current account to access banking facilities.
    They do not incur a monthly fee. There are 20 basic bank accounts available.

    Free in-Credit Current Accounts
    These are full-service bank accounts that are free to use for those that remain in credit. There are 55 free-in-credit current accounts available.

    Student Current Accounts
    These are broadly similar to free-in-credit current accounts but tend to offer interest free overdrafts and other goodies to attract students who, the providers hope, will remain long-term customers.
    There are 28 student current accounts available.

    Packaged Current Accounts
    These are full service current accounts that charge a monthly fee which typically range from about £8 up to £25, although some premier accounts charge as much as £40.
    In exchange for the charge, a variety of incentives such as travel insurance, mobile phone insurance and motor breakdown assistance policies are provided.
    There are 65 packaged current accounts available.

    Current accounts tend to be dominated by the banks but there are five building societies that offer current accounts.

    There are also a number of foreign banks that offer them such as ICICI, Punjab National Bank and the State Bank of India. Tesco has signalled its intention to launch a current account in the not-too-distant future.

    When looking for a new current account, there are a few key points to consider.

    Firstly it depends upon how the account will be used, because the best account will vary from person to person.
    Those who never use an overdraft should opt for an account that pays interest on credit balances. Some 63% of current accounts no longer pay interest.
    Examples include Halifax’s Reward Current Account, which pays £5 (net of basic rate tax) every month that at least £1,000 is paid in. Santander’s 123 Current Account charges £2 a month but pays interest of 1% on balances over £1,000, 2% on the entire balance if the balance is over £2,000, or 3% on the entire balance if it is over £3,000 up to a maximum balance of £20,000. It also pays cash back on council tax, utility and communications bills.

    Somebody more likely to go overdrawn should concentrate on the overdraft costs. There are a myriad of different overdraft tariffs in the market and this complexity makes overdraft comparisons very difficult.

    The size and frequency of overdraft usage and the number and size of transactions can all affect the overall cost. It is also worth noting that the availability of overdrafts is subject to the credit status of the applicant.

    Some current accounts offer an ongoing interest-free overdraft. The highest interest free overdraft from a free-in-credit current account is £500 from Citibank’s Plus Current Account but customers must pay at least £1,800 into the account every month otherwise there is an £8 monthly fee. By paying less than £1,250, the interest free overdraft is removed.

    It is worth noting that interest-free overdrafts are generally more prevalent among packaged current accounts.

    Online banking
    Customers should also consider whether they want branch access or would accept doing all their banking online. They should check that the account permits them to operate it as they wish.

    Some accounts insist on paying in a minimum monthly amount every month – typically £500, £750, £1,000 or £1,500. This is to ensure it is used as a primary current account.
    Failing to pay in the required monthly amount with one of these accounts would probably lead to a benefit or incentive being reduced or removed, or a financial penalty being levied.
    Anyone contemplating a packaged current account should make sure they want and need the various incentives and, if so, that they are suitable for their circumstances and represent value for the monthly fee being charged.

    Some providers restrict certain other products to their current account customers. Anyone wanting an HSBC credit card or unsecured loan can only get it if they have an HSBC current account. NatWest and RBS have a similar restriction.
    Some providers offer special mortgage deals to their current account customers, but do bear in mind that just because a mortgage is a “special” deal, it does not necessarily mean that it cannot be beaten elsewhere.
    Enhanced savings, unsecured loan and credit card deals are similarly in evidence.
    There is no doubt that providers want you as a current account customer, provided of course that you use it as your main current account.
    They regard it as the key way to build a relationship with the customer and it enables them to target customers with other products that are appropriate for their circumstances.
    Many providers want to become a one-stop shop for all their customers’ financial needs, and the current account is the preferred avenue by which to deepen such relationships.
    A current account does not have to be for life and there are significant safeguards being put in place to make switching a relatively seamless process. It is worth taking the time to see if you can get a better deal and it might save you a lot of money.


    I was just wanted to know …do you like your partner thin or with a bit of ‘meat’ on them?
    My answer…..In the winter meaty (warmth and comfort purposes) and in summer lean mean fighting machine…lol
    So …go out there and Let Your Light Shine.

    Can Freestyle get you more numbers in your classes? Sally Ghafoor

    I hire a hall at a local facility. They have been asking me for years to come in and do a class for adults with learning disabilities on a Friday morning. I have never wanted to commit to working every week during the day, I have the kids and a lot of stuff to do. However last week they were desperate, so I stepped in and went along to take the class.

    Having never worked with anybody but your average fitness goer, I was unsure on what content to deliver. They wanted Zumba, I like to  do my Zumba classes easy to follow but high impact. I knew this wouldn’t work here. So I picked all of my easier tunes.

    I put on the first track. Immediately I discovered the routine I had planned in my head would be far too complicated and I needed to think of my feet FAST!

    This is where the years and years of freestyle choreographing came in to play. I winged the next 10 songs, I knew the music, I could feel the music, so I could choreograph it on the spot there and then. They loved it.

    I then sat and thought about the times when you are mid way through a class and you forget the next move – instant improvisation, born from the ability to choreograph routines for so many years.

    You know what I like the best about freestyle classes, it is what sets you apart from the rest. I am no pre choreographed basher at all, lets face it, it is sooooo much easier to learn pre choreographed routines. Well it is for me, but we are of course all different. I have this uncanny knack to watch a routine twice and I can more or less nail it afterwards.

    Choreographing for me takes a lot longer….

    However I am all for the whole “Blue Ocean Strategy” What sets you apart from everyone else. Where others deliver pre choreographed routines, I deliver my own freestyle. It makes me different.

    I did a little experiment, pushed for time, I put a load of routines into my Zumba class that I found via other Zumba instructors who were willing to let me use them in my classes. I picked the ones I liked, but they weren’t mine, they weren’t my way, the routines whilst good, didn’t fit the way I felt the music. My numbers dipped a bit. All in the passion see….. something was missing.

    I took the time to choreograph a ton more of mine – last week saw me hit some high numbers and a lot of love for the routines.

    So if you are looking to up your numbers, go out there and make yourself different, show your own flavour, your own style. People come to you, for what you deliver….

    Keep Freestyle alive – you never ever know when you are going to need it.

    p.s. The younger me was on the children’s TV programme “Hey look that’s me” I was doing a rock n roll routine…. I have tried to find the clip on the internet but it’s coming up with nothing… if anyone out there is a whizz at anything like this, and you can find it – I would love you forever

    Sally Ghafoor

    Go Small To Get Big Results

    By Katie Bulmer-Cooke

    The fitness industry is ever evolving, new trends arrive with great impact then settle into the mainstream. With this in mind the fitness professional must be relentless in their pursuit of new trends and grab them with both hands in order to stay current.

    The last few years has seen a rise in boot camp formats and strongly branded group fitness classes such as Zumba. Such models created a surge in class numbers, and all time high attendance figures, which has dramatically boosted the income and exposure of personal trainers and instructors, raising their profile and client database.

    Large group classes generate a huge buzz but in some cases personal service can become lost, and as the industry trends begin to shift again, clients are looking for more high end personal contact and support in their quest to achieve their goal. During recession clients demand value for money, results and outstanding customer service. In 2013 the astute fitness professional will fill the gap that exists in the fitness market between personal training and large group training and create a small group training product.

    Small group training can target more specific niches and client groups that are being excluded by the mass market, and research and experience indicates that exercise adherence is dramatically enhanced in a group versus going it alone, due to accountability, camaraderie and support.

    The exclusivity and high value of small group training, warrants new payment systems, veering away from the pay-as-you-go model in favour of the upfront payment for the entire course. For the fitness professional this brings financial growth, security and commitment; elements many are craving in recent times.

    When marketing small group training, focusing on results and benefits is key, as opposed to simply selling sessions over a number of weeks. Inform your niche of the personal benefits they will receive, the level of attention, support, care and what the outcome of the program is. Throughout the set up and marketing of a small group training program, keep the niche at the forefront of your mind, asking questions such as ‘what time will be most appropriate, what special considerations will need to be made in terms of venue and equipment?’. Tune into and become the client. Research what they demand, love and where you will find them in monumental detail.

    Small group training is the future in fitness as it draws on the key elements from both PT and group fitness; it yields measurable results, has personal service, builds great client/trainer rapport, offers accountability and support. It is time to utilise knowledge and skills acquired through recent up-skilling and offer our clients new, creative, and customer based services and results.

    Small group training can be adapted to allow any niche to thrive, from Pilates and Yoga to older adults and HIIT training, and allows the fitness professional to draw upon their existing skills in both 1 to 1 and group fitness environments, to create a product that encompasses the support and individual care that is extinct in large groups, and that clients are seeking out as we move into an exciting new era in the industry.

    Elevate yourself
    By Claire Mockridge, Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert

    A rather belated article from me, but you know what it’s like.  The days merge into weeks, the weeks become months, and before I know it, I’m another year older and it’s now May.  How did that happen?

    Anyway, I’d like to say a big, big, big thank you to those of you who stopped by to have a chat to me at the FitPro Convention in Loughborough last month.  It’s a great atmosphere as you know, and as always, I made some really good connections again this year.

    I learnt some brilliant techniques at the various seminars I attended, both practical and theoretical, and to be honest, one of the main reasons I go to FitPro each year is to connect with other FitPros, exhibitors and presenters.  We’re all working towards the main goal: education, and attending Conventions is a superb way to help achieve that, as well as building relationships whilst we’re there.

    One of my favourite sessions this year was Graeme Hind’s session on making the right impression.  I was in fine company in the lecture hall, as sitting one side of me was Jon Lipsey, the Editor of Men’s Fitness, and on the other, was none other than Katie Bulmer-Cooke, Fitness Professional of the Year!

    Graeme’s session touched on the fact that with the over-use of Social Media, we’re now becoming less and less able to make the right impression when we meet someone face-to-face.  My question to you is: what sort of impression do you make when you first meet someone?  Take a step back and think about it for a moment.

    Tips I walked away with from Graeme’s session included: a) never throw someone’s business card away – you never know when you may want to contact them, b) stay connected to people you’ve met at formal and informal networking events, and c) get in touch with contacts past and present on a regular basis by either dropping in to their place of work, or simply phoning them asking: “Do you know of anyone who’d be interested in my services?”.

    Interestingly, since Graeme’s session, I’ve had local 4 medical professionals contact ME which is somewhat freaky, because I was all geared up to make the move myself.  These contacts have been in touch with me asking for access to MY client base to help grow the pre/postnatal arm to their business which they’ve recently tapped into.  It seems all that profile-raising I’ve been doing locally has put my name on the map as THE person to connect with.  It’s a fine position to be in let me tell you, and I’ve only got to where I am today through getting connected and networking aggressively.

    How well-connected are you?  Can you walk around the local area without being recognised?  I can’t, you see.  People stop me in the street all the time which has its positives and negatives, but it’s a great position to be in.

    Have a great day.

    Claire Mockridge
    Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert

    For details on my next Pre/Postnatal Exercise & Marketing Workshop see: www.clairemockridge.com/workshops

    Twitter: @ClaireMockridge
    Facebook Group: wwwfacebook.com/groups/ClaireMockridge

    Have a Wonderful Week.

    Best Regards



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