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  • Niche Bootcamps – Specialise Not Generalise

    Niche Bootcamps and Classes by Rachel

    If you area is packed to the rafters with Bootcamps and Classes you could try marketing a NICHE BOOTCAMP. I’ve write a few articles in the past for the newsletter about “Niche Bootcamps” and I would like to share some ideas.  For example Fat Loss Bootcamp for 40+ Ladies

    Juliette Page emailed me this week.

    “ I felt like I had come into the Bootcamp Market a bit too late. In my area we already had BMF, loads of outdoor Bootcamps and the local leisure centres are all catching on, so I thought I would narrow down my market and focus on 40+ Ladies…I am 45 and female so I AM my target market, I socialise with 40 + females, I have 2 x 40 + sisters, my friends are mostly 40+ , most of my Facebook friends are ……yes you guessed it 40 plus” said Juliette

    Which, of course, makes total sense. Juliette realised it would be easier to market to 40+ ladies as she is her target market.

    “I put a status update on facebook. 20 Ladies Over 40, wanted to drop a dress size, lose weight, tone up in a non intimidating environment”Nothing ground breaking, nothing unusual but targetted.

    I had 30 ladies contact me in 4 hours. I then hosted a free seminar workshop to everyone who had signed up so I could talk to them about fat loss, healthy eating, exercise and why they should come to my Bootcamp.

    Juliette promoted her seminar on Facebook and Twitter. Organising a Fat Loss Seminar at a local hotel and marketing it using social media earned her loads of credibility and elevated her from Instructor to Weight Loss specialist and speaker, which equals an EXPERT in her area. Without realising it Juliette had positioned herself differently to the other local Instructors by taking this professional way of promoting her business and services.

    The seminar involved a talk by Juliette on the best way to lose body fat, the best exercises, myths and misconceptions about weight. she created handouts and did a power point presentation.

    YOU are YOUR target market and will attract people like you to your classes and Bootcamp. You probably socialise with people of roughly the same age so why not capitalize on that and market your services to a smaller niche and become the GO TO PERSON for your niche!

    I would love to hear you thoughts on Niche Bootcamps.

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