This was a really huge week for me on quite a few levels. We launched the Kick Start Kitchen and all of the deliveries went out THURSDAY, so it was baited breath all round.
The response so far has been overwhelmingly positive and I (just like everyone else who had ordered) was tucking into Granola for breakfast, Thai Green Curry for lunch and Fish, Sweet potato mash, green beans and ratatouille plus a naked bar for dessert.
Loads of the orders came from C2Go’ers and Fitpros all who are super busy and struggle to do food prep and find themselves eating on the run. Stick to the meals and you cannot fail to lose body fat.
Moving forward – your order needs to be in by Sunday evening for delivery the following THURSDAY each week and you can order 5/7/20/28 days.
I am eating the Super Clean which is gluten and dairy free and we have designed the menus to be really refreshing to battle boredom as we all get stuck in food hole sometimes of eating the same things week after week.
The food is also perfect for the whole family as my friends 1 year old toddler was also tucking into the Thai Green Curry and White fish and sweet potatoe mash yesterday 🙂
To see all of the menus and order details click here
Love Rachel xxx
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