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  • Quick Instructor UPDATES


    It’s a busy week so here is a quick

    updates at a glance email.


    If you are umming & ahhrring

    about what to charge in 2015

    A fast read Blog post to help

    give you some clarity.

    £5’s DVD a few titles left so be quick

    before they all go  click here to view


    Fitness Pilates Certification

    next course with 4 spaces

    7/8th Feb 2015 Derby

    click here to view info and book 4 spaces left

    Kick Start Fat Loss Franchisees.We are expanding again ready for new classes and clubs to start in January.

    The programme is evolving

    with more more additional bolt on programmes.

    If you want to get involved

    click here for all of the information

    My Fitness Business Academy

    Coaching &

    Mentoring Course is back for 2015

    click herefor special offers & deals.


    Check out my New Kick Start For Beginners

    Youtube Video show!

    Simple nutritional info to help

    you make lifestyle changes


    Episode1 Fast burning Breakfast


    Episode 2 Go Gluten Free





    What do YOU Charge for Your Classes, Products and Services?

    “I’ve been asked me to teach a special…………

    class and I don’t know what to charge”

    “I’ve been asked to teach at XYZ club &

    I want to get my foot in the door as there could be great potential what do I charge…?’

    “I’ve created a new online mums and

    baby fitness programme what do I charge…?”

    I see these emails all of the time.

    I see this topic discussed on social media all of the time so I think its a topic that I may throw my twopenneth

    at as it seems to be pretty relevant as we are on

    the brink of 2015

    It could be a special class,

    or a new venue or perhaps you have created,

    a new online product or series, so here are a few tips to think about your services and products pricing.

    1.Understand the marketplace  – look at the bigger picture where do you want to be positioned.

    Do you want to be the RyanAir or the Virgin Atlantic,

    in other words price yourself low and get  more volume or high end getting fewer customers or clients who pay you more money.

    Only you can make this decision.

    2.Look at the value your class or product

    will being to your customer – Think about it,

    your fitness class or product can change your customers life. Make them slimmer, fitter, healthier, happier, more productive, less stressed…the list goes on so don’t price your self too cheap.

    List all of the amazing benefits your class or service has and then have a rethink on your pricing.

    3.Foot in the door pricing – How many times have you got stuck with this one!

    You price yourself really low to get your foot in the door as you see there could be future potential.

    Well, if the potential doesn’t show up and you don’t get any further than a foot in the door AND you are seriously underselling yourself then give yourself a time limit and if it doesn’t pan out  get out and move on.

    4. Your Communication and promotion

    Positioning yourself is key and so is your marketing.

    Why would someone pay one trainer £100

    per session and another trainer gets  £15?

    What can you bring to the table that is different?

    How can your method get the right results for your target market?

    Again, it all comes back to knowing exactly who you are marketing to, know your client avatar inside out and then position yourself accordingly.

    5. Check out the competition – what is the average price for similar products and services. Do you want to come in higher/lower or somewhere in between?

    Do you struggle putting a price on your services and classes? I’d love to hear how you work out your pricing Tweet me @RachelHolmes


    Have a wonderful day

    Catch you soon

    Love Rachel x

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