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  • Quit The Blame Game & Crack On – Motivation























    There’s absolutely No REASON why
    you’re not living a life you love



    Right Here….Right Now
    (I’ve always loved that line from a Fat Body Slim Track)



    We just love to make excuses
    we love to justify that behaviour.



    We blame people, events,
    circumstance, ourselves,
    family members,people who come to
    our classes…..in fact anyone or any
    life situation can come rolling into the blame equation.

    Blame. Blame. Blame.



    But the truth is, YOU Have the power to
    create or destroy the life you REALLY want.


    So my biggy of the day is……….drum roll please




    On Monday I didn’t get up in a positive mood.
    I woke up feeling grumpy, angry, stressed for
    time, disappointed, and generally not
    beaming with positivity.


    I was swimming in soup & could not
    move ahead.

    Something I had been working on
    just hadn’t panned out I was discouraged
    & disheartened.


    I had to have a real word with myself
    to turn it around.


    Affirmations, writing my motivation
    email to you, teaching my lovely freestyle
    classes, cuddles with my friends,
    running with my cousin….


    Turned it all round.


    But it got me thinking how do
    YOU really want your life to look in
    6 months,12 months from now…….


    You WILL wish you started that new business ideas – If you don’t someone else will do it thats a 100%


    You WILL Wish you got rid of that toxic class
    that’s draining you.


    You WILL wish you had got into the
    positivity groove and worked on your
    self development.


    You WILL Wish you had started
    that new class, attended that workshop, subscribed to that course.


    You WILL wish you had been brave
    enough to make a business plan and


    You WILL wish you had sorted out your
    sugar addiction, nailed your nutrition,
    worked on your 6 pack and dropped down
    to the body fat you REALLY want to be.


    So, while you are walking the dog, training,
    teaching, doing your accounts this morning ask yourself his question


    “What is stopping YOU from finally
    committing to the new projects”


    Sometimes just stopping for a moment
    to really give this some thought & clarity
    will inspire you to move ahead and a
    lightbulb will come on.


    Bust through those fears and get into the
    business of…just doing it…Like…NOW




    This happened to me Monday and today it’s full steam ahead designing the lifestyle and business I REALLY REALLY Want…


    Go get em Tiger….


    Have a Wicked Wednesday



    PLEASE TWEET me @RACHELHOLMES or email me about these newsletters I LOVE TO HEAR FROM YOU x


    Fitness Pilates Training course is happening
    in Glasgow
    15/16 November

    We don’t come very often so book on asap

    Click here to book


    All The Fitness Pilates Course Dates for 2015
    are available for booking


    Gain The  Level 3 Pilates Qualification

    all of the 2015 Courses are now up
    & online

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