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  • Sharing Some HOT Valentines Loving

    Sharing the Valentines LOVE
    It’s all about YOU Baby today.
    YES YOU!!!


    Click here to subscribe to get my
    positivity, fitness & business emails

    Are YOU so busy being busy that you are not realising
    your true potential.

    Are YOU teaching so many classes, juggling clients,
    family, friends that life is speeding by? I cannot
    believe its the 14th Feb……….

    YOU might be tempted to ask

    “How did this happen?”
    “How did I get  here”

    Don’t waste another second in no mans land.

    Are you ready to LIVE like YOU really mean it?

    Are you ready to get out of your slump, over your fear,
    stop bothering about what others might say or
    not say about you and REALLY plug into YOU?

    As a fitness instructor you have some serious power.

    You HAVE dazzling knowledge that so many people
    around you are desperate for.

    For 2014 its my unwavering belief we need to package it up
    a little differently and offer fitness, health & nutrition in
    unique ways.

    Lets get creative.

    Lets get busy and stop marking time right now.

    Sharpen up your marketing skills & seize the moment.

    BUT it all starts in one place.

    Your MIND.

    I know YOU have seriously passionate ideas.
    YOU are your own consumer + YOU know what
    your market wants and needs.

    Be BOLD. Think outside of the box. Be forward thinking
    & unleash your ideas, change the fitness status quo
    & move your life to a NEW level.

    Be CONFIDENT of your own abilities.
    Be in touch with your passion and lead the way.

    Remember EVERYONE wants to be happy & healthy
    and YOU have the tools to help them.

    As its Valentines Day today I wanted to inspire you to
    see the power & knowledge within you &
    inspire you to spread your
    message on a larger scale.

    Do it person in classes.
    Via your Social Media Platforms.
    Your website. Your newsletter. Your Groups.

    Theres a million and one ways now to build your
    business & brand.

    Try not to get freaked out or overwhelmed
    make a plan & get busy!

    Todays affirmation is simple –
    I love the simple ones if they are longer
    I forget them!

    “Happiness is a choice I make”

    Say it with a smile all day today.

    I HOPE you are still working on your
    affirmations & daily meditations, if only
    for 5 minutes. It’s just like training.
    you keep chipping away every day
    to strengthen your positivity muscles.

    Ask for want you want & then listen in meditation
    to what comes up.

    And, for Valentines I’m sending huge
    HUGS & PROSPERITY to everyone reading this
    email & a special shout out to all my single
    fitness girlies.

    Keep spreading the love and I’ll see you in the
    gym later!

    Feed yourself and your clients bucket loads of
    loving thoughts.

    All day (EVERY DAY) and get cracking on those ideas!

    Love ya

    Rachel xxx

    If you would like to get my positivity,training, happiness & business ideas
    emails like this one.
    Add your email address here

    PS I LOVE TO HEAR from you ESPECIALLY on Valentines day!
    Tweet me @RachelHolmes or Facebook.com/Choreographytogo
    Instagram RachelLHolmes


    I’m so EXCITED about this day.
    I’ll be covering lots of
    positivity tips, plus making more money
    in fitness and a whole host of things
    I’ve never shared before,
    but I think the time is right

    Its Saturday 10th May at
    The HILTON HOTEL East Midlands Airport
    which is Junction 24 of the M1 there is a train station
    right by and its dead
    easy to drive to.

    I hope you can make it.


    Are you A Group Exercise Manager of a Local Leisure Centre
    or Local Authority Trust or work for Council run Leisure Facilities?

    If so please email me for some exciting updates on how to offer Kick Start Fat Loss

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