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  • The Big One North 10 September 2011

    Hey Everyone

    Its been such a great August as I’ve bounced around teaching Retro Robics is South Africa, My brothers wedding in San Diego and coming back to Blighty with  horrendous jet lag and a to do list that stretches into 2015!

    Over a few too many glasses of South African Chardonny Steve Watson and Ceri Hannon talked me into having a trade stand at Big One North, so banners got ordered and stock was sorted, DVDs packed and Hoodies designed and I had my first Choreographytogo trade stand.



    The Big One North event totally rocked.

    I got there at 7am and the Metrodome was already buzzing with The Chrysalis Team, Instructors, Presenters, Sound guys, Equipment and Trade Stands you could tell it was going to be a great day.

    I set up my stand and started to mingle.

    Steve kicked of the day with over 150 people in his Ultimate Step, Lindsay Jays Zumba session was rammed, as was the brilliant Elisabeth Delsguard with her totally unique Rock N Roll Robics. The Functional Marquee enabled everyone to sweat it out and I swear I lost about 3lbs after my Body Shock Class, perspiration was literally running down my shins, even. Stuart Harrop provided us with his inimitable and highly amusing teaching style and his team teach with Neil Bates was outrageous.

    Steve Watson Step Class had over 150 Participants – Step was NOT dead in Barnsley!

    Jo and I teamed up with Ceri for  our Menage a Tois Masterclass which contained 3 basic freestyle hilo combinations. I will record them tonight for a new download and Kelly Reed taugh Crunchless Core and a beautiful Stretch class for the last session.

    Me and Kelly on the Choreographytogo Stand!


    The Big One events provides excellent value for money days with the best UK  and European presenters and is a must on all Freestyle Instructors calenders.

    We will be doing it all again on 1st October in Reading at Loden Valley and hope to see you there.

    We rounded of the night with a slap up meal at Browns in Leeds and I gave into temptation and had Fish and Chips so its now back on steak for breakfast and lots of cold baths (Thanks Paul Mort!) I finally got into bed at 230am nearly 24 hour hours later.

    Massive thanks to everyone that came up to my stand and attended my sessions. It was a just a top day all round.


    For your info:-)

    To book onto The Big One South 1st October http://www.chrysalispromotions.com/conventions.html

    My Outfits and Workout Clothing is all by Step N Pump Mention Rachel Holmes for 10% Discount http://www.stepnpump.com/

    Kellys Workout Clothing Step N Pump http://www.stepnpump.com/





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