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  • Time management, are you in control?

    The biggest and most humungous obstacle we all face is …..TIME MANAGEMENT.
    “I have all of these amazing ideas for product development, employing other Instructors, becoming a speaker, creating a new brand, but I’m struggling to fit everything in
    with my family life and personal commitments”

    With the best will in the world life has a way or taking you of
    track at times.
    Working in the fitness industry we have so much potential, so much to give, so much to offer and so many opportunities.

    But in order to make time in your life to develop your ideas you are going to have to make space somewhere, or get rid of unfulfilling tasks in the week to really drive your idea through.
    It comes down to how much you really want something. If you keep piling on more and more work on top of what you are already doing you will get burnt out and so resentful.

    Screen Shot 2016-07-27 at 07.37.29
    Have a think what you need to let go of, change or outsource and schedule in time to plan your new project.

    For busy fitness professionals who are juggling classes, one-on-one sessions and families, marketing, social media, keeping the learning going to keep pace with the ever shifting trends of the fitness industry, can be challenging if you aren’t organised.

    This means that structuring the way you work is vital if you are going to have time to learn, work, and have a life. The following are quick tips to aid you in getting across everything in your day, week, month and year so that you may get more done in less time.
    1. Decide you want to be massively productive and CRACK ON.

    Do what you need to do to get massively productive.

    Self-discipline is the key, make yourself do something that you need to do, whether you want to or not. Get on with it. If you want to be top in your field decide that you are willing to pay the price and roll your sleeves up and get stuck in.

    Eat that frog…Every day.

    Successful people do the things other people can’t be bothered to do.

    My Quick Tip – Whenever I sit at my desk I tackle the biggest job first. I don’t answer emails or phone calls until I have made substantial progress on a project.

    2: Is this the most effective use of your time?
    Ask yourself this question whenever you are doing something. Check your master list and and whatever you are doing “Is this the best possible use of my time and will this get me closer to my goals?”
    Whenever you embark on a task ask yourself this question

    “Is this the best possible use of my time right now?”
    3. Strategy breaks.
    Take two days a year, one day a quarter, half a day a month, one hour a week, and 10 minutes at each end of the day to plan and intend your day and sit down and work through your plans and goals.

    What do you REALLY want out of life?

    Get clear about what you want you want and what makes you happy.
    Only do what you deem is important, and only work from a list.

    As new things come in, add them to the appropriate list as long as it links to your goals, and cross them off as they get done.
    My Quick Tip – Make a to do list at the end of every day so your brain gets time to absorb it all while you are sleeping. Often you wake up with the answer to a problem or can make a decision if you write it down the night before.

    Have a masterlist then make a daily to do list that drives you closer to your master goals.
    4.Believe in YOURSELF!!!!!! THIS IS MASSIVE

    You have to behave as if you have already achieved your goals.

    So many confident FITPROS can get up and stand in front of a huge group of people yet underneath they feel unconfident and don’t believe they CAN do it.
    ….This can easily be addressed and changed with a mindset shift!
    Please remember everyone has the same fear!!!!
    We all feel this, everyone thinks secretly…
    “What if people think I’m a fake” or
    “I don’t my stuff” or “People will find out…”

    The sooner you can get over this and start acting, behaving and believing that you are the true professional you ARE things will change.
    You have to shift your mindset and then everything starts to fall into place.

    If you REALLY in your heart of hearts don’t
    believe in what you are doing and saying then it will show subconsciously.
    Believe in yourself and what you are doing & saying – This has to be one of my top tips.

    Whenever I talk to Fitpros about falling numbers or ideas that haven’t worked out I have to ask them, in your heart or hearts do you really believe in this?
    Have faith in your abilities and what you are doing and saying if you don’t
    this gets transmitted to everyone you come into contact with, people sub consciously
    pick up on that and they lose faith in what you are saying and doing.

    My Quick Tip – Put 100% into any venture you go after. Live and breathe it with your heart and soul for maximum success. If your confidence gets a knock have some inspiring music on or listen to a good self-development audio or podcast.
    5. Get Outside and Change your Environment – This is a big ONE
    Think about where you get your best ideas. It’s hardly ever sitting at your desk, so set up rituals that get you away from your work environment to access different parts of the brain.
    Quick Tip. If you are a social/people person like me, I can only work for about 4 hours at my desk productively, then I have to see another human being!

    Get out, take a quick walk, go to the super market, post office and break up your office time, you will still get as much done. I get my best ideas when I’m teaching class or in the shower.
    6. Chunk your time
    Put things together so you can get things done. This means making all your phone calls in one hit, putting sessions back-to-back, then having administration time, then planning time. Plan to get things done in one sitting without distraction.
    Do and work things only once; don’t read mail twice, open mail twice, choose what to do and don’t stop until 100% complete.

    Don’t chop and change.

    Focus until over the line, don’t get distracted. Doing this can decrease the time it takes to do a task by up to 80%.

    7. Clearing.

    Get stuff out of the way that is in the way. Clear thinking, clear relationships, get things off your mind, don’t carry it around with you.

    The reasoning behind this is you don’t need unresolved issues filling your creative mind. Your mind needs to be clear to be creative, so if a relationship, or situation is bothering you clear it up and get on with it.

    8. Use travel time effectively

    Travel time can take up many hours each week. If you add up all the hours across a year it can add up to a university semester. Why not use travel time efficiently and use this time for learning. There are great books and podcasts that can be listened to while travelling to and from work. Use your travel time as learning time.

    My Quick Tip – This is something I do every journey its my number one tip to learning and staying motivated.

    I’ve listened to hundreds of audio books & podcasts while I’m driving or flying. I then arrive at my destination motivated and inspired and have learnt new information.

    9.Do Something that scares you – Take a Risk/Get Uncomfortable

    Pushing yourself into the unknown or to an uncomfortable situation is great for growth and personal development. Start a new class, organise a talk, set up a new online programme…go on make a move and get things done.

    There is SO many opportunities in health and fitness right now

    Make a plan and go grab them!

    Happy Wednesday

    I hope you all have amazing classes today 🙂

    Love Rachel xxx

    Follow me on Snap Chat Rachel L Holmes
    Do you want to gain your Level 3 Pilates Qualification?

    Pilates Instructors are so sought after
    and there is a high demand for classes nationwide.

    I have 2 more courses running in 2016

    Derby 16/17/18 September

    London 11/12/13 November

    If you would like to book
    or leave a deposit click here
    Have you booked onto my next FREE
    Kick Start Discovery Day in
    Leicester 5th August 2016
    1 – 4 click here

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