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  • Top Tips for Improving Mind Body and Soul in 2014

    Top Tips for Improving Mind, Body & Soul

    for 2014 from Rachel x


    I’ve been studying Gabrielle Bernsteins May Cause Miracles Book

    for the last 3 months and I’m redoing the 40 day practice.


    I love doing the morning reflection, writing my daily affirmation which I repeat

    through the day.


    Especially when negative self talk creeps in.


    I even set my phone alarm

    to beep hourly to bring myself back into the moment………..


    My meditation is still a bit “patchy” but I’m practicing daily

    and it really helps with mental clarity, goal setting and achieving the things

    I really want to experience in my life.



    I truly believe if we want to live the life our dreams, being fit and healthy

    and inspire more and more people to lead healthier and happier lives, then

    its important to work internally on our thoughts and our mindset.



    You teach classes, go to the gym and are generally fit and strong

    but are you paying enough attention to your thoughts?



    Are you embracing self love?



    Are you treating yourself with kindness?



    Are you constantly playing out negative thoughts?



    Over the next few days its a fabulous time to prepare for the future.



    My affirmation today  to “ Forgive everyone, let go of everything & 

    listen to your intuition and innerguide



    This message pops up on my phone every hour to remind me – Try it

    you’ll be amazed how much your mind has wandered of down

    some crazy negative path…..



    YOU have all the answers and know exactly what is right for you.




    I begin my Kick Start Fat Loss 21 day Online Detox on 2nd January.



    Ive filmed 21 brand new workouts from beginners to advanced

    and I’ll be adding in daily mediation and affirmations.



    click here to book your place




    You can join the detox for £37 today Saturday 28th December


    before it goes back to regular price of £47 on Sunday.


    I would love you to join my on the journey.

    Wishing you a wonderful saturday


    Love Always






    PS If you enjoyed this email please Tweet me @RachelHolmes or Facebook me Id love to know what you think…..


    or find me on Instagram where I post loads of motivation and updates.



    You can purchase Gabbys book on Amazon or via audio on itunes

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