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  • What Shall I Tweet? by Rachel Holmes

    I have had loads of emails and questions about “What shall I Tweet” so here are some ideas for you. Remember the first thing to really work on is who is your market and who are you tweeting to? Try and narrow down your target market, being all things to all people is usually too hit and miss. Fine tune who you are actually talking/Tweeting to

    Who Is your market…..Again!

    I know I keep banging on about who actually are you aiming to become your clients and here I go again here 🙂

    Yummy Mummies wanting to lose baby weight?

    Older fitter adults?

    Disillusioned Health Club members who aren’t getting desired results at the gym?

    The Fat Loss Crowd?

    Busy execs?

    Time poor women juggling career, family, home, mates

    Business owners

    Over 40’s? Over 50’s? Over 60’s? Over 70’s


    These are only ideas and not necessarily the correct niche for you.

    Once your basics are clear and you are ready to give Twitter a go, keep the following in mind:

    •Talk about experiences, views, opinions that are central to your brand or personality. So if your target market that’s is older fitter adults, talk about anything that relates to this market, etc. Ensure that your talk is contextual to your brand and not far away from what it believes in. Also, ensure that it is relevant to what is being spoken in that point of time in the newspapers or television and hook in to current events and affairs

    •Be funny. When you are funny, people not only like what they say they also share it. So when people know it’s you who is saying this stuff they want more and listen. This causes your word to be spread and increase your reach within the network that you have established. .

    •Ask questions so that people respond. Remember mentions? Yes people responding to what you say will increase your mentions and thereafter increase the network your tweets reach out to. Each time you ask a question you also have the chance to receive views and opinions that people have about you.

    •Make it a habit to tweet. Do tweet each time you have something interesting to say or share. If possible tweet at least 5-8 times a day and remember to spread what you share. Don’t tweet 6 times in a row. Tweet with well spaced intervals or else people will be bored and unfollow you. Also, do not share information that’s been shared before or is apparent.Engage with your followers

    •Use major trends to your forte. If you see something that is a trend and that can be used for your brand, add it to your tweets. Use trends only and only when they make sense and have a brand fit and never otherwise. Also never use trends in each tweet.

    •Leave trails. Leave links to your twitter profile every time you make a blog post or a comment online anywhere. This is if people agree to what you have said they will also like to hear more from you.

    •Make it a habit to respond to those who follow you. Thank them or simply follow them back. As a check you may also ask them as to what encouraged them to follow you. But remember its good etiquette to thank those following you.

    •Retweeting is a fantastic option to use to share information. But if you are retweeting someone be courteous enough to use their twitter handle to show the source. This is something you would like others to do for you as well. So its important to put things into practice.
    These are just a few simple tips to get tweeting but tweeting efficiently.

    You can follow me http://Twitter.com/RachelHolmes and I’ll follow you right back

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