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  • What Will You Teach In 2017?

    Do YOU REALLY know deep down
    what is your passion?


    Did your fitness teaching career
    just kind of…….happen?

    This weekend I attended a cracking
    conference called Women in Women’s
    Health in NYC

    And the one statement
    that resonated
    with so many of the attendees
    in the room was….

    “I actually don’t know what I
    want my fitness
    life/business to look like”

    “I’m not really sure
    where I want to go with my
    teaching / fitness career”

    Is this YOU?

    Did you just kind
    of “get”
    fitness & then
    before you know it
    are teaching lots of classes,
    PT’ing or Massaging or all 3….

    AND… not too sure
    where you are heading next?

    Is this YOU?

    Before you sign up for another

    Have a really good think about
    what your next move should be.

    Think about what drives you….

    What motivates you…..

    What REALLY is your passion…

    Do you want your business
    to be more online/less physical teaching?

    Do you want to educate / present to other teachers?

    Do you want to specialise
    with a particular client group or demographic?

    As its coming up for holiday time
    its the perfect time to kick back
    & have a good think about
    what’s next for you.

    I always find you get the best ideas when you are
    chilling & if you still not to sure…

    Don’t PANIC.

    Don’t Stress.

    It will come to you when the time is right.

    Make DECEMBER the month you get really
    CLEAR about what you want in life, fitness
    and business.

    Have a wonderful TUESDAY


    PS Have you booked the MANCHESTER
    Fitness Pilares For Orthopaedic Conditions
    on 5th February 2017
    Places are being snapped up

    Click here to book

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