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  • 19 April 2012 Instructor Newsletter from Rachel

    Here’s another action packed newsletter. Yet again I have some enormous thanks to give for the continued feedback. As I keep saying in every newsletter, it makes it so worthwhile when I hear from you about the articles. So keep Tweeting, Facebooking and emailing me your comments.

    I’ve written a lot today about the Fitpro Covention as I felt this year it was so different, If you came to Fitpro expecting the same as last year – you didnt get it. The winds of change are definitely blowing. It’s an exciting time for all of us in the industry and I wanted to report my highlights to you all today and get your views and take on it all.

    Please Tweet me @RachelHolmes and let me know what you think.



    Ive added more Tough Girl No Jumping/Power Downloads this week so if you have class members that want to train hard but without plyometrics then have a look. This series has been MASSIVE this week and the most popular download of the week. Click here to see latest downloads


    KSFL 2stone + Program


    My brand new KSFL2012 2 + for people with over 2 stone to lose kicked of this week. Ive filmed 15 new 10 minute home workouts and rewritten my KSFL Diet for this program and so far its going really well. I’ll keep you posted on the progress and data. Im trying a few new techniques with this group so lets see the results in 28 days time.


    Level 3 Online PT Qualification


    This week I’m offering the Level 3 Personal Trainer Qualification with £100 discount. If you went along to Fitpro and now are looking to get into teaching and coaching Small Group Training (SGT) thn if you have Level 2 Gym you can now access this course. Click here for all of the information Email me for details

    Fitpro Live – Spring Convention

    It was the Fitpro Live convention this weekend and it was pretty fantastic. I’m still buzzing with ideas and it’s Wednesday. This year the differences between Fitpro and IFS were vast, in fact it was like seeing the industry from the complete polar opposites. Both conventions had talented and inspiring presenters and speakers from around the world, but both had very distinct focus, look and feel and very different objectives.

    Historically, Fitpro is always more academic. With more nutritional, business, research and PT seminars, plus the Group X and freestyle section are much smaller than at IFS. This year, in my opinion, the lectures surpassed previous years just by the quality and standard of information.

    This year the FP timetable boasted some of the world’s most prolific speakers. If you came to build your business, learn the most current nutritional information, mindset and goal setting research, then this convention is for you.

    The Industry is changing

    I have walked away from the weekend seriously contemplating my business, my future and what I can offer over the next 12 months. I came away from IFS elated, happy and motivated, both very different and equally as valid.


    Fitpro made me really think hard about what needs to change and how I can progress myself as an Instructor, Presenter and Business Owner and the information I teach to clients and fellow Instructors.


    I think Fitpro redefined the future of the Group X Instructor – a little more of this later.


    I’ll run through some of the sessions and let you know how I found them.


    My favorite presenter was Dr John Berradi. His nutritional, fat loss, fasting, and body transformational information was outstanding, his knowledge was unbelievable and he engaged you completely from the offset. I’m also interested to see how speakers deliver their content, and yes I may have just a tiny crush on Dr Berardi as he is so handsome, but his delivery style captivated me from the offset.


    I have come away with so much, new, cutting-edge and inspirational fat loss and body transformational material that I will be applying to my KSFL programs. His material is particularly relevant to what I am doing with KSFL right now, enabling me to implement ideas and knowledge I learnt straight away.


    Dr John Berardi is a fat loss pioneer. His information is easy to understand and apply, the mark of an exceptional speaker.


    Will Power and Grace


    My favorite practical session was by a US presenter, Stacey Lei Krause.

    Stacey Lee Krause is the creator and developer of the Will, Power and Grace program. You may have seen this already being taught through the Virgin Active health clubs, here in the UK.


    I have seen Stacy on many videos and downloads but actually seeing her in the flesh teaching her incredible program was pretty cool and amazing. WP&G is a very simple concept, but the way she controlled the group and choreographed the routine was outstanding. A mark of a true professional that “gets it”


    WP&G fuses Yoga, Pilates with Dance and beautiful transitions and power conditioning, all barefoot. You can see why it’s so popular as it’s beautiful to participate in and watch..

    She also presented Barefoot Running, which again is a highly original concept and one which I will take many ideas and inspirations from for my own future presentations. The concept behind barefoot running is to strengthen the foot and ankle building up from running a few minutes a day to running 30 – 45 minutes barefoot


    As ever, I enjoyed Bobby Cappuccio, his speaking skills are fantastic and his knowledge on goal setting, and again fat loss made you look at how you deal with clients from a different perspective.


    Actually, there were so many amazing sessions, I wish I could do the whole weekend again and attend some of the sessions I didn’t make this time.


    Speaking to fellow delegates and C2go members a popular session was presented by the exuberant and highly knowledgeable, Jenny Burrell. Her postnatal workshops were a huge hit as they were at IFS. Jayne and Greg Sellor rocked it with their HIIT Tabatta Team Teaching class and I LOVED teaching Fitness Pilates.

    It was wonderful to meet so many people who had never been to my sessions before and to introduce them to FP – My session was the final one on the Friday and I thought it would be quiet and everyone zoned out, but how wrong could I be – I didn’t have enough equipment and the session was busy and buzzing. Thanks to everyone who came along!


    I also enjoyed some of the research updates which are a must for all Group X and PTs. Rodney Corn, Ian O’Dwyer and Anthony Carey all presented intense physiology and anatomy sections, that were extremely interesting and useful.


    Having said that, the UK really did us proud. Convention favorite presenter, Helen Carpenter -Waters totally rocked it with her Swing and Burlesque sessions. HCW is THE most original presenter. Her sessions are like no other, totally unique to Helen and if you have not had the pleasure of attending you MUST put it on your to do list for the future.


    Jayne taught a brilliant FFY with an encouraging number of men attending. Jayne reports more and more men are attending the FFY course which made for a great atmosphere at Loughborogh. Paul Morts session were also well received as was Lisa Cuerdon, Delvin Clarke and Jane Chinery


    As Fitpro and Les Mills have now parted company and are 2 separate entities. Fitpro are pushing ahead with functional training and their prediction for 2012 and beyond is Small Group Training.


    As you have been reading about small group training in the newsletter for the last 12 months SGT was everywhere last weekend. Using limited amounts of equipment, results based training is where all of the major chains are now looking. With this is the emergence of the Hybrid instructor. An instructor that possesses great group exercise skills and teaching coupled with the biomechanical knowledge, screening and nutritional education of a highly qualified PT.


    Cultivating the Hybrid Instructor appears to be the way ahead for Fitness Professionals. Results based training is massive and many sessions didn’t even use music.


    The Emergence of the Hybrid Instructor


    I’m really excited about the emergence of the hybrid instructor. Personal trainers definitely need the skills of the Group X-instructor and we can teach personal trainers so much about personality, interaction, group skills, camaraderie. Couple that with an in depth knowledge in biomechanics, nutrition and coaching and we have the new hybrid Instructor or coach or even lifestyle facilitator, which is what so many of us reading this at C2GO strive to be.


    I was excited by hearing Dr Berradi’s vision of a fitness professional for the future. The Fitpro of the future will be, a coach, will be armed with the latest nutrition and fat loss information, a lifestyle facilitator, and exercise and fitness guide. This instructor will harness the power of the Internet, and online portals via apps, websites and social media to guide help and empower his or her future clients. This is the vision I am most excited about; merging programs like KSFL both online and off-line with group exercise both Large and Small with lifestyle information and advice makes us well versed to tackle the needs and wants of our clients going forward.


    Go to the Conventions


    I’ve expressed many times that I think it’s vital that all fitness instructors go along to the major conventions in the UK. Not just because the sessions are brilliant, they are inspirational and you do walk away with a whole different mindset.


    But the networking, chatting with finding out about what people are doing is completely second to none. And you can’t do that by just reading Facebook and Twitter. You’ve got to get out there, you need to meet people, and totally see for yourself where the industry is going. Attending the convention will give you a clear view of where you want to go and take your business and your teaching over the next 12 months.

    There are exciting developments ahead and, of course, I will be bringing you all the most cutting-edge information over the next few months in the newsletter, downloads and podcasts.


    If you went along to Fit Pro this weekend I would love to know which sessions you enjoyed. We chatted to so many C2GO members who are diversifying into all different fields of fitness and coaching. It is so exciting and I don’t think there’s ever been a more exciting time to be in the fitness industry than now. Fitpro is leading some revolutionary changes in the UK industry and this is a fantastic time to be involved Tweet me @RachelHolmes



    Jayne Nicholls


    Still buzzing from the fitness convention last weekend, it takes me a week to get my thoughts into place. It is without doubt the place to be for moving forward and seeing exactly what is out there in terms of advancements, competition and opportunity. I don’t think that I have ever seen such a compatible atmosphere before and somehow the very many different things just all seemed to slot together. When it comes down to it, it was most likely that the hosts were impartial this year. As Les Mills has left the building it was more about ”try it” and less about ”buy it”. We had so many PTs actually take part in our sessions and realise that they can do what we do. Plus it shattered a few myths about how and why we sell group sessions to the public.


    The stars of the show were those who can turn their hands to many different things.


    The big message was think for yourself, brand yourself, create your own workouts and keep moving forward.


    Great discussion with one instructor and one that I pose to you.

    Is step dead? Are we looking at this as an industry or as an individual? If I bought steps and put on a class it would sell. If I look to the industry for step motivation I am unlikely to get it BUT as a business it makes good sense due to the fact that no one else is doing it at the moment.


    Big question – why do we all want to do and look the same?


    The biggest moans were from instructors who mourned the fact that the Convention was not the same as it used to be. This is because it represents change. If we do not change we stay the same.


    Let us know your thoughts.


    Jayne Nicholls www.groupxtraining.com




    Mission accomplished


    By Claire Mockridge

    Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert


    Hi there everyone,


    So, who had an amazing time at FitPro? Wasn’t it brilliant?! I love Fitness Conventions and I always find FitPro mind-blowing and educational from a Professional Development perspective, but, this year for me, it was different. I wanted to go to FitPro 2012 to increase my profile as an Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert, and guess what? It worked! Mission well and truly accomplished!


    Primarily, I wanted to expose myself to my target market and to get my networking skills on whilst I was there, so I booked on as many Pregnancy and Postnatal Workshops as possible, because this is where other Ante/Postnatal instructors would be. I made sure I chatted to any Instructors around me about their pre/post PT businesses and classes etc, and made time to talk shop and catch up on the industry gossip with the Pre/Postnatal Presenters before and after each session. We all like a bit of gloss now, don’t we? I’ve managed to organise a collaboration with another Ante/Postnatal Expert now, as a result of this conversation. How awesome is that?!


    Another highlight was a session with Jon Lispey, Editor of Men’s Fitness Magazine on “How to build your Media profile”. A fabulous workshop which covered topics such as: how to get fitness articles published in Fitness Magazines, how to get a Press Release featured in local press, how to get on local radio etc. This is something we all want help with, isn’t it? During the session, I asked Jon a rather curly question. The Presenter answered it tactfully, then afterwards he gave me a good 15 minutes of his time to give me further clarification of what he meant, and asked my opinion on a product he’s due to launch soon. I tweeted him the day before he was presenting saying “I’m looking forward to your session at FitPro, Jon.”, and he tweeted me back, so I told him he scored some Brownie points for that, so now guess what?! I’m forever ingrained in his memory, and he has my contact details and we’ve been in touch since then. Twitter is useful in situations like this, so stop underestimating Twitter as a business tool and get on there and get networking. I’ve built quite a few relationships over the last few days as a result of FitPro and being on local radio talking about my Theo Paphitis #sbs Award, so get using Twitter, or follow me, to see how it’s done: @ClaireMockridge.


    Another lecture I found fascinating was John Berardi’s “Intermittent Fasting: Fact or Fiction”. It was particularly relevant for me, as I was actually doing a 24-hour fast on the 2 days I was at FitPro. I knew the food on offer at the University would most certainly NOT be clean, and it was definitely the right decision for me to fast both days. Since starting Rachel’s KSFL in mid-January, clean eating has really opened my mind to this subject area and I was keen to broaden and back up my knowledge of this fasting business, and I was not disappointed. This guy was amazing. Really cutting-edge, but his delivery was outstanding. I really didn’t want to leave.


    Oh, did I mention I hooked up with the Media guy at John Berardi’s Workshop by casually asking him what he was up to later? Oh, yes, I did. Remember, you’re never going to get anywhere in business if you’re shy. And, if you want to make connections with the right people, sometimes you’ve got to be proactive, seek out and find them. The world doesn’t get handed to you on a plate, unfortunately, and this is true in business too.


    What I wasn’t expecting to happen at FitPro though, was for instructors and other FitPros to recognise ME as soon as I walked in to a room. When I first arrived, it took me over an hour to get to the Registration Desk through the Exhibition Hall, because I had to keep stopping and chatting to instructors, stall holders and other industry types. It was all a bit overwhelming, but in a great way. I’d like to say a big thank you to you if you came over and introduced yourself to me. It means a lot. It really does. It was great to meet the faces behind all these Facebook and Twitter profile pictures too, so thank you again.


    So, all in all, I’d say it’s been a pretty awesome week for me and my Claire Mockridge Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert “brand”. FitPro was great exposure for me and I will certainly be booking on it next year. You never know, you may even see my name on the Presenters schedule for 2013!


    Tour date for my Pre/Postnatal Exercise and Marketing “Bridging the Gap” Workshop is 19-20 May 2012 at David Lloyd in Derby. It’s not just pre/postnatal exercise content you’ll learn here, it’s also the marketing and business acumen skills required to find, retain and build rapport with pre/postnatal clients. For more details of this Event, see: www.facebook.com/ClaireMockridgeBridgingTheGap


    If working with pre/postnatal clients appeals to you, why not join my Private Facebook Group for FitPros who either: a) want to get qualified to teach pre/postnatal or, b) are already qualified, but want hints and tips on making their business more successful: https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/clairemockridge/


    Or, connect with me here:


    Facebook: www.facebook.com/clairemockridge1

    Twitter: www.twitter.com/clairemockridge

    Blog: http://clairemockridge.wordpress.com/


    Bye for now.


    Claire Mockridge

    Ante/Postnatal Fitness Expert




    Passion by Sally Ghafoor


    Passion is one of the things that makes you succeed in life, if your passionate about something – its exciting, you can’t wait to deliver it, you become infectious, everybody wants to know about what your talking about because you are buzzing, you are loving what your doing.


    Lets look at the Titanic, well it is the 100 year anniversary and I do live in Southampton, from where it set sail! More so, I want to talk about the Titanic movies, how many of these have been made, a fair few and until Titanic with Leo and Kate came out, they all flopped. So why did Leo and Kate’s Titanic make box office history? It was because of one man and his passion about The Titanic, the director James Cameron.


    James Cameron is so passionate about the Titanic, he has visited the wreck on numerous occasions, it has been said he eats sleeps and breathes The Titanic, and with that passion – how could it not have been a hit. He knew everything about Titanic, he took the emotion of the event into the film, he wanted the audience to see what happened that night and realise what a tradegy it was, yes everyone knew the ending – it sinks but not everyone knew the fear, the loss, the emotion of that night and the feeling of loss for decades after. He took his passion and pushed it out to those who thought it was just another movie about a ship that sunk and he made them fall in love with it, his passion put to the forefront of our minds those people that lost their lives that night. The result a box office hit.


    So how can you translate this into your life – what are you passionate about, what can you talk and talk about and never get tired of it? It wont seem like working will it, get blogging about what your passion is and watch those opportunities open up. People will be interested in what you have to say because if your so passionate about it you can get it across to them. People are passionate about looking good, we are in the business of helping them achieve just that. So get your passion out there, go get your box office hit.


    I launch what i am passionate about next Tuesday – it is the last call for my 6 week online nutrition workshops for more info go to http://sallyghafoor.com/?page_id=24


    Sally Ghafoor




    Trends and The London Marathon

    By Marvin Burton


    The past few years have had some influential changes to the Fitness Industry. I can’t remember a time where so many products, programmes and changes have taken place – That have actually shaped the industry.


    The “functional” wave of destruction that divided weight rooms into Lifters and movers. You either pressed it or rotated it. Neither understood the common principals which both shared and many battles were discussed only to conclude that they we’re both trying to achieve the same goal!


    Zumba. If you had a successful latin dance class, you don’t now! The dance craze has filled community halls and schools with the most expensive pair of green trousers you’ll ever see. Sending Karate schools into a panic because they can’t block book a hall for months on end and service the same 3 kids that were stuck on yellow belt!


    Boot camps. Gangs of nut cases that meet at the crack of dawn to take part in a transformed circuits class that nobody would attend until – The only way is essex cast classified it as “cool”


    We’ve reinvented Kettle bells and dangled from suspension training straps.

    So my big question is… What’s next?


    More dance class styles? More Tabata’s? Who knows.


    From my trips to the US, as I mentioned in 2011, a reduction in class duration seems very popular and scientifically logical. (30-45 min)

    Paleo nutrition is on the rise. It has to be with the effects of man-made damage to the environment and food quality decreasing. It also makes logical sense.


    Equipment wise. I’m picking up something called Sand bells next week. I’ll be rolling out education and qualifications across Europe. The Hyper wear weight vest seems very popular with dance classes as well. So the top trend might be Marvin Burton, Functional Zumba!! I won’t be purchasing the trousers though I’m afraid!

    Answers on a postcard if you can predict the future or have something you want to make us aware of. Tweet us all with #whatsnext and show us what we’re going to be subjected to. Orange trousers maybe!


    The London Marathon

    This weekend is the marathon. I’m running in fancy dress. It took me months to decide what I should run as. So many outfits have been used throughout the years. My favourite must have been the suit of armour a few years ago. Last year a soldier had a washing machine of his back. I searched and searched the internet for inspiration but the best outfit was an obvious choice. I have my apparel ready and have already (to my embarrassment) trained in my suit many, many times around my local area. Cars have driven past with people waving and one person even took a photo. This year I will be pretending to be…. A runner!! Untrained and trying my best to be nothing like one of these creatures, I will pretend to be a runner for hopefully only a few hours on sunday morning. I’m not even wearing a watch. That’s how much of an extremist I am.

    If you see me. Please, help me. I’m not looking forward to it. I’m living in the shadows of an Iron man last year. I got my space from the ballot, first time I’ve entered and only did it so that if I wanted to enter in the future, I’ve at least got a history of applying.

    Not one to be ungrateful at my £30 entry fee, I will run the best I can and be very happy at the end.


    In preparation leading up to the event. These are the things I considered to be the most important:


    1. Mobility. Daily working on my hips, feet and glutes. Ensuring they are not tight, stiff or restricted. Using foam rolls, tennis balls, power plates, baths and Epson salts (magnesium sulphate) to soak my feet in. Remember not to soak every day though or you’ll soften your skin and increase the risk of blisters and tears.


    2. Hydration. Using a product called nuun. I like this! Sugar free and cheap electrolyte replacement.


    Drinking coconut water everyday as well. Wonderful stuff. You should research the benefits.


    3. Getting everything ready early. The run alone is stressful. So get equipment out early, then spend time relaxing. I like watching success stories from people on you tube, reading books of use (not fantasy) and listening to music.

    For anybody entering who hasn’t before. Wear a bin bag! You’ll be standing at the start line and getting cold. Family and support not allowed. A bin bag will keep you warm and you can rip if off like the incredible hulk moments before the start.

    Watch me on BBC this weekend.



    Marvin Burton


    Marvin Burton





    Everything Must Change…..Nothing Stays The Same.! by Andrew Crawford

    On the weekend I popped my head into Loughborough to see what was cooking…..I’m glad I did because I bumped into one of my two favourite past Fitness Industry Mentors when I was starting out……Martin Chidley.

    The other one, by the way, was Helen Henderson hailing from Newcastle.

    Both were inspiring and charismatic people….and still are today..!!

    It was absolutely fabulous to see him and hear that he was STILL teaching and inspiring his clients….like he did for me..!! Fantastic.

    Martin is [21 x 4 -12+ 9 x 3 + 63 x2-3] years old (work that mofo out…!!! lol)

    We talked about how the Fitness Industry had changed and everything in it….since the days when ‘STEP’ was first introduced into the industry.

    Remember that? …I think it was around 1990… Lord have mercy…!!

    I was also engrossed in a conversation with an Instructor talking about the changes in Instructors fees…….None…..

    As far back as I remember..it has been STUCK on £27.00 an hour….apparently the more nimble yoga and pilates teachers command more for their efforts..!

    I think I mentioned this before in a previous article but a newly qualified firm little fine figure fresh faced female Instructor can walk into a centre and earn the SAME as a 15 year plus experienced veteran…I mean.. Instructor.. who is multi faceted, multi qualified, multi tasked, multi cliented, varied classed, ppl’ed, insured, (well….at least I hope so…lol), multi conventioned, multi CD’ed, MP4’d, DVD’d, been through the mill…..and back again, multi coloured lycred, various hi tec trainers with Louis vuitton sports bag and smelly sweaty socks…!!!

    This reminds me of the George Benson track…words as follows…

    “…..the young become the old….Mysteries do unfold

    Because that’s the way of time….Nothing and no one goes unchanged…”

    Close your eyes and Listen to it here….


    So Andrew….

    What has Martin Chidley, Georgie B, fine figured fresh faced females and change got to do with finance?

    Well folks….on the 6th April everything regarding tax and allowances changed..It was a new financial year….OK……some of them changed…others did stay the same…!

    Here is a run down of the areas that may have affected your business..

    Personal Allowances

    For those aged under 65 the personal allowance will be increased by £630 to £8,105.

    The personal allowance is reduced by £1 for every £2 of adjusted net income over £100,000. So for 2012/13, the allowance ceases at adjusted net income in excess of £116,210.

    Tax Band

    The basic rate of tax is currently 20%. The band of income taxable at this rate is being reduced to £34,370 so that the threshold at which the 40% higher rate of tax applies will remain at £42,475.

    The 50% additional rate of tax currently applies where taxable income exceeds £150,000.

    If dividend income is part of total income this is taxed at 10% where it falls within the basic rate band, 32.5% where liable at the higher rate of tax and 42.5% where liable to the additional rate of tax.

    National Minimum Wage

    From 1 October 2012:

    • the adult minimum wage rate will increase from £6.08 to £6.19 an hour
    • the youth development rate will remain at £4.98 an hour
    • the 16-17 year old rate will remain at £3.68 an hour and
    • the apprentice rate will increase from £2.60 to £2.65 an hour.

    Your having a Steffi Graff…….would you work for £2.65 per hour??…Exactly..!!

    Child Benefit

    Legislation will be introduced to impose a new charge on a taxpayer who has adjusted net income over £50,000 in a tax year where either they or their partner are in receipt of Child Benefit for the year.

    Where both partners have adjusted net income in excess of £50,000 the charge will apply to the partner with the higher income.

    The income tax charge will apply at a rate of 1% of the full Child Benefit award for each £100 of income between £50,000 and £60,000. The charge on taxpayers with income above £60,000 will be equal to the amount of Child Benefit paid.

    Child Benefit claimants will be able to decide not to receive Child Benefit if they or their partner do not wish to pay the new charge.

    This charge will have effect from 7 January 2013 and for 2012/13 will apply to the Child Benefit paid from that date to the end of the tax year. The income taken into account will be the full income for 2012/13.

    Working Tax Credit

    Basic element – max. £1,920

    Childcare element

    70% of eligible costs up to £175 per week (£300 if two or more children).

    Child Tax Credit (CTC)

    Child element per child – max. £2,690

    Family element £545

    Mileage Allowance Payments

    Surprise surprise….there was no changes to the mileage figures for car and vans….although petrol went up again…!!!

    Up to 10,000 miles


    Over 10,000 miles






    These rates represent the maximum tax free mileage allowances for employees and the self employed using their own vehicles for business. Any excess is taxable. If the employee receives less than the statutory rate, tax relief can be claimed on the difference.

    Capital Allowances:

    Plant and machinery – Annual Investment Allowance (AIA)

    The AIA gives a 100% write-off on most types of plant and machinery costs, including integral features and long life assets but not cars, of up to £25,000 p.a. (£100,000 for expenditure incurred before 6 April 2012 (1 April 2012 for companies). Special rules apply for accounting periods straddling these dates.)

    Any costs over the AIA fall into the normal capital allowance pools. The AIA may need to be shared between certain businesses under common ownership.


    For expenditure incurred on cars on or after 6 April 2009 (1 April 2009 for companies), costs are generally allocated to one of the two plant and machinery pools.

    Cars with CO2 emissions not exceeding 160gm/km receive a 18% (20%) allowance p.a.

    Cars with CO2 emissions over 160gm/km receive a 8% (10%) allowance p.a.

    Special rules apply to accounting periods straddling 6 April 2012 (1 April 2012 for companies).


    Annual Registration Limit – from 1.4.12 £77,000

    Annual Deregistration Limit – from 1.4.12 £75,000


    Inheritance Tax

    If your death estate is over £325,000 there will be 40% tax on the excess….SELL..!!


    There’s ways around this particular tax that you will never have to pay it…!!


    National Insurance


    Class 2 (self-employed) flat rate per week £2.65


    Small earnings exception p.a. £5,595 p.a.


    Class 4 (self-employed) 9% on profits between £7,605 and £42,475 plus 2% on profits over £42,475


    Sorry guys that it is facts and figures this week.


    Remember….Nothing and No One Goes Unchanged…!!




    Andrew Crawford


    Visit our website at: www.fitnessindustryaccountants.com for more FREE resources and articles.

    ‘Like’ our page at: www.facebook.com/fitnessindustryaccountants

    Andrew Crawford can be contacted on twitter @tax4fitness or info@fitnessindustryaccountants.com



    Have a wonderful Thursday

    Love Always

    Rachel xxx

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