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  • Busy Beginners Tips for Simple Meditation

    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here










    “How do you meditate?”

    “Is there a right way?”

    “Is there a wrong way?”

    “Can I do I do it lying down?”

    “My mind wont slow down….”

    Have YOU actually tried
    to meditate on a daily basis?

    We find so many barriers to
    experiencing  meditation.

    And, I am SO not an expert

    But if I can do just 5 mins a day
    then I know you

    I bet you have a jumpy,
    ideas filled, to do list crammed,
    things to do crowded, projects to
    finish mind that never stops chattering.

    Dwelling on the past, projecting
    into the future, steaming of down
    negative highway, dreaming &
    fantasizing  at a million miles an hour.


    You need to train your meditation
    muscles then.

    Build it up from just a few minutes
    a day – just like a training programme.

    Heres What I do…
    I write down & think about what help & guidance
    I need for the day. Then  spend 5 – 10 mins,
    maximum, aiming to sit in stillness, breathing
    & listening to what comes up.

    It’s really not complicated or difficult.

    1: Find a nice, tranquil space to sit or lie in.
    I use a favorite room in the  house overlooking
    the garden.

    2: You canuse music or a guided mediation at first.
    There are millions on youtube & itunes.
    I love Gabby B’s, Marianne Williamson
    but there are literally hundreds to try.

    Sometimes I use a guided meditation. sometimes

    I like quiet, depends on my mood.

    3:Breath slowly & deeply and allow thoughts
    come in & out of your mind – all thoughts/any thoughts.

    4: Listen to what comes up, feelings,
    emotions, listen to your inner voice.

    I like to write in my notebook
    immediately after as I often get
    ideas & inspiration. Gabby B calls
    this ~ing writing. I really enjoy this

    You may only mange 2 minutes
    but thats so cool. 2 minutes of clarity,
    of getting your day in order, of dealing
    with thoughts/emotions & feelings.

    Its so GOOD for you.

    You don’t have to mediate in a morning.
    I often do it as an afternoon pick me up.

    It’s YOUR meditation you can make it
    work however YOU want to.

    I hope that helps.

    As I say, I’m really
    no expert But I hope my
    little simplistic guide helps you
    get into it.

    Let me know if you try to mediate,
    want to mediate or a seasoned vet.

    Todays affirmation is again from Marianne Williamson
    book A Year of Miracles

    “Today I recognise the miracle
    in all things”

    Today make sure you notice all of the
    miracles around you.
    Be fully present & engaged today with life.
    Connect with everyone that comes into your day.
    Don’t miss an ounce of todays awesomeness!

    Have an AWESOME Day
    Love Rachel xx

    Tweet me @RachelHolmes

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    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here

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