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  • YOU are Unique. Mondays Motivational

    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here

    Track_01_02_0023It’s so tempting to do everything as expected.

    To keep playing the game, going through the motions,
    & playing small
    but where does that get you…

    In the end?

    It’s not fulfilling, and when you look back
    its such a waste of your talents, ambitions,
    energy & inspiration.

    Letting what others think of you
    govern your actions,
    crowd your ambitions & halt your goals

    Is just ludicrous in the grand scale.

    YOU, have so much more
    to offer the world, your family & your friends.

    With all the all the best intentions.
    With all the positive affirmations
    & mindset.

    We ALL get stuck in the day to day grind.
    I do it. You do it.

    How can you not?
    It can be hard to break free from those

    As I write this email today
    I’m sitting on a plane with no wifi!

    Which is such a drag…..HA (Come on Virgin. WE need onboard wifi!)


    Theres so much more to go at.

    So many experiences to have.

    So many dreams to fullfill.

    So many ideas to pursue.

    People to meet.Places to Go.

    It can be overwhelming.

    My BIGGEST fear is I go to the grave not having
    reached for my own potential AND  not having
    inspired YOU to do the same.

    Hence these emails 🙂

    But YOU have a special gift.

    A gift no one else has.

    YOU are YOU.

    There isn’t anyone else like YOU.

    YOU are unique. A total individual.

    A total one of.

    How awesome is that?

    So, make the most of it. Go out & take control,
    Seize the moment and control your destiny.

    YOU HAVE  to. I Insist.

    Come on. Lets step up & create the life & business
    you REALLY desire.

    My affirmation today is from my role model
    Gabby B (She just seems to have it all going on!)

    “I release All That does not serve my highest good”

    In my language that means get rid of the rubbish/toxic/crap
     & focus on the good/happy/nice etc.

    It’s all about mindset & perception. It really is.

    TWEET me @Rachelholmes….go on I want to hear from you?

    If you are not on Twitter then WHY not? Join the conversation
    I’ll always respond on Twitter 10000%

    LOVE YA & Lets rock Monday.

    Rach xx

    I Would Love to meet you.

    I have 2 big live events  organised
    & I’d so LOVE to meet you & get to know you.

    Make It Happen Seminar
    10th May Hilton East Midlands Airport.

    You can jump on this and find out more here

    Kick Start  Fat Loss Lifestyle Event

    This is the most immense event I’ve ever organised.
    Ive got THE best speakers & talents Like
    Phil Richards. Jenny Burrell. Jo De Rosa. Jayne Nicholls.
    Kim Ingleby. Mairi Taylot & little old me

    7th June Come and Join me

    Happy Monday Motivation Keep reaching for the stars

    For all Fitpros who want to reach more people, earn more money & have a happy life in the process – leave your email here

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