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  • C2go Newsletter 11th January with Guest Blogger Jayne Nicholls


    Good Morning!

    Over the next few weeks, I’ve invited fitness influentials to write up a “true/real life account” of how they are feeling right now industry related. This week it’s Jaynes turn – It’s a great read. ENJOY.

    I launched my latest Group Exercise concept last week in Surry.  
    Lift Lean™ is a new group exercise class and nutrition programme. Many of you piloted it with me online and now it’s set up to as a live class. Click here to see the launch and all about the concept.

    Need class content and choreography ideas? HiLo Creative Choreography 18 click here

    Tonight I’ll be live in my private Kick Start Facebook group talking about sugar cravings, eating plan adherence, motivation, real world nutrition.
    The Thursday night talks are always loaded with tips, updates and news and if you are not a member join me – the group is very interactive and helpful click here to join 

    Course news.

    * Fitness Pilates this weekend in Manchester.
    *Social Media & Business Building day in London
    click here
    C2GO is offering the Level Teaching Exercise To Children 5 – 16 years again as an online option – such a huge growth area. click here for all the info

    Jayne Nicholls

    It’s the time of year when we should be rubbing our hands together and welcoming everyone in with open arms.
    Isn’t it?
    Just a few minor problems:

    • There is a flu/cold/manflu epidemic
    • Weather is the worst we have had in years
    • It’s dark – very dark at night
    • TV is picking up
    • People are generally broke and miserable

    I say people as if they are a different race to you and I when what I really mean to say is did you see Silent Witness, glad I have no plans for the next 14 days and tell you how much I am enjoying polishing off the Christmas cake. You may be thinking that I have crossed the line and gone over to the dark-side but no, it’s the same every year, I generally lack new year lustre, preferring to marinate in the warmth whilst carb loading.

    Unless you are working for one of the operators, the new years’ rush can take a while to get off the ground. But make no mistake – IT WILL COME. Every high has a low, up a down, the Yin and Yang of our profession.

    I have a few hints for kick starting your classes and your teaching this year. Things to focus on and things to let go of.


    1. Making a plan – in your classes over the next few weeks plan head and make this plan heard by all who attend. They need to understand that results take time and in order to achieve results we need to fix all of the little things that impede change. Like dogs and cats, exercise and good health are not just for Christmas, they are a permanent fixture that need constant consideration. Let your clients know that if they drop out for periods of time they will miss the building blocks that create the foundations for their perfect selves.
    2. Make it tough – Honestly I would forget about breaking people in gently. Go for it over the next few weeks, make it hard for them to keep up, make it tough for them to get through the session and make them leave with an overwhelming sense of achievement. If we lull them into a false sense of security by making it way to easy, they may fail to understand the need to be better.
    3. Make them laugh – if people have fun – they will come back. Today – I had so much to say but lost the entire group when I mentioned the word orifice in opening meditation. No hope from there on it was like an hour of the double entendre. What we lost in stillness we made up for in fun – not a problem. I think laughter trumps introspection at this time of year anyway.


    1. People pleasing – you just can’t do it. They really need to get on board with you and what you are doing. You are guiding, coaching, mentoring, teaching and in order to do these things with any degree of success the client needs to invest not only their money but their trust in you and what you say.
    2. Worrying about adherence – The only person in control of attendance is the person attending. If you are worried about lack of numbers then focus on the people who are not coming for a bigger business not the people who attend.
    3. Doing what people expect you to do – Marks and Spencers and Waitrose really took their eye off the ball with Aldi and Lidl. They bumbled along nicely when the lower budget supermarkets who followed the same model were their only competition, a hierarchy was formed and each had attracted a demographic but this years’ profits must have them freaking out. The superfast checkouts and the fact that you can buy a motorbike jacket, yoga mat and kitchen scales from the centre isle are nothing compared to the fact they they use local produce, sell vegan options and cut your weekly bill in half. The jack of all trades has just become the master of high street food retail – watch and learn.

    We really have no choice but to embrace the highs and the lows that our lives have to offer us. I am not sure about you but I am still my happiest self in group exercise whether teaching or participating. We must all capitalise upon this joy – share it – hang on to it and allow it to colour January.

    If we have not met – Jayne Nicholls www.groupxtraining.com
    J a y n e
    Jayne Nicholls
    0116 239 6802


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