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  • Instructor Newsletter 23 March 2017

    Good Morning 

    So another IFS2017 Blackpool rolls on by and what an incredible event. Sessions were so busy this year and as always, the vibe at the Wintergreens was amazing, the rooms are just fabulous to teach in, it was wonderful to see so many C2Go’ers who are still flying with their classes around the UK.

    Are you dealing with Clients With Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes 

    Here is an interview I did with Nutritionist and Expert Phil Graham.Phil covers all the do’s and don’ts. click here 


    If you missed my blog on supplements here it is click here 

    5 Fitness Questions 

    Rachel L Holmes

    1: How Do You Stay Motivated In Your Fitness Business – I constantly go to events, listen to podcasts, read books and watch YOUTUBE videos. I have about  5 people I watch all of their content as I find it so inspiring.

    2: What is the most popular class you teach – Kick Start, Fitness Pilates and my HiLo and Step classes are busy every week still.

    3: Are you Working ON Building An Online Side To Your Business And If So Give Details – CONSTANTLY Yes I am building a new Kick Start website right now which will have a lot of different features and programmes on, I’d also LOVE to create a dating app of some description plus myself and Yvonne Radley and Charlie Stone are building a new digital business as a side project.

    4: Favourite Training Course You Have Done – 1000% Going to the Mindshare Convention last year but I love Jenny Burrells Women On Fire Event.

    5: Which Is Your Favourite Social Media Platform- I use Facebook daily and I am putting a lot of energy into growing Instagram and Youtube.

    5 Fitness Questions Jay Banks

    International Fitness Personal trainer of the year.


    1: How Do You Stay Motivated In Your Fitness Business – I write down 3 wins for my business everyday and celebrate them Instead of focusing on the things that may not have gone right that day.

    2: What is the most popular class you teach – Pilates is my most constant popular class. More and more people are reading and hearing about the benefits and realising that once they start they need to continue to keep the benefits.

    3: Are you Working ON Building An Online Side To Your Business And If So Give Details – I already run a very successful Kick Start and Alpha male body transformation online business but an now about too launch some online products to help New Personal Trainers entering the industry.

    4: Favourite Training Course You Have Done – As my wife will say I love a certificate so I do attend a lot of courses, but the Training for Warriors course I attended last year really has stuck with me. The presenter/ instructor Martin Rooney was so engaging and made the 2 days so interesting.

    5: Which Is Your Favourite Social Media Platform- Right now for me it’s still Facebook.

    It’s where I stay in contact with most of my family and friends plus my target market that I sell my online products to are still hang out.

    I do like Instagram but I get a a bit addicted at looking at my like one photos.

    My Top 10 Tips For A Successful Day-Retreat

    by Jo De Rosa

    Going into a retreat is important and don’t let anyone talk you out of doing it if it feels like a good idea (from your heart). As a yoga teacher it always was my dream to have my own retreat centre, and was something I worked towards as I could see the benefit of taking extended time out of your regular life. 

    I take myself OUT of my normal world so that I can clear the cobwebs and get focused on where I am and where I’m headed. I like to do the same retreat each year as then I have a very definite reference point for how much I’ve changed in the last 12 months. I will give you an example: when I started going to Samye Ling Monastery in Scotland back in 2006 I would cry as I left as I knew that I was going to ‘lose’ the magic that I felt as soon as I had my first drink, which was sometimes on the train home. However, in subsequent years when I had stopped drinking the euphoria effect could last for months. The retreat I have just done is exactly the same each year, which brings about the perfect opportunity to measure the changes in my own mind, which is very very powerful. 

    At Inner Guidance we have many teachers who hire the house at the same time each year and bring their students, and we have repeat customers on our own retreats too at the same time of year. It becomes your ‘thing’, your way of topping your energy up so that you can live a high vibe life, and give more to everyone around you. For you cannot give anything if you yourself are depleted and exhausted.

    Obviously going to a centre is hugely beneficial because you really do get to wipe the slate clean, and don’t have the distractions of home: phone, washing, kids, pets, jobs to do etc…

    However, if it simply is not possible to get out of the house then creating one day for yourself needs to be meticulously planned. So I thought I would give you a few pointers as to how this could look and some tips to making the most of this precious retreat-day. 

    Here are my top 10 tips for success:

    1 Book your retreat day in the diary well in advance. It is a priority

    2 Tell everyone that you live with what is going on, and if you prepare food for them etc see if someone else can take care of that for you. Once you’ve got your day scheduled, make sure your emails are up to date and to do list / housework is done = so that this baggage is out of your way

    3 Turn your phone off or on silent and let your landline go to voicemail, it can all wait for a day

    4 Digital detox: don’t go on social media; this is a biggy as it sucks our energy and we can easily lose an hour or two on Facebook

    5 Have activities planned that make your heart sing. Examples could be: having a massage, manicure/pedicure/facial, reading a book, a long hot soak in the bath, a walk somewhere you don’t normally go, yoga, a visit alone to the seaside, swimming, whatever floats your boat. OR you could go to a spa for the whole day and take your book with you. This bit is so individual and only YOU know what makes you feel happy, relaxed and COHERENT. The trick here is to do this ALONE; you are reconnecting to your soul and this can only be done ALONE. Read inspirational material only, stuff that lifts you

    6 Schedule in meditating for an extended period; this is your chance to step up your game

    7 Treat yourself like you would treat your best friend, or anyone else in your care, hopefully this is going to be the beginning of an amazing new relationship; with YOUrself

    8 Plan in some really lovely ‘soul’ food; healthy and filling. You want to ‘feed’ yourself beautifully and kindly on every level, so whether you are at home or out make sure food is a priority 

    9 Journal your experience during the retreat day AND afterwards as you reintroduce yourself back into society(!). What have you learned from the experience? What have you discovered about yourself? How did you feel before and how do you feel after? What shifted? 

    10 Please do not feel bad about taking a retreat-day (or weekend, or week, or 2 weeks). Everyone in your life is going to benefit from the relaxed and happier you. Your energy will shift which means that theres will too = win/win all round. This is another biggy to get your head around as it seems selfish on the outside to take yourself off for the day/week, but actually it is just the opposite: think about it; you are showing those around you how they should also be taking care of themselves (and you); deep subliminal messages are being broadcast. So enjoy your day 🙂

    11 At the end of the retreat-day, schedule in the next one!

    Ok so that was 11 tips!

    I go into retreat myself twice a year, once to the monastery to do the compassion retreat (who’s remembers the blog ‘Hairy Armpits’ back in 2014?!), and the other six months after to do a private retreat (doing my own thing and no schedule at all). They are very different but bring about the same effect for me: balance on every level. Both involve a lot of extended meditation practice, which has a hugely beneficial effect on my inner world; which therefore HAS to bring about a change in my external landscape. 

    This is WHY we go into retreat

    This is WHY we meditate

    We know that doing the inner work is going to have a positive effect on every area of our life

    So, tell me, when are you going to schedule in your first/next retreat?

    And check out my retreat centre if you’d like to indulge in a whole 48 hours of YOU-time, or are looking for a high-vibe venue to bring your group….

    Web: www.InnerGuidance.co.uk

    Email: jo@innerguidance.co.uk

    Facebook:  InnerGuidanceRetreatCentre 

    Bridge Over Troubled Waters….!!!

    by Andrew Crawford

    WTF happened on Westminster Bridge today….??

    (WTF – What The Flip)

    Many families devastated. Innocent lives lost. The whole country is in turmoil.

    Now onto the weekend…………

    Ah….But first…Let me say a Big Thank you to all those who took part in my small competition last week. I had a good response, so I decided that not only the first person to reply won but also the top 5..!!…It was sooo close. 

    Watch out for more of those little beauties. In the past I have given away a £50 note plus bottles of my favourite tipple, Veuve Cliquot…. 

    So…what happened on this weekend?

    Lord Have Mercy…I am just getting over it. ..!! 

    I met a lot of wonderful people. I talked, hugged, kissed the whole nine. Now….unfortunately, I didn’t get to see everyone, which is always the case and is such a shame because that is a place (Blackpool) where one can ‘catch up’..!!

    If we didn’t get to connect (Louise Back) you can catch me on FB or any of my sites.

    So Andrew……

    What has Westminster Bridge and Blackpool got to do with Accountancy & Tax??

    Well…Westminster is where they make up all these rules we follow like rules concerning imigrating to the UK. In determining whether a person is liable to UK income tax we must look at their residence status.

    If you are a UK resident person, you are liable to be taxed on your worldwide income. If you are non resident, you will only pay tax on your UK income.

    If you are a visitor and was in the UK for 183 days in the tax year you will be UK resident. So….stay one day less….(182 days makes you non resident…!!).

    If you leave the UK permanently, which is 3 years or more, you will be treated as a non resident from the date of departure. However, your UK visits must average less than 91 days per annum over a 4 year period.

    If you come to the UK permanently, 3 years or more to live in the UK, you are resident from the date of arrival.

    With companies, it’s about the same.

    Remember Starbucks & Amazon?? There was plenty of talk about those companies because Starbucks and Amazon paid no corporation tax. Other companies like Facebook and Google paid very little compared to their income.

    I’m not saying that the meeting, perhaps over coffee & cake, between the head of HMRC and the head of those companies had anything to do with any ‘tax write-offs’ but as soon as it hit the headline…BOOM….it hit off the headlines faster than…….WTF….did that go???

    I’ve said this once and I will say it again, a company is resident in the UK if it is registered here or its central management and control in located in the UK.

    If proved to be resident, it pays UK tax, otherwise…..no UK tax is payable.

    So for instance, if you was to open up a company in Cyprus and all decisions and meetings are held there and you only have a subsidiary in the UK …..you will only pay UK corporation tax if you carry on a trade through a ‘Permanent Establishment’………question…..would you operate in the UK as a permanent establishment?……………Exactly……No permanent establishment, No UK tax….!!

    So….Make sure all your ‘major’ decisions and meetings are done on a beach ‘outside‘ the UK…..you get me..??

    Watch and model how the ‘Big Boys’ do it…!!  

    They finance their UK operations by loans or licences. 

    So when turnover is reported they can reduce the income considerably…like Starbucks did.  Remember when it made sales of £398 million but made a £33 million loss??….!! 

    Not a bean of tax was paid….genius..!!

    If you’re familiar with Microsoft word…..’Copy, Cut , Paste……Rebrand….’


    And how does Blackpool come into this?? 

    Make sure you set up your company in a hot climate country….not some wet, Cold & miserable mofo..!!


    Prayers go out to all those who got caught up in the London incident.

    Also…as I mentioned, I decided to launch one of my latest projects last Friday.  

    Check it out here:


    You’ll hear more about this during the year.

    Keep your eyes and ears peeled and take care of yourself & your families, let’s build a bridge over troubled waters..!!  xx

    Andrew James Crawford






    Workshops, Events and Training Courses 2017

    Don’t forget to claim your funding from Sport England.





    How To Start And Explode  Your Online Business  

    1 Day Workshop With Yvonne Radley Nottingham 20th May 

    click here to book.




    BRISTOL – Fitness Pilates For Orthopaedic Conditions  

    3rd June Aztec Hotel Click here to book.

    THIS IS NOW endorsed by NASM and AFFA




    Fitness Pilates Training PLUS get your funded place click here 

    Birmingham   13/14 May

    Manchester 13/14 May 2017.

    Endorsed by CIMSPA





    The Brainft Workout™ Training Course LONDON 25th March

    Booking and Funding Details Click here .




    Level 3 Pilates 

    Birmingham 31st March,1,2nd April

    click here 




    Fitness Pilates For Back Care Online Certification

    On offer Click here 


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