Rachel Holmes Podcast Show with Special Guests Claire and Deb from Amazing Jane Activewear
Rachel Holmes Podcast Show with Special Guests Claire and Deb from Amazing Jane Activewear
Rachel Holmes Podcast Show with Special Guests Claire and Deb from Amazing Jane Activewear
I am just sorting out music for Fitness Pilates presentations and was going through my mixes and scrolling FB, as you do, and I noticed on a few of the Instructors Groups people commenting about wanting class music ideas. So, if you are in need of some musical inspiration I thought I’d share my current favs 🙂 …
Today I am talking to women running successful Fitness businesses wth children – which is probably the majority of my C2GO readers. Many of you will know Danni Evans, Michelle Jermy and Kelly Ravenscroft and here are their inspirational stories 🙂 Project 2000 – Danni Evans Well, in the world of Masters Crossfit (aged …
C2GO Newsletter Featuring Fitness Super Mum Badasses Read More »
People LOVE to be part of a Fitness brand or tribe.FACT. Getting YOUR brand together, looking professional, slick and cool is a must if you want to move it forward. It doesn’t matter how small you are, a professional branding fitness business IS THE way to go. How well you sell your new class idea …
C2GO Newsletter 24th March For this weeks newsletter I want to go back to C2GO’s roots as it is coming up for mine and C2GO’s birthday YEAH (Clapping emoji) My heart has always been in teaching community classes. I started hiring out dusty old church halls, with awesome sprung floors, stages & lighting back in …
My Periscope Workout & Motivation If you haven’t watched one of my SCOPES just click the link and check it out. Get a few ideas for class and see what this Periscope thing is all about (You don’t need an app to watch just click the link) click here to watch now I have …
How are you? I hope you are having a fab week. I’ve been on the road again in Sutton Coldfield launching more KSFL clubs & getting ready for the webinar tonight. So another busy one You can jump on tonight at 915pm. It’s all about tweaking your nutrition to get better results physically and …
Do you need to get back on track? **** I’ll be holding LIVE Kick Start Launches throughout January It will be awesome to see you? **** Can You make it? Come and have a chat with me and your local Kick Start Fat Loss Franchisee and together lets really get your …
Hows everything all going? Are you excited for the Christmas break and wondering what 2016 has in store? It’s such an exciting & magical time of year so as we start to look and plan the new year here are some inspirational ideas. 🙂 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The Movement Join The MOVEMENT Do you love Step Do …
Time To Reflect December is always a great time to reflect and take stock. What worked really well? What did you love doing and want to do more of? What was difficult but worth it in the end? What do you need to change? As we start to gear down and look forward to well …